21 research outputs found

    Numerical Fracture Analysis Under Temperature Variation by Energetic Method

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    It is known that temperature change can induce sudden crack propagation especially when the material is composed of fibers. In this fact, the crack growth process under mixed-mode coupling mechanical and thermal loads in orthotropic materials like wood is investigated in this work. The analytical formulation of A integral’s combines the real and virtual mechanical and thermal stress/strain fields under transient diet in 2D. The Mixed Mode Crack Growth specimen providing the decrease of energy release rate during crack propagation is considered in order to compute the various mixed mode ratios. By using three specific routines, the analytical formulation is implemented in finite element software Cast3m. The efficiency of the proposed model is justified by showing the evolution of energy release rate and the stress intensity factors versus crack length and versus temperature variation in time dependent materia

    Experimental Measurement of the Temperature Rise Generated During Dynamic Crack Growth in Metals

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    During the high speed propagation of cracks, large temperature increases occur at the crack tip due to the intense dissipation of plastic work there. This increased temperature may have a significant effect on the material's dynamic fracture toughness. An experimental investigation of the temperature fields at the tip of dynamically propagating cracks in 4340 steel was performed using a focused array of high speed infrared detectors. Temperature fields were measured for cracks growing at speeds from 700 m/s to 1900 m/s. Maximum temperature increases were as high as 465°C. The temperature fields were differentiated to determine the plastic work rate distribution at the crack tip and to estimate the plastic strain rate. Effects of crack tip heating on dynamic fracture toughness are discussed

    Analytical solution for bending stress intensity factor in an orthotropic elastic plate containing a crack and subjected to concentrated moments

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    The problem of estimating the bending stress distribution in the neighborhood of a crack located on a single line in an orthotropic elastic plate of constant thickness subjected to out-of-plane concentrated moments is examined. Using classical plate theory and integral transform techniques, the general formulae for the bending moment and twisting moment in an elastic plate containing cracks located on a single line are derived. The solution is obtained in a closed form for the case in which there is a single crack in an infinite plate subjected to symmetric concentrated moments

    Analytical solution for an orthotropic elastic plate containing cracks13;

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    The problem of estimating the bending stress distribution in the neighborhood of a crack located on a single line in an orthotropic elastic plate of constant thickness subjected to bending moment or twisting moment is examined. Using classical plate theory and integral transform techniques,13; the general formulae for the bending moment and twisting moment in an elastic plate containing cracks located on a single line are derived. The solution is obtained in a closed form for the case in which there is a single crack in an infinite plate and the results are compared with those13; obtained from the literature.13

    A statistical/computational/experimental approach to study the microstructural morphology of damage

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    The fractural behavior of multi-phase materials is not well understood. Therefore, a statistic study of micro-failures is conducted to deepen our insights on the failure mechanisms. We systematically studied the influence of the morphology of dual phase (DP) steel on the fracture behavior at the onset in two ways: (i) in a numerical setting by statistically averaging over the micro-structural arrangements around the damage sites in no less than 400 randomly-generated idealized microstructural models loaded in pure shear; and (ii) in an experimental setting by statistically averaging, similar to the numerical simulations, over the damage sites found in a large collection of large field-of-view SEM images of DP steel deformed in uniaxial tension, where deliberately-overexposed backscattered electron images sharply mark the damage location, while simultaneously-recorded secondary electron images are used to identify the material phases. The numerical and experimental analyses were validated and tested for accuracy. Application of both techniques to DP showed a similar single topological feature to be most sensitive to damage: a small region of soft matrix material with hard inclusion particles on opposing sides. These results are representative for and yield insight in damage evolution in a wide variety of multi-phase materials