6 research outputs found

    Formation of teacher's innovative culture in the educational space of a medical university

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    Introduction. Improving the quality of public health service largely depends on the level of the existing innovative culture in the educational space where future medical specialists receive a specialized education. Methodology. Innovative pedagogical activity has some specific features as a specific kind of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of new goals, content and organizational conditions of the educational process in order to optimize it, increase its productivity and effectiveness. The conditions for successful innovative pedagogical activity are as follows: effective management of innovation processes at different levels of the education organization, inclusion of local innovations in the unified logic of the innovation process, creation of organizational prerequisites and a system for assessing the effectiveness of innovation; assistance in enhancing the professional competence of teachers, their interest in innovation; ensuring favorable psychosocial work environment of teaching staff, creating the atmosphere of creative search. Results. The teacher's innovative culture is oriented towards the formation of the innovative culture of future specialists. Increasing the innovative culture of a medical university teaching staff and engaging them in innovative activities is a didactic condition for improving medical specialists training. Discussion. Students in the educational space of the social and humanitarian disciplines are offered active practical activities to stimulate social training. Conclusion. Well-formed teacher's innovative space makes future specialists understand that improving the quality of life depends on laborious work on their spirituality, morality, and worldview. They acquire experience of professional activity on the basis of universal humane values. © 2018

    Formation of teacher's innovative culture in the educational space of a medical university

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    Introduction. Improving the quality of public health service largely depends on the level of the existing innovative culture in the educational space where future medical specialists receive a specialized education. Methodology. Innovative pedagogical activity has some specific features as a specific kind of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of new goals, content and organizational conditions of the educational process in order to optimize it, increase its productivity and effectiveness. The conditions for successful innovative pedagogical activity are as follows: effective management of innovation processes at different levels of the education organization, inclusion of local innovations in the unified logic of the innovation process, creation of organizational prerequisites and a system for assessing the effectiveness of innovation; assistance in enhancing the professional competence of teachers, their interest in innovation; ensuring favorable psychosocial work environment of teaching staff, creating the atmosphere of creative search. Results. The teacher's innovative culture is oriented towards the formation of the innovative culture of future specialists. Increasing the innovative culture of a medical university teaching staff and engaging them in innovative activities is a didactic condition for improving medical specialists training. Discussion. Students in the educational space of the social and humanitarian disciplines are offered active practical activities to stimulate social training. Conclusion. Well-formed teacher's innovative space makes future specialists understand that improving the quality of life depends on laborious work on their spirituality, morality, and worldview. They acquire experience of professional activity on the basis of universal humane values. © 2018

    Rationing of rapeseed oil in the diets of young cattle

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    In studies on bulls, it was found that the inclusion of oil from rapeseed seeds of the "canole" type in the composition of the KR-2 compound feed in an amount of 7% by weight, contributes to an increase in the average daily growth of young animals up to 1000 g, without increasing the cost of feed to produce products.В исследованиях на бычках установлено, что включение в состав комбикормов КР-2 масла из семян рапса типа «canole» в количестве 7% по массе, способствует увеличению среднесуточного прироста молодняка до 1000 г, без повышения затрат кормов на получение продукции

    The effect of feeding young cattle feeds with different protein cleavage on the physiological state and digestibility feed nutrients

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    Researches has shown that reduction of protein by 3, 9 and 11% increases concentration of volatile fatty acids by 18 (P<0.05), 17 (P<0.01) and 14 %, ciliates - by 12-16% (P<0.05), decrease of ammonia level by 11.5%, increase of dry matter digestibility by 1.5 (P<0.05)%, organic matter - by 2.3 (P<0.05)%, crude protein - by 7.4 (P <0.05)%. The perfect ratio should be considered as the ratio of degradable protein to non-degradable protein of 67:33 and 61:39.Снижение распадаемости протеина на 3, 9 и 11% способствует увеличению концентрации в рубце летучих жирных кислот на 18(Р<0,05), 17(Р<0,01) и 14%, инфузорий – на 12-16% (Р<0,05), снижению уровня аммиака на 11,5%, повышению переваримости сухого вещества на 1 ,5 (Р<0,05)%, органического вещества – на 2,3(Р<0,05)%, протеина – на 7,4 (Р<0,05)%. Наиболее оптимальным следует считать соотношения расщепляемого протеина к нерасщепляемому 67:33 и 61:39

    Balancing additives in the feeding of young cattle

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    As a result of the research, a BVMD formulation based on extruded rapeseed, lupin, peas, vetch, as well as vitamin and mineral premix (vitamid) has been developed, the use of BVMD in feeding young cattle instead of sunflower meal, which make up the KR-3 compound feed in an amount of 20-25% by weight with the structure of diets (% by nutritional value): corn silage – 42-46, compound feed – 49-51, molasses – 5-7, allowing to obtain average daily increments of 900-927 g at feed costs of 6.1-6.2 c of feed. units, ensuring a reduction in the cost of production by 6-14%.В результате исследований разработана рецептура БВМД на основе экструдированного зерна рапса, люпина, гороха, вики, а также витаминно-минерального премикса (витамид), Использование в кормлении молодняка крупного рогатого скота БВМД взамен подсолнечного шрота, составляющие в составе комбикорма КР-3 в количестве 20-25% по массе при структуре рационов (% по питательности): кукурузный силос – 42-46, комбикорм – 49-51, патока – 5-7, позволяющие получать среднесуточные приросты 900-927 г при затратах кормов 6,1-6,2 ц корм. ед., обеспечивающие снижение себестоимости продукции на 6-14%