14 research outputs found


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    The article substantiates the idea that the change in the world economy entails an increase or decrease in the role of the state in regulating the development of science, scientific institutions and scientific and educational institutions. In the first case, the state reserves the authority to create conditions for scientific progress, in the second, social platforms without borders, states and specific responsible subjects form the space of science. The purpose of the article is to review the activities of state-authorized entities / agents (BIT.Nauka) in the field of the research process and its description. BIT.Nauka defines the main goal of its activities in the automation of accounting and control of scientific data for high-quality management of the information process in one of the segments of science: research and educational institutions. In the text, tasks-assessments, objects of activity, stages of collecting and recording data on the activities of subjects, products-solutions of BIT.Science and the results of their application are highlighted. In the conclusion, the results of BIT.Science activities are summarized in accordance with the goal and objectives from the point of view of artificial intelligence as a tool for human development: automation, increasing efficiency and stimulating scientific processes.В статье обосновывается идея о том, что изменение мирового хозяйства влечет увеличение или уменьшение роли государства в регулировании вопросов развития науки, научных учреждений и научнообразовательных учреждений. В первом случае, государство оставляет за собой полномочия создания условий для научного прогресса, во втором социальные платформы без границ, государств и конкретных ответственных субъектов формируют пространства науки. Целью статьи является рассмотрение деятельности уполномоченных государством субъектов/агентов (БИТ.Наука) в сфере научноисследовательского процесса и его описания. БИТ.Наука определяет главную цель своей деятельности в автоматизацию процессов учета и контроля научных данных для качественного управления информационным процессом в одном из сегментов науки: научно-исследовательские и научнообразовательные учреждения. В тексте выделяются задачи-оценки, объекты деятельности, этапы сбора и учета данных о деятельности субъектов, продукты-решения БИТ.Наука и результаты их применения. В заключении обобщаются результаты деятельности БИТ.Наука в соответствии с целью и задачами с точки зрения искусственного интеллекта как инструмента развития человека: автоматизация, повышение эффективности и стимулирования научных процессов


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    The article presents the observation of early debut and the severe course of the juvenile polyarthritis involving the eyes, refractory to treatment by classical immunosuppressants. Successful use of the genetically engineered biological drug — adalimumab is described:  by the 4th week of therapy the acute inflammatory changes in affected joints were stopped, range of motion in them fully recovered; to the 8th week uveitis remission was registered, laboratory values of the disease activity were normalized: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum concentration of C-reactive protein. Key words: children, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid uveitis, adalimumab. (Pediatric pharmacology. — 2011; 8 (6): 119–124)


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    The article presents the observation of early debut and the severe course of the juvenile polyarthritis involving the eyes, refractory to treatment by classical immunosuppressants. Successful use of the genetically engineered biological drug — adalimumab is described:  by the 4th week of therapy the acute inflammatory changes in affected joints were stopped, range of motion in them fully recovered; to the 8th week uveitis remission was registered, laboratory values of the disease activity were normalized: erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serum concentration of C-reactive protein. Key words: children, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid uveitis, adalimumab. (Pediatric pharmacology. — 2011; 8 (6): 119–124)

    Morphological substantiation of laparoscopic suturing of stomach ulcer with formation of a covered perforation

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    Objective. Morphological substantiation of laparoscopic suturing of gastric ulcer with formation of a covered perforation. Material and methods. To analyze morphological tissue reaction in surgical area, we used 12 Chinchilla rabbits. All animals were divided into 2 groups by 6 animals. The main group enrolled rabbits undergoing suturing of perforated gastric ulcer with formation of a covered perforation by anterior stomach wall. In the control group, gastric perforation was sutured by conventional double-row suture. For histological analysis, 2 animals in each group were withdrawn from the experiment after 7, 14 and 21 days. We excised gastric wall within the area of perforation closure. Morphological data on healing process were compared between both groups. Results. Stomach deformation after 7 days was more severe in the main group compared to simple suturing. However, these dif- ferences were absent after 21 days. Morphological analysis revealed postoperative transmural necrosis after 7 days. Signs of early epithelialization were more obvious in the main group. After 21 postoperative days, we observed almost completely restored dif- ferentiation of stomach wall layers in both groups of animals. © 2022, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection among small mammals in Tatarstan, Russian Federation

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a zoonotic parasite with a wide host range that includes humans, domestic animals and wild animals. Small mammals serve as intermediate hosts for T. gondii and may contribute to the persistence of this parasite in the environment. Mass mortality in wild animals and deaths in rare endemic species make the study of this parasite of growing importance. In this study, T. gondii infection prevalence was evaluated in brain tissues from 474 small mammals captured at 26 trapping points in urban and rural areas of Tatarstan, Russian Federation. Nested PCR was used to detect the T. gondii B1 gene in the samples. Overall, 40/474 samples (8.44%) showed B1 gene positivity. T. gondii infection among the wild small mammals trapped in the rural area was significantly higher as a whole than that of the urban area as a whole. Multivariate logistical regression analysis also showed that the trapping area (rural or urban) significantly contributed to T. gondii positivity. Vegetation in the trapping points, small mammal species, sex, age or distance from the trapping points to the nearest human settlements did not significantly affect T. gondii positivity in the sampled small mammals

    A novel quasi-one-dimensional topological insulator in bismuth iodide β-Bi4I4

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    Recent progress in the field of topological states of matter has largely been initiated by the discovery of bismuth and antimony chalcogenide bulk topological insulators (TIs; refs 3-6), followed by closely related ternary compounds and predictions of several weak TIs (refs 17-19). However, both the conceptual richness of Z2 classification of TIs as well as their structural and compositional diversity are far from being fully exploited. Here, a new Z2 topological insulator is theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed in the β-phase of quasi-one-dimensional bismuth iodide Bi4I4. The electronic structure of β-Bi4I4, characterized by Z2 invariants (1;110), is in proximity of both the weak TI phase (0;001) and the trivial insulator phase (0;000). Our angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements performed on the (001) surface reveal a highly anisotropic band-crossing feature located at the M¯ point of the surface Brillouin zone and showing no dispersion with the photon energy, thus being fully consistent with the theoretical prediction. © 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved123231sciescopu