5 research outputs found

    Experimental investigations on diethyl ether as fuel additive in biodiesel engine

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    In this work, biodiesel (methyl esters) is produced from unrefined rubber seed oil by two-step transesterification process. Biodiesel engines are prone to cold-starting problems in winter seasons and emit more nitrogen oxides. To overcome these problems, diethyl ether is used as a fuel additive for biodiesel. The lower percentage addition of diethyl ether with biodiesel improves the engine performance and emission characteristics. The experimental results support that diethyl ether can be used as an additive with biodiesel to improve the performance and emission characteristics.diethyl ether; biodiesel engines; fuel additives; methyl esters; unrefined rubber seed oil; biofuels.

    Characteristics of a tractor engine using mineral and biodiesel fuels blended with rapeseed oil Características de um motor de trator alimentado com combustíveis mineral e biodisel misturados com óleo de colza

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    One of the most unfavourable characteristics of crude vegetable oil when used as the fuel is the high viscosity. To improve this weakness, oil can be blended with mineral diesel or biodiesel fuels. This study was designed to evaluate how the use of mineral diesel or biodiesel blend with cold pressed rapeseed (Brassica napus) oil affects the engine power, torque and fuel consumption. A tractor equipped with direct injection, water cooling system and three-cylinder diesel engine was used for the experiment. Fuels used were standard diesel fuel (diesel), rapeseed oil methyl ester - biodiesel (B100) and their mixtures with 10, 30 and 50 vol. % of cold pressed rapeseed oil (RO). Increased portion of RO in diesel fuel blends had almost no effect on the torque measured on the tractor PTO shaft; it however decreased the maximal power. Fuel blends with B100 and rising RO content (up to 50%) gave a positive correlation with maximal torque and power. By increasing the portion of RO from 0 to 50%, the minimal specific fuel consumption increased by 6.65% with diesel and decreased by 2.98% with B100 based fuel.<br>Uma das características mais desfavoráveis dos óleos vegetais crus usados como combustível é a alta viscosidade. Para melhorar este ponto fraco, o óleo pode ser misturado com diesel mineral ou biodiesel. Este estudo foi desenvolvido para avaliar como o uso de diesel mineral ou biodiesel misturado a oleo de colza (Brassica napus) extraído por pressão a frio afeta a potência do motor, o torque e o consumo de combustível, empregando um trator equipado com injeção direta, sistema de refrigeração de água e um motor de três cilindros. Os combustíveis utilizados foram o diesel padrão (diesel), éster metílico de óleo de sementes de colza - biodiesel (B100) e suas misturas com 10, 30 e 50 % vol. de óleo de semente de colza pressionado a frio (RO). Maiores proporções de RO nas misturas de diesel praticamente não tiveram efeito sobre o torque medido na tomada de força do trator; porém diminuíram a potência máxima. Misturas com B100 e conteúdos de RO até 50% apresentaram correlações positivas com torque máximo e com a potência. Aumentando a proporção de RO de 0 a 50%, o consumo mínimo específico aumentou 6.6% com diesel e decresceu 3% com combustível baseado em B100