15 research outputs found

    Supernovae in isolated galaxies, in pairs and in groups of galaxies

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    In order to investigate the influence of the environment on the supernova (SN) production we have performed a statistical investigation of the SNe discovered in isolated galaxies, in pairs and in groups of galaxies. 22 SNe in 18 isolated galaxies, 48 SNe in 40 galaxies members of 37 pairs and 211 SNe in 170 galaxies members of 116 groups have been selected and studied. We found that the radial distributions of core-collapse SNe in galaxies located in different environments are similar, and consistent with that reported by Bartunov, Makarova & Tsvetkov (1992). SNe discovered in pairs do not privilege a particular direction with respect to the companion galaxy. Also the azimuthal distributions inside the hosts members of galaxy groups are consistent with being isotropics. The fact that SNe are more frequent in the brighter components of the pairs and groups is expected from the dependence of the SN rates on the galaxy luminosity. There is an indication that the SN rate is higher in galaxy pairs compared with that in groups. This can be related to the enhanced star formation rate in strongly interacting systems. It is concluded that, with the possible exception of strongly interacting system, the parent galaxy environment has no direct influence on the SN productionComment: 10 pages, accepted for publication to MNRA

    Stochastic Acceleration by Turbulence

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    The subject of this paper is stochastic acceleration by plasma turbulence, a process akin to the original model proposed by Fermi. We review the relative merits of different acceleration models, in particular the so called first order Fermi acceleration by shocks and second order Fermi by stochastic processes, and point out that plasma waves or turbulence play an important role in all mechanisms of acceleration. Thus, stochastic acceleration by turbulence is active in most situations. We also show that it is the most efficient mechanism of acceleration of relatively cool non relativistic thermal background plasma particles. In addition, it can preferentially accelerate electrons relative to protons as is needed in many astrophysical radiating sources, where usually there are no indications of presence of shocks. We also point out that a hybrid acceleration mechanism consisting of initial acceleration by turbulence of background particles followed by a second stage acceleration by a shock has many attractive features. It is demonstrated that the above scenarios can account for many signatures of the accelerated electrons, protons and other ions, in particular 3^3He and 4^4He, seen directly as Solar Energetic Particles and through the radiation they produce in solar flares.Comment: 29 pages 7 figures for proceedings of ISSI-Bern workshop on Particle Acceleration 201

    Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts

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    It is only now, with low-frequency radio telescopes, long exposures with high-resolution X-ray satellites and gamma-ray telescopes, that we are beginning to learn about the physics in the periphery of galaxy clusters. In the coming years, Sunyaev-Zeldovich telescopes are going to deliver further great insights into the plasma physics of these special regions in the Universe. The last years have already shown tremendous progress with detections of shocks, estimates of magnetic field strengths and constraints on the particle acceleration efficiency. X-ray observations have revealed shock fronts in cluster outskirts which have allowed inferences about the microphysical structure of shocks fronts in such extreme environments. The best indications for magnetic fields and relativistic particles in cluster outskirts come from observations of so-called radio relics, which are megaparsec-sized regions of radio emission from the edges of galaxy clusters. As these are difficult to detect due to their low surface brightness, only few of these objects are known. But they have provided unprecedented evidence for the acceleration of relativistic particles at shock fronts and the existence of muG strength fields as far out as the virial radius of clusters. In this review we summarise the observational and theoretical state of our knowledge of magnetic fields, relativistic particles and shocks in cluster outskirts.Comment: 34 pages, to be published in Space Science Review

    Equilibration processes in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium

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    The Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) is thought to contribute about 40-50 % to the baryonic budget at the present evolution stage of the universe. The observed large scale structure is likely to be due to gravitational growth of density fluctuations in the post-inflation era. The evolving cosmic web is governed by non-linear gravitational growth of the initially weak density fluctuations in the dark energy dominated cosmology. Non-linear structure formation, accretion and merging processes, star forming and AGN activity produce gas shocks in the WHIM. Shock waves are converting a fraction of the gravitation power to thermal and non-thermal emission of baryonic/leptonic matter. They provide the most likely way to power the luminous matter in the WHIM. The plasma shocks in the WHIM are expected to be collisionless. Collisionless shocks produce a highly non-equilibrium state with anisotropic temperatures and a large differences in ion and electron temperatures. We discuss the ion and electron heating by the collisionless shocks and then review the plasma processes responsible for the Coulomb equilibration and collisional ionisation equilibrium of oxygen ions in the WHIM. MHD-turbulence produced by the strong collisionless shocks could provide a sizeable non-thermal contribution to the observed Doppler parameter of the UV line spectra of the WHIM.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 8; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Particle acceleration mechanisms

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    We review the possible mechanisms for production of non-thermal electrons which are responsible for non-thermal radiation in clusters of galaxies. Our primary focus is on non-thermal Bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering, that produce hard X-ray emission. We briefly review acceleration mechanisms and point out that in most astrophysical situations, and in particular for the intracluster medium, shocks, turbulence and plasma waves play a crucial role. We consider two scenarios for production of non-thermal radiation. The first is hard X-ray emission due to non-thermal Bremsstrahlung by nonrelativistic particles. Non-thermal tails are produced by accelerating electrons from the background plasma with an initial Maxwellian distribution. However, these tails are accompanied by significant heating and they are present for a short time of <10^6 yr, which is also the time that the tail will be thermalised. Such non-thermal tails, even if possible, can only explain the hard X-ray but not the radio emission which needs GeV or higher energy electrons. For these and for production of hard X-rays by the inverse Compton model, we need the second scenario where there is injection and subsequent acceleration of relativistic electrons. It is shown that a steady state situation, for example arising from secondary electrons produced from cosmic ray proton scattering by background protons, will most likely lead to flatter than required electron spectra or it requires a short escape time of the electrons from the cluster. An episodic injection of relativistic electrons, presumably from galaxies or AGN, and/or episodic generation of turbulence and shocks by mergers can result in an electron spectrum consistent with observations but for only a short period of less than one billion years.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 11; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    An Observational Overview of Solar Flares

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    We present an overview of solar flares and associated phenomena, drawing upon a wide range of observational data primarily from the RHESSI era. Following an introductory discussion and overview of the status of observational capabilities, the article is split into topical sections which deal with different areas of flare phenomena (footpoints and ribbons, coronal sources, relationship to coronal mass ejections) and their interconnections. We also discuss flare soft X-ray spectroscopy and the energetics of the process. The emphasis is to describe the observations from multiple points of view, while bearing in mind the models that link them to each other and to theory. The present theoretical and observational understanding of solar flares is far from complete, so we conclude with a brief discussion of models, and a list of missing but important observations.Comment: This is an article for a monograph on the physics of solar flares, inspired by RHESSI observations. The individual articles are to appear in Space Science Reviews (2011

    Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts

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