40 research outputs found

    Image conversion of σ- and π-components of radiation of relativistic electron and metrological characteristics of the photon flux in the synchrotron radiation outlet

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    The paper deals with the efficiency of the capture of a photon flux of the synchrotron radiation (SR) σ- and π-components by the optical window in the SR quantum extraction channel of the NESTOR generator. It also analyses the dependence between the capture quality and different radiation wavelengths. Consideration has been given to the beam size effect on the shape and dimensions of the angular distribution of the photon flux. A model has been constructed to describe the optical imaging in the registration plane. Expressions are given for estimating the efficiency of the capture of SR quanta into the optical window of the extraction channel. The factors that exert influence on the efficiency of capturing through the window are analyzed. Examples of numerical calculations are provided for formation of the final SR spectral density of the 225 MeV relativistic electrons at the output of the optical channel. The dimensions of the optical window have been determined, which ensure the reliable registration of the total flux of SR quanta for the chosen spectral range of SR quanta wavelengths.Вивчена ефективність захоплення потоку фотонів σ- і π-компонент синхротронного випромінювання (СВ) оптичним вікном у каналі виведення квантів СВ, і проаналізована залежність якості захоплення для різних до- вжин хвиль випромінювання. Проведено облік розмірів пучка на форму і розміри кутового розподілу потоку фотонів. Побудована модель, що описує формування оптичного зображення в площині реєстрації. Запропоновано вирази, що дозволяють оцінити ефективність захоплення квантів СВ у оптичне вікно каналу виведення. Проаналізовано фактори, що впливають на ефективність захоплення у вікно. Представлені приклади чисельного розрахунку з формування підсумкової спектральної щільності СВ релятивістського електрона з енергією 225 МеВ на виході оптичного каналу. Отримано розміри оптичного люка, величина яких дозволяє гарантовано реєструвати весь потік квантів СВ для обраного спектрального діапазону хвиль квантів СВ.Изучена эффективность захвата потока фотонов σ- и π-компонент синхротронного излучения (СИ) оптическим окном в канале вывода квантов СИ, и проанализирована зависимость качества захвата для различных длин волн излучения. Проведен учет размеров пучка на форму и размеры углового распределения потока фотонов. Построена модель, описывающая формирование оптического изображения в плоскости регистрации. Предложены выражения, позволяющие оценить эффективность захвата квантов СИ в оптическое окно канала вывода. Проанализированы факторы, влияющие на эффективность захвата в окно. Представлены примеры численного расчета по формированию итоговой спектральной плотности СИ релятивистского электрона с энергией 225 МэВ на выходе оптического канала. Получены размеры оптического люка, величина которых позволяет гарантированно регистрировать весь поток квантов СИ для выбранного спектрального диапазона волн квантов СИ

    Study on the process of Fe (III) oxide fluorination

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    The article deals with a fundamentally new fluoride technology for obtaining fluoride materials, provides data on the kinetics of the process of fluorination of Fe oxide with fluorine, fluoride and ammonium bifluoride. The physical and chemical properties of obtained fluorides are shown: a study of the elemental composition, grain-size composition using the method of scanning electron microscopy and laser diffraction

    N=4 supersymmetric Eguchi-Hanson sigma model in d=1

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    We show that it is possible to construct a supersymmetric mechanics with four supercharges possessing not conformally flat target space. A general idea of constructing such models is presented. A particular case with Eguchi--Hanson target space is investigated in details: we present the standard and quotient approaches to get the Eguchi--Hanson model, demonstrate their equivalence, give a full set of nonlinear constraints, study their properties and give an explicit expression for the target space metric.Comment: LaTeX, 9 page

    Investigation of the prompt neutron emission mechanism in low energy fission of

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    A series of experiments has been performed to measure prompt neutron angular and energy distributions from thermal neutron-induced fission of 235,233U in correlation with the fission fragments. These distributions have been analyzed with the assumption of neutron isotropic emission from accelerated fission fragments. The performed analysis demonstrates that all obtained results can be described within 5% accuracy using this assumption. This discrepancy is approximately constant and doesn’t depend on fragment mass and the total kinetic energy (TKE). Some minor peculiarities of angular distribution may be interpreted as a result of anisotropy of the fission neutron angular distribution in the fragment center-of-mass system

    Investigation of the prompt neutron emission mechanism in low energy fission of 235,233U(nth, f) and 252Cf(sf)

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    A series of experiments has been performed to measure prompt neutron angular and energy distributions from thermal neutron-induced fission of 235,233U in correlation with the fission fragments. These distributions have been analyzed with the assumption of neutron isotropic emission from accelerated fission fragments. The performed analysis demonstrates that all obtained results can be described within 5% accuracy using this assumption. This discrepancy is approximately constant and doesn’t depend on fragment mass and the total kinetic energy (TKE). Some minor peculiarities of angular distribution may be interpreted as a result of anisotropy of the fission neutron angular distribution in the fragment center-of-mass system

    Angular distributions and anisotropy of fission fragments from neutron-induced fission of 239Pu, 237Np, and natPb in energy range 1–200 MeV

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    This work summarizes some results of a series of experiments aimed at the investigation of energy dependence of anisotropy of fission fragments (FFs) in (n, f) reactions for neutron energies from low to intermediate. Angular distributions of FFs from the neutron-induced fission of 239Pu, 237Np, and natPb have been measured in the energy range 1–200 MeV at the neutron TOF spectrometer GNEIS based on the spallation neutron source at 1 GeV proton synchrocyclotron of the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Gatchina, Russia). The anisotropies of FFs deduced from the measured angular distributions are presented. In the neutron energy range above 20 MeV the results have been obtained for the first time in our works. The experimental data for FF anisotropy in 237Np(n, f) are compared with calculations based on "adapted" TALYS software