16 research outputs found

    Lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (CAEV e Maedi-Visna): revisão e perspectivas

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    Detecção da infecção pelo vírus da artrite-encefalite caprina: imunodifusão em ágar e reação em cadeia da polimerase com "primers" degenerados

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar amostras de soro e de células sangüíneas de caprinos para detecção de anticorpos e DNA proviral do vírus da artrite-encefalite caprina (CAEV), respectivamente. Utilizou-se a técnica de imunodifusão em ágar (AGID) e a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) com "primers" degenerados. Foram analisadas amostras de diferentes procedências: 39 de Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), 19 de São Paulo (SP) e 22 do Ceará (CE), dessas últimas, 12 oriundas de animais importados do Canadá. Os resultados de AGID e PCR foram discordantes, pois o primeiro permitiu a detecção de 25 animais soropositivos, enquanto a PCR detectou DNA proviral de CAEV em 16 amostras. Pela PCR foi possível identificar animais infectados cujos testes sorológicos foram negativos pelo AGID: oito amostras do MS e um do CE. São discutidos diferentes aspectos que poderiam estar envolvidos na discordância dos resultados

    Phylogenetic analysis of Pneumocystis from pig lungs obtained from slaughterhouses in southern and midwestern regions of Brazil

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    The Pneumocystis genus is comprised of pathogens dwelling in the lungs of terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic mammals. Occasionally they induce severe pneumonitis, particularly in hosts with severe impairment of the immune system and progressively may fill pulmonary alveolar cavities causing respiratory failure. Molecular genetic studies revealed that Pneumocystis gene sequences present a marked divergence with the host species concerned. In the present study, the genetic diversity of Pneumocystis obtained from lungs of swines was examined by analyzing mitochondrial large subunit (mtLSU) and small subunit (mtSSU) rRNA sequences. The samples were obtained from two slaughterhouses located in two Brazilian states. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that genetic groupings within Pneumocystis organisms were in accordance with those of the corresponding hosts and that two clusters were formed. In conclusion, these data show that there are genetically distinct porcine Pneumocystis genotypes with at least two separate clusters in Brazil

    Detection of Pneumocystis spp. in lung samples from pigs in Brazil

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    International audienceThe genus Pneumocystis is composed of opportunistic fungi currently considered as specific pulmonary pathogens in humans and other mammals. In pigs, Pneumocystis pneumonia ( PcP) could create significant economical losses due to its detrimental effects on growth, food conversion, and carcass/ viscera condemnation. This study revealed that Pneumocystis organisms could be detected by Grocott's staining or immunohistochemistry in 36.9% of 564 slaughtered pigs from two geographic regions of Brazil. The prevalence of positive cases was 39.9% and 33.9% in pigs slaughtered in Rio Grande do Sul ( RS) and Mato Grosso ( MT) states, respectively. Among the positive cases in RS, Pneumocystis organisms were observed in 41.9% of 33 histologically normal lungs, and in 58.0% of lungs presenting with histological lesions. In contrast, the prevalence in MT in normal and abnormal lungs was 36.3% and 63.5%, respectively. Major histopathological findings in lungs of infected animals were bronchointerstitial pneumonia ( 47.6%), suggestive of enzootic pneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia ( 37.9%), compatible with PcP. The results of this survey strengthened the interest of detecting fungal pathogens, in addition to other infectious agents, and evaluating their financial impact on Brazilian pig industry. Preventive and/ or therapeutic strategies should be developed in order to minimize the incidence of respiratory fungal infections in pigs and associated economic losses

    Viroses confundíveis com febre aftosa Viral diseases to be differentiated from foot-and-mouth disease

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    Revisam-se as doenças que devem ser consideradas no diagnóstico diferencial de febre aftosa. Dentre as doenças vesiculares ou erosivas, descrevem-se os principais aspectos relacionados ao diagnóstico da estomatite vesicular, diarréia viral bovina, febre catarral maligna, infecções por herpesvírus bovino 1 e 5, e uma estomatite ulcerativa associada a parvovírus bovino, que ocorreu no Rio Grande do Sul; língua azul, para a qual tem sido detectados anticorpos em bovinos e ovinos do Rio Grande do Sul; mamilite herpética que ocorre em outros Estados do País;peste bovina, que foi diagnosticada e erradicada no Estado de São Paulo em 1921; estomatite popular; e duas doenças exóticas:exantema vesicular e doença vesicular do suíno.<br>Diseases to be considered in the differential diagnosis of foot-and-mouth disease are reviewed. The main aspects relating to the diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis, bovine virus diarrhea, malignant catarrhal fever, bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5, andem ulcerative stomatitis associated with bovine parvovirus are described. Bluetongue, that probably occurs in Rio Grande do Sul because antibodies to the virus have been detected in cattle and sheep; is refered. Bovine ulcerative mammilitis, reported in other Brazilian States, rinderpest, reported and eradicated in the State of São Paulo in 1921, and popular stomatitis are also cited, and so are two exotic diseases: vesicular exanthema and swine vesicular disease