51 research outputs found

    Ab initio and finite-temperature molecular dynamics studies of lattice resistance in tantalum

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    This manuscript explores the apparent discrepancy between experimental data and theoretical calculations of the lattice resistance of bcc tantalum. We present the first results for the temperature dependence of the Peierls stress in this system and the first ab initio calculation of the zero-temperature Peierls stress to employ periodic boundary conditions, which are those best suited to the study of metallic systems at the electron-structure level. Our ab initio value for the Peierls stress is over five times larger than current extrapolations of experimental lattice resistance to zero-temperature. Although we do find that the common techniques for such extrapolation indeed tend to underestimate the zero-temperature limit, the amount of the underestimation which we observe is only 10-20%, leaving open the possibility that mechanisms other than the simple Peierls stress are important in controlling the process of low temperature slip.Comment: 12 pages and 9 figure

    Household Food Insecurity In Municipalities Of The Paraíba State, Brazil [insegurança Alimentar Das Famílias Residentes Em Municípios Do Interior Do Estado Da Paraíba, Brasil]

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of household food security in 14 municipalities of Paraiba State and examine its association with the social, demographic and economic profile of these families. Methods: A cross-sectional study comprising 4,533 families was performed. A questionnaire was used to assess the sociodemographic characteristics together with the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. The prevalences were calculated and the association between the studied variables was verified by the chi-square test. A logistic regression model was adjusted to identify risk factors associated with food security and insecurity. Results: The prevalence of food insecurity was 11.3% for severe, 17.6% for moderate and 23.6% for mild. Food security was found in 47.5% of the families. The situation in rural areas was worse than in urban areas. Insufficient money to buy food was the main reason reported for the food insecurity status. The final logistic regression consisted of three variables: low per capita family income (US12.00vs.US12.00 vs. US150.00, Odds Ratio=19.10), poor household conditions (Odds Ratio=1.98) and permanent absence of water supply (Odds Ratio=1.38). A lower prevalence of severe food insecurity was found among families with per capita monthly income up to US$12.00 that were included in social programs. Conclusion: The prevalence of food insecurity was high. The methodology used proved to be an important assessment tool of food security status and useful to monitor public policies such as the social programs that are part of the Fome Zero (Zero Hunger) strategy of the Federal Government.21SUPPL.111122Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento. Atlas do desenvolvimento humano no Brasil. Brasília2003(1990) Pesquisa nacional sobre saúde e nutrição. Resultados preliminares, , Instituto Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição, Brasília: Ministério da Saúde;Monteiro CA, Conde WL, Konno SC. Análise do inquérito chamada nutricional: 2005. Cad Estud Desenv Soc Debate. 20064(junho):29-37Dantas, M.B.P., Vianna, R.P.T., Almeida, E.S.G., A chamada nutricional na Paraíba: Avaliação de crianças menores de cinco anos na região do semi-árido paraibano. Cad Estud Desenv Soc Debate, 2006 (4), pp. 61-68. , junhoBrasil. Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. II Conferência Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional [documento final]. Olinda2004Valente, F.L.S., Fome, desnutrição e cidadania: Inclusão social e direitos humanos. (2003) Saúde e Soc, 12, pp. 51-60Brasil. Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. III Conferência Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional [documento final]. Fortaleza2007Brasil. Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social. Fome zero: conceito. Brasília. 2007 [acesso 2007 nov]. Disponível em: 〈http://www.fomezero.gov.br/oque-e〉Radimer, K.L., Olson, C.M., Greene, J.C., Campbell, C.C., Habicht, J.P., Understanding hunger and developing indicators to assess it in woman and children (1992) J Nutr Educ, 24 (SUPL), pp. 36-44Segall-Corrêa AM, Perez-Escamilla R, Sampaio MFA, Marin-León L, Panigassi G, Maranha LK, et al. Acompanhamento e avaliação da segurança alimentar de famílias brasileiras: validaçã o de metodologia e de instrumento de coleta de informação: urbano/rural. Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas2004 [acesso 2007 jul]. Disponível em: 〈http://www.opas.org.br/publicacl. cfm〉Bickel, G., Nord, M., Price, C., Hamilton, W., Cook, J., (2000) Measuring food security in the United States: Guide to measuring household food security, , Washington DC, USDA;Radimer, K.L., Measurament of household food security in the USA and other industrialized countries (2002) Public Health Nutr, 5 (6 A), pp. 859-864Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (2004) Segurança alimentar, , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Rio de Janeiro;Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Censos demográficos e contagens populacionais: 2003. Rio de Janeiro [acesso 2007 jul]. Disponível em: 〈http://www.datasus.gov.br〉Panigassi, G., (2005) Inquérito populacional sobre a percepção da segurança alimentar intrafamiliar no município de Campinas, SP [tese], , Campinas: Unicamp;Leão, M., Segurança alimentar e risco de sobrepeso e obesidade em famílias de crianças menores de 6 anos (2005), dissertaç ão, Brasília: UnB;Marin-Leon, L., Segall-Correa, A.M., Panigassi, G., Maranha, L.K., Sampaio, M.F.A., Perez-Escamilla, R., A percepção de insegurança alimentar em famílias com idosos em Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil. (2005) Cad Saúde Pública, 21 (5), pp. 1433-1440Hackett, M., Zubieta, A.C., Hernandez, K., Melgar-Quiñonez, H., Food insecurity and household food supplies in rural Ecuador (2007) ALAN, 57 (1), pp. 10-17Melgar-Quinonez, H.R., Zubieta, A.C., Mknelly, B., Nteziyaremye, A., Gerardo, M.F., Dunford, C., Household food insecurity and food expenditure in Bolivia, Burkina Faso, and the Philippines (2006) J Nutr, 136 (5), pp. 1431S-1437SPesquisa de orçamentos familiares (2002) Resultados preliminares, , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Rio de Janeiro;, 2004Caballero, B., Subnutrição e obesidade em países em desenvolvimento. Cad Estud Desenv Soc Debate, 2005 (2), pp. 10-13. , novembroFerreira, V.A., Magalhães, R., Obesidade e pobreza: O aparente paradoxo. Um estudo com mulheres da Favela da Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. (2005) Cad Saúde Pública, 21 (6), pp. 1792-1800Ferreira HS, Assunção ML, Florêncio TMMT, Lima MAA. Estado Nutricional de pré-escolares da região semi-árida do estado de Alagoas, 2005. Cad Estud Desenv Soc Debate. 20064(F):37-42Silva, M.V., Sturion, G.L., Estado nutricional, acesso aos programas sociais e aquisição de alimentos. (2004) Saúde Rev, 6 (13), pp. 53-61Burlandy, L., Transferência condicionada de renda e segurança alimentar e nutricional. (2007) Ciênc Saúde Coletiva, 12 (6), pp. 1441-145

    Conceptualizing And Measuring Food And Nutrition Security [conceituando E Medindo Segurança Alimentar E Nutricional]

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    An interdisciplinary conceptual framework of food security is presented that identifies determinants at the macro-socioeconomic, regional-local, and household levels. Food insecurity is described as having consequences for health and well-being that may or may not be expressed in the form of physical-biological consequences such as underweight or nutritional deficiencies. The implications of this perspective for measurement of food security are addressed. A comparative review of indicators commonly used to assess food security is presented, with special focus on the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale, which was included in the 2004 National Household Survey (PNAD). The history of the development of the scale in the U.S. and its validation in Brazil are described. Characterized as a direct measure of household food insecurity, this psychometric scale can be used together with indicators and measurement instruments from diverse fields to broaden understanding of this complex phenomenon.161187199Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (Consea) (2004) II Conferência Nacional De Segurança Alimentar E Nutricional, 17-20 Março, 2004, , Brasil, Brasília: ConseaAlderman, H., Information as an input into food and nutrition policy formation (1995) Child Growth and Nutrition in Developing Countries, pp. 283-303. , In: Pinstrup-Anderson P, Pelletier D, Alderman H, editors, Ithaca, NY, London: Cornell University Press(1977) Using Social Research in Public Policy Making, , Weiss CH, editor, Lexington, Massachusetts: Lexington Books, D.C. 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Disponível emPérez-Escamilla, R., Segall-Corrêa, A.M., Kurdian Maranha, L., Sampaio, M.F.A., Marin-Leon, L., Panigassi, G., An adapted version of the US Department of Agriculture Food Insecurity module is a valid tool for assessing household food insecurity in Campinas, Brazil (2004) J Nutr, 134 (8), p. 5. , http://jn.nutrition.org, [serial on the Internet], [cited 2006 Nov 12], Available fromPanigassi, G., (2005) Inquérito Populacional Sobre a Percepção Da Segurança Alimentar Intrafamiliar No Município De Campinas, SP [tese], , Campinas: Universidade Estadual de CampinasLeão, M., (2005) Fome E Insegurança Alimentar No Distrito Federal [dissertação], , Brasília: Universidade de Brasília(2006) Pesquisa Nacional Por Amostra De Domicílios - Segurança Alimentar, , http://www.planalto.gov.br/consea/static/documentos/Eventos/IIIConferencia/PNADSegurancaAlimentar2004%20VERS%C3O%20FINAL.pdf, Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), Rio de Janeiro: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisa, Coordenação de Trabalho e Renda, Disponível emCoates, J., Frongillo, E.A., Rogers, B.L., Webb, P., Wilde, P.E., Houser, R., Commonalities in the experience of household food insecurity across cultures: What are measures missing? 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    Household Appliances And Food Insecurity: Gender, Referred Skin Color And Socioeconomic Differences [bens De Consumo E Insegurança Alimentar: Diferenças De Gênero, Cor De Pele Autorreferida E Condição Socioeconomic]

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    Objective: Data from the National Household Survey 2004 was analyzed to compare differences in prevalence among moderate or severe food insecurity. Also, it was compared food security or mild food insecurity households in relation to the assets and other socioeconomic and demographic conditions of the household. Method: Private permanent households, with per capita monthly income of up to one minimum wage and with the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale answered by a household resident were studied (n=51,357). Association of variables with the dependent variable (food security) was verified using χ2 test, with 5% significance level. Crude prevalence ratio, respective 95% confidence interval and adjusted analyses were carried out using Poisson multiple regression Stata 8.0. It considers the weights of the complex sampling design of the survey. Results: The per capita monthly household income was the variable with strongest association to food security. Both in urban and rural areas, there were higher risk of moderate or severe food insecurity prevalence ratio when the head of the household was a female, black color, presence of six or more members in the household, metropolitan area and with absence of some specific assets (stove, water filter, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine and cellular phone). In a model that, among assets, included just the refrigerator, it was observed the highest prevalence ratio for household income of up to 1/4 of a minimum wage and after this, the absence of refrigerator among households headed by white and black males and white or black female. Although female and black headed households have greater food restriction, internal differences among these groups were higher for households headed by white males and lower for those headed by black females. Conclusion: At national level and households with monthly income of up to one minimum age, poor socioeconomic conditions are associated to household food insecurity. This situation is worse among those headed by women and black people. Among poor people, the absence of assets identifies the most vulnerable population to food insecurity and may be used as complementary indicator, mainly in local studies with poor technical resources for data collection and more sophisticated analyzes.143398410(2006) PNAD 2004: Suplemento De Segurança Alimentar, , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, Rio de Janeiro: IBGEPérez-Escamilla, R., Segall-Correa, A.M., Maranha, L.K., Sampaio, M.F., Marín-León, L., Panigassi, G., An adapted version of the US Department of Agriculture Food Insecure Module is a valid tool for assessing food insecurity in Campinas, Brasil (2004) J Nutr, 134, pp. 1923-1928Bickel, G.W., Nord, M., Hamilton, W., Cook, J., (2000) Guide to Measuring Household Food Security in the United States, p. 2000. , Revised, Washington, DC: USDA Economic Research ServiceRadimer, K.L., Olson, C.M., Campbell, C.C., Development of indicators to assess hunger (1990) J Nutr, 120, pp. 1544-1548Wehler, C., (1987) Community Childhood Hunger Identification Project: New Haven Risk Factor Study, , Connecticut Association for Human Services, Hartford, CTCampbell, C., Food Insecurity: A nutritional outcome or a predictor variable? 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    Food Security In Teréna Indigenous Families, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil [segurança Alimentar Em Famílias Indígenas Teréna, Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brasil]

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    This study aims to describe the food security situation among Teréna families in the villages of Água Azul, Olho D'Água, and Oliveiras in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale was adapted to 15 questions that reflect food insecurity at different levels of intensity. A survey was conducted in the villages with 49 families that had under-five children. Information was obtained on income, family size, maternal education, and children's food intake. 75.5% of families showed some level of food insecurity (22.4% low, 32.7% moderate, and 20.4% high). A large percentage (67.3%) of the families live with fear of lack of food. One-fourth of women had experienced hunger during the month prior to the survey, and 14.3% (7) reported the same condition for children in the household. More serious food insecurity was observed in families with lower per capita income and lower maternal education, more family members, and more children per family group in which the children's diet was insufficient, especially in protein and iron.234785793Conselho Nacional de Segurança Alimentar. Princípios e diretrizes de uma política de segurança alimentar. Brasília: Editora Positiva2004Organização das Nações Unidas. Declaração universal dos direitos humanos. http://www.unhchr.ch/ udhr/lang/por.htm (acessado em 13/Ago/2005)Valente, F.L.S., Fome, desnutrição e cidadania: Inclusão social e direitos humanos (2003) Saúde Soc, 12, pp. 51-60Monteiro, C.A., A dimensão da pobreza, da desnutrição e da fome no Brasil (2003) Estud Av, 48, pp. 7-20Segall-Corrêa AM, Pérez-Escamilla R, Maranha LK, Sampaio MFA, Yuyana L, Alencar F, et al. Projeto: acompanhamento e avaliaçã o da segurança alimentar em famílias brasileiras: validação de metodologia e de instrumento de coleta de informação. Campinas: Departamento de Medicina Preventiva e Social, Universidade Estadual de Campinas/Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Ministério da Saúde2003. (Relatório Técnico)Bickel, G., Nord, M., Price, C., Hamilton, W., Cook, J., Measuring food security in the United States: Guide to measuring household food security (2000) Alexandria: Office of Analysis, Nutrition, and Evaluation, , U.S. Department of Agriculture;Radimer, K.L., Olson, C.M., Greene, J.C., Campbell, C.C., Habicht, J.P., Understanding hunger and developing indicators to assess it in women and children (1992) J Nutr Educ, 24 (1 SUPPL.), pp. 36-44Pérez-Escamilla R, Segall-Corrêa AM, Maranha LK, Sampaio MFA, Marín-León L, Panigassi G. An adapted version of the U. S. Department of Agriculture Food Insecurity Module is a valid tool for assessing household food insecurity in Campinas, Brazil. 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Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz/ABRASCO2003. p. 73-88Ribas, D.L.B., Sganzerla, A., Zorzatto, J.R., Philippi, S.T., Nutrição e saúde infantil em uma comunidade indígena Teréna, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil (2001) Cad Saúde Pública, 17, pp. 323-344(2000) Dietary reference intakes for vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and carotenoids, , Institute of Medicine, Washington DC: National Academy Press;(2001) Dietary reference intakes for vitamin A, vitamin K, arsenic, boron, chromium, cooper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silicon, vanadium an zinc, , Institute of Medicine, Washington DC: National Academy Press;(2002) Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids, cholesterol, protein ad amino acids (macronutrients), , Institute of Medicine, Washington DC: National Academy Press;(1997) Dietary reference intakes for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D and fluoride, , Institute of Medicine, Washington DC: National Academy Press;(1989) Recommended dietary allowances, , National Research Council, 10 th Ed. Washington DC: National Academy Press;Melgar-Quinonez, H., Kaiser, L., Martin, A., Metz, D., Olivares, A., Food insecurity among Latinos in California: A focal groups study (2003) Salud Pública Méx, 45, pp. 198-205Marín-León, L., Segal-Corrêa, A.M., Panigassi, G., Maranha, L.K., Sampaio, A.F.A., Pérez-Escamilla, R., A percepção de insegurança alimentar em famílias com idosos de Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil (2005) Cad Saúde Pública, 21, pp. 1433-1440Pérez-Escamilla, R., Ferris, A.N., Drake, L., Haldeman, L., Peranick, J., Campbell, M., Food stamps are associated with food security and dietary intake of inner-city preschoolers from Hartford, Connecticut (2000) J Nutr, 130, pp. 27-11

    Violence Against Pregnant Women: Prevalence And Associated Factors [violência Doméstica Na Gravidez: Prevalência E Fatores Associados]

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    Objective: To identify the factors associated with domestic violence against pregnant women. Methods: Interviews were conducted with 1,379 pregnant women undergoing antenatal care in basic health care units of the Brazilian Health System, within the municipality of Campinas (Southeastern Brazil). A structured questionnaire on domestic violence, validated in Brazil, was applied between July 2004 and July 2006. The fi rst and second interviews in a cohort study were analyzed. Descriptive and multiple logistic regression analysis of the data were conducted. Results: Psychological violence was reported by 19.1% (n=263) of the total sample of pregnant women and physical/sexual violence was reported by 6.5% (n=89) of them. The factors associated to psychological violence were: adolescent intimate partner (p<0.019) and the pregnant woman had witnessed physical aggression before she was 15 years old (p<0.001). The factors associated to physical/sexual violence were: difficulties encountered by the pregnant woman in attending her antenatal appointments (p<0.014), intimate partner uses drugs (p<0.015) and does not work (p<0.048). The factors associated to psychological and physical/sexual violence were: low level of education of the interviewee (p<0.013 and p<0.020, respectively), the pregnant woman being responsible for the family (p<0.001 and p=0.017, respectively) pregnant woman had suffered physical aggression during childhood (p<0.029 and p<0.038, respectively), presence of common mental disorder (p<0.001) and intimate partner consumes alcoholic beverage twice or more weekly. (p<0.001). Conclusions: A high prevalence of different categories of domestic violence by an intimate partner during pregnancy was found as well as different factors associated with them. Appropriate mechanisms are necessary, particularly in primary health care, to identify and deal with domestic violence during pregnancy.425877885Audi CAF, Corre̊a AMS, Turato E, Santiago SM, Andrade MGG Rodrigues MSP. Percepção da violência doméstica por mulheres gestantes e não gestantes da cidade de Campinas-SP. Rev Cienc Saude Coletiva. 2007[citado 2007 dez 12]. Disponível em http://www.abrasco.org.br/cienciaesaudecoletiva/ artigos/artigo_int.php?id_artigo=1092Coker, A.L., Sanderson, M., Dong, B., Partner violence during pregnancy and risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes (2004) Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol, 18 (4), pp. 260-269Durand, J.G., Schraiber, L.B., Violência na gestação entre usuárias de serviços públicos de saúde da Grande São Paulo: Prevalẽncia e fatores associados. 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