773 research outputs found

    Children Mobile eBook Creator

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    Mobile phone contains many features and tools such as mobile camera for taking pictures and a microphone to record sounds. These tools can be innovatively utilized to enhance children creativity by building stories from their collections of pictures and audio. Furthermore, children should be able to store, manage, retrieve and index their mobile contents collections. These properties should exist in mobile system package that can also be a source of education. The aim of this study is to develop a mobile eBook application called Mobile eBook Creator. This application should help children create their own electronic story books (eStoryBooks), that can also search, retrieve, merge and index pictures, audio, video and text in mobile platform. In addition, the study also records data on how ten children ages between 7 and 11 used the functionality provided in the application. The recorded data were learning time to use the application (LT), number of question asked (No Q) and number of help required when completing tasks (No H). Furthermore, the number of tasks completed (No TC) was also noted. Generally it can be concluded that the mobile creator can be utilized without much problem by children of aged 8 years and above

    Effect of Chinese Propolis Supplementation on Ross Broiler Chicks: Microbial Population in Fecal matter and Litter

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    Propolis has been considered a good candidate for health amelioration and disease prevention over a long period of time. Effect of feed supplementation with Chinese ether extract propolis was evaluated for the antibacterial action on (Ross 308) broiler chicks and their litter over 35 days. The addition of different levels of propolis (100, 250 and 750 mg/kg diet) on total aerobic and coliform bacteria as well as Lactobacillus spp. and bifidobacteria were determined. Supplementation of propolis significantly increased (p<0.05) the desired stimulating effect of Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacteria in fecal samples of all treatment groups compared to control group. However, propolis did not have an impact to reduce the total aerobic and coliform bacteria compared to control group in both fecal and litter samples. In conclusion, Chinese propolis improved the beneficial normal gut microflora and had a limited effect on the total aerobic and coliform bacteria in broiler chicks and litter quality

    Structure of Superdeformed Rotational Bands in A ~ 150 Mass Region

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    The structure of superdeformed rotational bands (SDRB's) in A ~ 150 mass region are studied by using the Harris three parameter expansion and the incremental alignment. The bandhead spins Io have been determined with best fit procedure in order to obtain a minimum root mean square deviation between the calculated and the experimental dynamical moments of inertia. The kinematic moment of inertia has been calculated as a function of rotational frequency and compared to the corresponding experimental ones by assuming three spin values Io - 2 , Io , Io + 2. The transition energies and the variation of the moments of inertia as a function of rotational frequency have been calculated. The agreement between theory and experiment are excellent. The identical bands of SDRB's with ΔI = 2 staggering in 148Gd (SD6) and 149Gd (SD1) are investigated. Also the presence of ΔI = 2 staggering effect in the yrast bands of 147Eu and 150Tb has been examined

    Theoretical Determination of Level Spins of Superdeformed Bands for Nuclei in the Mass Region A = 80 – 104

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    The bandhead spins of seventeen superdefomed bands in A = 80  104 region (38Sr, 39Y, 40Zr, 41Nb,42Mo, 43Tc, 46Pd) have assigned by an indirect method. The dynamical moment of inertia J(2) as a function of rotational frequency ђω are extracted from Harris expansion and fitted to the experimental values by using a computer simulated search program. The calculated dynamic moment of inertia with the best optimized parameters are integrated to give the spins. The intrinsic aligned angular momentum (the integration constant) is assumed to be zero. The values of the spins resulting from our approach are consistent with all spin assignments of other approaches, and have been used to determine the kinematic moment of inertia J(1). The systematic variation of J (2) and J (1) with rotational frequency ђω is investigated, which turns out to be helpful in the spin prediction. Most SD bands in this mass region exhibits decreasing in J(1) and J(2) with increasing ђω. The bandhead moment of inertia J0 which occur at J(2) = J (1) has been sensitive guideline parameter to spin proposition. The relationship between the Harris expansion three parameter model and the four parameter Bohr-Mottelson formula is derived

    Risk of Heavy Metals from Using Broiler Litter as an Alternative Animal Feedstuff or Organic Fertilizer

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    Potential risk of heavy metal residues in poultry litter is considered as one of the environmental concerns of litter applications on agricultural land or as animal feedstuff. Therefore, a total of 136 litter samples were collected from broiler farms and examined for the presence of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), aluminum (Al) and nickel (Ni) using ZEEnit 700P Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with Graphite Furness. The results showed that all litter samples contained notable concentrations of the analyzed metals and their order was Ni > Al > Pb > Cd. Standard limit for heavy metals in litter differs greatly if it is applied to pasture or as feed for animals. It was found that Pb content in litter was 8-10 times as FAO limit when used as fish feed. Meanwhile, Pb level was higher than the European Communities standard in 24% of litter samples when used as complete feedstuff for animals. However, Pb level was much lower than the Spanish legislation for fertilizers. Additionally, Al, Ni and Cd content did not exceed the legally permitted guideline limits when used as feedstuff or fertilizer. It was concluded that, poultry litter contained high Pb level, which may accumulate in the body and can pose health risk when used as an alternative feedstuff for fish and animals

    Nuclear Shape Transition Between Spherical U(5) and γ-Unstable O(6) Limits of the Interacting Boson Model

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    The interacting boson model (IBM) with intrinsic coherent state (characterized by and ) is used to describe the nuclear second order shape phase transition (denoted E(5)) between the spherical oscillator U(5) and the -soft rotor O(6) structural limits. The potential energy surfaces (PES's) have been derived and the critical points of the phase transition have been determined . The model is examined for the spectra of even-even neutron rich xenon isotopic chain. The best adopted parameters in the IBM Hamiltonian for each nucleus have been adjusted to reproduce as closely as possible the experimental selected numbers of excitation energies of the yrast band, by using computer simulated search program.Using the best fitted parameters , the energy ratios for the  levels are calculated and compared to those of the O(6) and U(5) dynamical symmetry limits.122Xe and 132Xe are considered as examples for the two O(6) and U(5) dynamical symmetry limit

    Improvement of DFIG-based WECS performance using SMES unit

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    Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIGs) are widely used in variable speed wind turbine owing to its superior advantages that include ability to extract more energy from turbine, capability to control activeand reactive power independently and the usage ofreduced converter rating that reduces its overall cost.The application of DFIG in large wind energyconversion systems (WECS) has reached 55% of theworldwide total wind capacity during the year 2012. Onthe other side fluctuating output power, weak fault ridethrough capability and high sensitivity to griddisturbances are the main issues that affect DFIGperformance. In this paper, superconducting magneticenergy storage (SMES) unit is proposed to improve theoverall performance of a DFIG-based WECS duringvoltage sag disturbance in the grid side. A new controlapproach for SMES unit using hysteresis currentcontroller (HCC) along with proportional integral (PI) controller is introduced. Simulations results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed SMES controller in improving the overall performance of the WECS system under study

    Production of high protein quality noodles using wheat flour fortified with different protein products from lupine

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    AbstractPhysicochemical, cooking quality and sensory characteristics of noodles fortified by whole lupine meal (WLM) and defatted lupine meal (DLM) as different protein products were evaluated. Optimum cooking time significantly decreased with increasing the replacement levels. The prepared noodles contained 10% WLM or DLM had swelling indices similar to that in the control sample. The higher cooking yield was observed in prepared noodles using 20% WLM or DLM. The cooking loss was improved when using DLM with significant (p<0.05) lower values at all replacement levels than that in control sample. Used the WLM and DLM at levels 5% and 10%, respectively gave low nitrogen loss values. Calculated protein efficiency ratio, proportion of essential amino acid to the total amino acids, essential amino acid index, biological value, chemical score and limiting amino acid were improved. The received scores from sensory evaluation showed that WLM or DLM noodles at levels 5–10% or 5–20%, respectively had higher flavor and overall acceptability values with non-significant (p>0.05) differences compared to the control sample

    Effects of Propolis, Ascorbic Acid and Vitamin E on Thyroid and Corticosterone Hormones in Heat Stressed Broilers

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    The study was designed to evaluate the effect of oxidative stress during the summer on serum levels of Triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and corticosterone hormones in Ross 308 broiler chickens and to compare the efficacy of propolis, ascorbic acid and vitamin E (α-tocopherol acetate) as antioxidants in amelioration of heat stress and normalization of serum T3 and T4 and corticosterone levels in broilers. Birds were divided into five groups during the experimental period (15 to 42 days of age), the positive control group (G1) was kept under thermo-neutral condition (28.0±4.0°C ) and fed control diet, while the other four groups were exposed to heat stress (38.0±1.4°C), control group (G2) chicks were fed control diet without additives, propolis group (G3) chicks were supplemented with 250 mg Chinese ether extracted propolis /kg diet, group (G4) supplemented with 250 mg ascorbic acid/kg diet and group (G5) supplemented with 250 mg of α-tocopherol acetate/kg diet (vitamin E). At the end of day 42, five broilers were randomly chosen from each treatment and slaughtered, and then sera were collected to estimate T3 and T4 and corticosterone levels. The results indicated that dietary supplementation of broilers with 250 mg/kg diet propolis, vitamin E or vitamin C can attenuate heat stress induced oxidative damage. These positive effects were evidenced by reduced serum corticosterone levels and improvement in thyroid hormonal levels in comparison to non-supplemented birds reared under heat stress

    Prevalence of developmental dental anomalies among adult population of Jazan, Saudi Arabia

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    AbstractObjectiveThis study was intended to determine the prevalence of developmental dental anomalies (DDA) among adults attending the outpatient dental clinics of college of dentistry, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The data obtained are expected to increase the understanding of their etiology and also aid for better management and prevention.Materials and methodsThe materials were retrieved from the files of patients reporting to the dental clinics of college of dentistry, Jazan University over a period of four months from December 2013 to March 2014. Panoramic radiographs of 1000 patients (500 males and 500 females) with an age range of 18–40years were examined for anomalies in teeth number, shape, size and position. Descriptive statistics was performed using SPSS 20 and the value of significance obtained using Chi square and Fisher exact test. The level of significance was set at 95% confidence level.ResultsThe prevalence of DDA was 37.8% and distributed equally in both the sexes. The most common anomaly was rotation (20.2%) followed by ectopic eruption (7.6%). Microdontia (0.9%), supernumerary roots (0.7%), macrodontia (0.6%) and transposition (0.3%) were less common. The prevalence of rotation is statistically significant (p<0.05).Discussion and conclusionA significant number of patients had DDA. The prevalence of rotation was high and associated with other common dental diseases. Comparison of our data with other studies showed variation in their prevalence suggesting the influence of genetic and environmental factors. The high prevalence of DDA suggests the need for proper diagnosis, intervention and treatment. Further research into etiological factors for dental anomaly presentation in adults in Saudi Arabia could create awareness and guide preventive strategies to assist in minimizing the associated dental problems