90 research outputs found

    Generalized Measure of Entropy, Mathai's Distributional Pathway Model, and Tsallis Statistics

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    The pathway model of Mathai (2005) mainly deals with the rectangular matrix-variate case. In this paper the scalar version is shown to be associated with a large number of probability models used in physics. Different families of densities are listed here, which are all connected through the pathway parameter 'alpha', generating a distributional pathway. The idea is to switch from one functional form to another through this parameter and it is shown that basically one can proceed from the generalized type-1 beta family to generalized type-2 beta family to generalized gamma family when the real variable is positive and a wider set of families when the variable can take negative values also. For simplicity, only the real scalar case is discussed here but corresponding families are available when the variable is in the complex domain. A large number of densities used in physics are shown to be special cases of or associated with the pathway model. It is also shown that the pathway model is available by maximizing a generalized measure of entropy, leading to an entropic pathway. Particular cases of the pathway model are shown to cover Tsallis statistics (Tsallis, 1988) and the superstatistics introduced by Beck and Cohen (2003).Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages, title changed, introduction, conclusions, and references update

    A certain class of Laplace transforms with applications to reaction and reaction-diffusion equations

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    A class of Laplace transforms is examined to show that particular cases of this class are associated with production-destruction and reaction-diffusion problems in physics, study of differences of independently distributed random variables and the concept of Laplacianness in statistics, alpha-Laplace and Mittag-Leffler stochastic processes, the concepts of infinite divisibility and geometric infinite divisibility problems in probability theory and certain fractional integrals and fractional derivatives. A number of applications are pointed out with special reference to solutions of fractional reaction and reaction-diffusion equations and their generalizations.Comment: LaTeX, 12 pages, corrected typo

    Pathway Model, Superstatistics, Tsallis Statistics, and a Generalized Measure of Entropy

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    The pathway model of Mathai (2005) is shown to be inferable from the maximization of a certain generalized entropy measure. This entropy is a variant of the generalized entropy of order 'alpha', considered in Mathai and Rathie (1975), and it is also associated with Shannon, Boltzmann-Gibbs, Renyi, Tsallis, and Havrda-Charvat entropies. The generalized entropy measure introduced here is also shown to haveinteresting statistical properties and it can be given probabilistic interpretations in terms of inaccuracy measure, expected value, and information content in a scheme. Particular cases of the pathway model are shown to be Tsallis statistics (Tsallis, 1988) and superstatistics introduced by Beck and Cohen (2003). The pathway model's connection to fractional calculus is illustrated by considering a fractional reaction equation.Comment: LaTeX, 22 page

    Random volumes under a general matrix-variate model

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    AbstractThe convex hull generated by p linearly independent points in Euclidean n-space, n⩾p will almost surely determine a p-simplex and the corresponding p-parallelotope. The volume of this p-parallelotope is v=|XX′|12 where the rows of the p×n,n⩾p matrix of rank p represent the p linearly independent points. If the points are random points in some sense then v becomes a random volume. The distribution of this random volume v when the matrix X has a very general real rectangular matrix-variate density is the topic of this paper. The complicated classical procedures based on integral geometry techniques for dealing with such problems are replaced by a simpler procedure based on Jacobians of matrix transformations and functions of matrix argument. Apart from the distribution of v under this general model, arbitrary moments of v, connection to the likelihood ratio statistic or λ-criterion for testing hypotheses on the parameters of multivariate normal distributions, connections to Mellin–Barnes integrals and Meijer’s G-function, connection to the concept of generalized variance, various structural decompositions of v and special cases are also examined here

    Enumeration of almost cubic maps

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    AbstractThis paper deals with the enumeration of rooted planar maps in which the root vertex is of arbitrary valence and all other vertices are trivalent. A formula, in explicit form, is given and closed form expressions are given for several cases of interest. Some interesting summation formulae are also obtained towards the end of the paper

    On Generalized Fractional Kinetic Equations

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    In a recent paper, Saxena et al. [1] developed the solutions of three generalized fractional kinetic equations in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions. The object of the present paper is to further derive the solution of further generalized fractional kinetic equations. The results are obtained in a compact form in terms of generalized Mittag-Leffler functions. Their relation to fundamental laws of physics is briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Computational aspects of the gravitational instability problem for a multicomponent cosmological medium

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    The paper presents results for deriving closed-form analytic solutions of the non-relativistic linear perturbation equations, which govern the evolution of inhomogeneities in a homogeneous spatially flat multicomponent cosmological model. Mathematical methods to derive computable forms of the perturbations are outlined.Comment: 20 pages in LaTeX, McGill University preprin

    Solar Structure in terms of Gauss' Hypergeometric Function

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    Hydrostatic equilibrium and energy conservation determine the conditions in the gravitationally stabilized solar fusion reactor. We assume a matter density distribution varying non- linearly through the central region of the Sun. The analytic solutions of the differential equations of mass conservation, hydrostatic equilibrium, and energy conservation, together with the equation of state of the perfect gas and a nuclear energy generation rate ϵ=ϵ0ρnTm\epsilon=\epsilon_0\rho^nT^m, are given in terms of Gauss' hypergeometric function. This model for the structure of the Sun gives the run of density, mass pressure, temperature, and nuclear energy generation through the central region of the Sun. Because of the assumption of a matter density distribution, the conditions of hydrostatic equilibrium and energy conservation are separated from the mode of energy transport in the Sun.Comment: Invited Paper (A.M.Mathai) at the Fourth UN/ESA Workshop on Basic Space Science, Cairo, Egypt, July 1994, 10 pages LaTeX,4 figures available on reques

    Astrophysical thermonuclear functions

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    As theoretical knowledge and experimental verification of nuclear cross sections increases it becomes possible to refine analytic representations for nuclear reaction rates. In this paper mathematical/statistical techniques for deriving closed-form representations of thermonuclear functions are summarized and numerical results for them are given.The purpose of the paper is also to compare numerical results for approximate and closed-form representations of thermonuclear functions.Comment: 17 pages in LaTeX, 8 figures available on request from [email protected]

    The United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative: The TRIPOD concept

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    Since 1990, the United Nations is annually holding a workshop on basic space science for the benefit of the worldwide development of astronomy. Additional to the scientific benefits of the workshops and the strengthening of international cooperation, the workshops lead to the establishment of astronomical telescope facilities through the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of Japan. Teaching material, hands-on astrophysics material, and variable star observing programmes had been developed for the operation of such astronomical telescope facilities in an university environment. This approach to astronomical telescope facility, observing programme, and teaching astronomy has become known as the basic space science TRIPOD concept. Currently, a similar TRIPOD concept is being developed for the International Heliophysical Year 2007, consisting of an instrument array, data taking and analysis, and teaching space science.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe