10 research outputs found

    Plasma rotation diagnostics at the FT-2 tokamak based on the upper hybrid resonance backscattering enhanced doppler effect

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    Observations of enhanced Doppler frequency shift effect of the highly localized microwave backscattering in the upper hybrid resonance are reported. The experiment is performed at FT-2 tokamak, where a steerable focusing antenna set, allowing off equatorial plane plasma extraordinary wave probing from high magnetic field side, was installed. A separate line less than 1.5 MHz wide and shifted by up to 2 MHz is routinely observed in the backscattering spectrum under condition of accessible upper hybrid resonance. The enhanced frequency shift is explained by the growth of poloidal wave number of the probing wave in the resonance. Development of a new scheme for local diagnostics of fluctuations poloidal rotation based on this effect is started.У статті описуються спостереження посиленого ефекту Доплера в спектрі сигналу розсіяного назад у верхньому гібридному резонансі зондувальної хвилі. Експеримент виконаний на токамаці ФТ-2, на якому недавно були встановлені рухливі антени, що дозволяють здійснювати зондування плазми електромагнітними хвилями в незвичайній поляризації з боку сильного магнітного поля. За умови доступного верхнього гібридного резонансу в спектрі розсіювання спостерігалася лінія шириною менш 1.5 МГц, зрушена до 2 МГц. Ефект пояснений ростом полоідального хвильового числа зондувальної хвилі в резонансі. Почато розвиток нової схеми локальної діагностики обертання плазмових флуктуацій, заснованої на цьому ефекті.В статье описываются наблюдения усиленного эффекта Доплера в спектре сигнала рассеянного назад в верхнем гибридном резонансе зондирующей волны. Эксперимент выполнен на токамаке ФТ-2, на котором недавно были установлены подвижные антенны, позволяющие осуществлять зондирование плазмы электромагнитными волнами в необыкновенной поляризации со стороны сильного магнитного поля. При условии доступного верхнего гибридного резонанса в спектре рассеяния наблюдалась линия шириной менее 1.5 МГц, сдвинутая до 2 МГц. Эффект объяснён ростом полоидального волнового числа зондирующей волны в резонансе. Начато развитие новой схемы локальной диагностики вращения плазменных флуктуаций, основанной на этом эффекте


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    The article provides the authors’ proprietary data on the epidemiology of allergic rhinitis, as well as the results of assessing the adequacy of existing approaches to diagnostics, monitoring and treatment of children in Volgograd. A retrospective descriptive research was conducted using the data of 330 outpatient medical records of children aged 1 to 16 years diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. Analysis was made of the age at which the disease was verified, the diagnosis formulation, family medical history, related allergic diseases, therapeutic and diagnostic tactics. It was found that an average of 5,5 years elapse from the time the symptoms are identified to the time a diagnosis is made. 21% of children have first symptoms of the disease already at an early age (prior to 3 years). 71% of children had it in combination with other allergic diseases. Second-generation antihistamines are now increasingly used for treatment of allergic rhinitis, while intranasal corticosteroids are still not used frequently enough.Key words: pharmacoepidemiology, epidemiology, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, children


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    Objective: To evaluate the prospects of a new noninvasive technique for measuring airflow obstruction in pediatrics. Materials and methods: The spirograph SuperSpiro with module MicroRint. Indicators of airflow obstruction (FEV1, PEF) and airway resistance (Rint) before and after inhalation of 200 micrograms salbutamol (test with bronchodilator) were measured in 36 children of 5–6 years old with asthma. Calculated the growth/fall in the second attempt on the outcome of each method, then the data series for each method were compared with each other. Results: FEV growth averaged 14,5%, an increase of PEF — 17,5% by the end. Fall Rint index averaged 0,25 kPa/l/s. Under positive-sum test according to the ERF (30 patients out of 36) Rint drop occurred in all cases, and an average of 0,28 kPa/l/s with. Correlation (Rint and FEV r = -0,93, Rint and PEF r = -0,96) between the indices is very high. Conclusion: The technique Rint is an alternative to the classical spirometry in young children.Key words: children, allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, airway resistance, test with bronchodilator


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    Authors give information on limits of population norm for expiratory and inspiratory resistance by the interrupter technique indices (RINTexp and RINTinsp accordingly) in 214 healthy children 3–6 years old. Estimation of RINT was performed with spirograph Super Spiro with MicroRint module. Parameters of RINTexp and RINTinsp are similar in boys and girls. RINTexp depends on height of a child. Information on limits of normal rates is presented in this article, and this data can be used in diagnostics of respiratory pathology. Key words: children, age, resistance of airways, RINT, norm.(Voprosy sovremennoi pediatrii — Current Pediatrics. 2010;9(5):30-34


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    The article provides the authors’ proprietary data on the epidemiology of allergic rhinitis, as well as the results of assessing the adequacy of existing approaches to diagnostics, monitoring and treatment of children in Volgograd. A retrospective descriptive research was conducted using the data of 330 outpatient medical records of children aged 1 to 16 years diagnosed with allergic rhinitis. Analysis was made of the age at which the disease was verified, the diagnosis formulation, family medical history, related allergic diseases, therapeutic and diagnostic tactics. It was found that an average of 5,5 years elapse from the time the symptoms are identified to the time a diagnosis is made. 21% of children have first symptoms of the disease already at an early age (prior to 3 years). 71% of children had it in combination with other allergic diseases. Second-generation antihistamines are now increasingly used for treatment of allergic rhinitis, while intranasal corticosteroids are still not used frequently enough.Key words: pharmacoepidemiology, epidemiology, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, children.В статье подробно рассмотрены вопросы эпидемиологии и фармакоэпидемиологии аллергического ринита у детей г. Волгограда. Результаты проведенного исследования выявили: существующие подходы к диагностике и лечению аллергического ринита у детей не соответствуют международным и национальным рекомендациям. Терапия назначается эмпирическим путем, направлена на быстрое снятие клинических симптомов, а не на долговременный контроль аллергического воспаления. Ключевые слова: фармакоэпидемиология, эпидемиология, аллергический ринит, бронхиальная астма, дети. (Педиатрическая фармакология. – 2009;6(6): 60-65

    Hydroxycobalamin catalyzes the oxidation of diethyldithiocarbamate and increases its cytotoxicity independently of copper ions

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    It is known that some metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Au) markedly increase the toxic effect of thiocarbamates. It was shown in the present study that hydroxycobalamin (a form of vitamin B12, HOCbl), which incorporates cobalt, significantly enhances the cytotoxicity of diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), decreasing its IC50 value in tumor cells three to five times. The addition of HOCbl to aqueous DDC solutions accelerated the reduction of oxygen. No hydrogen peroxide accumulation was observed in DDC + HOCbl solutions; however, catalase slowed down the oxygen reduction rate. Catalase as well as the antioxidants N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione (GSH) partially inhibited the cytotoxic effect of DDC + HOCbl, whereas ascorbate, pyruvate, and tiron, a scavenger of superoxide anion, had no cytoprotective effect. The administration of HOCbl into DDC solutions (> 1 mM) resulted in the formation of a crystalline precipitate, which was inhibited in the presence of GSH. The data of UV and NMR spectroscopy and HPLC and Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) indicated that the main products of the reaction of DDC with HOCbl are disulfiram (DSF) and its oxidized forms, sulfones and sulfoxides. The increase in the cytotoxicity of DDC combined with HOCbl occurred both in the presence of Cu2+ in culture medium and in nominally Cu-free solutions, as well as in growth medium containing the copper chelator bathocuproine disulfonate (BCS). The results indicate that HOCbl accelerates the oxidation of DDC with the formation of DSF and its oxidized forms. Presumably, the main cause of the synergistic increase in the toxic effect of DDC + HOCbl is the formation of sulfones and sulfoxides of DSF. Keywords: Diethyldithiocarbamate, Disulfiram, Hydroxycobalamin, Vitamin B12, Oxidative stress, Cytotoxicit


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    Objective: To evaluate the prospects of a new noninvasive technique for measuring airflow obstruction in pediatrics. Materials and methods: The spirograph SuperSpiro with module MicroRint. Indicators of airflow obstruction (FEV1, PEF) and airway resistance (Rint) before and after inhalation of 200 micrograms salbutamol (test with bronchodilator) were measured in 36 children of 5–6 years old with asthma. Calculated the growth/fall in the second attempt on the outcome of each method, then the data series for each method were compared with each other. Results: FEV growth averaged 14,5%, an increase of PEF — 17,5% by the end. Fall Rint index averaged 0,25 kPa/l/s. Under positive-sum test according to the ERF (30 patients out of 36) Rint drop occurred in all cases, and an average of 0,28 kPa/l/s with. Correlation (Rint and FEV r = -0,93, Rint and PEF r = -0,96) between the indices is very high. Conclusion: The technique Rint is an alternative to the classical spirometry in young children.Key words: children, allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, airway resistance, test with bronchodilator.Цель: оценить перспективы применения новой неинвазивной методики измерения функции внешнего дыхания (ФВД) в педиатрии. Пациенты и методы: использовался спирограф SuperSpiro с модулем MicroRint. У 36 детей в возрасте 5–7 лет, страдающих бронхиальной астмой, проводились измерения показателей ФВД — объема форсированного выдоха (ОФВ1), пиковой скорости выдоха (ПСВ) и сопротивления дыхательных путей (Rint) до и после ингаляции 200 мкг сальбутамола (проба с бронхолитиком). Вычислялся прирост/падение показателей второй попытки относительно исхода каждого метода, затем ряды данных для каждой методики сравнивались между собой. Результаты: прирост ОФВ1 в среднем составил 14,5%, прирост ПСВ — 17,5% к исходным значениям. Падение индекса Rint составило в среднем 0,25 кПа/л/с. В группе с положительным исходом пробы по данным ФВД (30 больных из 36) падение Rint имело место во всех случаях и составило в среднем 0,28 кПа/л/с. Выявлена корреляция между показателями: Rint и ОФВ1, r= -0,93; Rint и ПСВ, r= -0,96. Вывод: методика Rint для детей дошкольного возраста является альтернативой классической спирометрии. Ключевые слова: дети, аллергические болезни, бронхиальная астма, сопротивление дыхательных путей, проба с бронхолитиком. (Педиатрическая фармакология -2011; 8(3):38-46