36 research outputs found

    Значение очагового поражения головного мозга в развитии вестибулярных и слуховых нарушений у больных рассеянным склерозом

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    We have examined 72 patients aged from 18 till 62 with cerebral and cerebrospinal multiple sclerosis (MS) form. All patients have been underwent оtoneurologiс examination, electronystagmography (ENG), caloric tests, pure-tone audiometry, high frequency audiometry up to 20 kHz, impedance audiometry, auditory brainstem responses (ABR), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 59 patients had pathologically changed in MRI demyelination lesion in the brainstem. Demyelinization of the brainstem affects acoustical and vestibular function in patients with multiple sclerosis. Pathological changes of pure-tone audiometry, high frequency audiometry, acoustic reflexes and ABR may be regarded as subclinical signs of demyelinization of the cochleovestibular analyzer.Мы исследовали 72 пациента с церебральной и цереброспинальной формой рассеянного склероза в возрасте от 18 до 62 лет. Всем пациентам проведено отоневрологические обследование экспериментального калорического нистагма методом компьютерной электронистагмографии (КЭНГ), тональная пороговая аудиометрия в расширенном диапазоне частот до 20 кГц, акустическая рефлексометрия, исследование коротколатентных слуховых вызванных потенциалов (КСВП) и магниторезонансная томография головного мозга. В 59 случаях визуализированы очаги демиелинизации в стволе головного мозга. Выявлена взаимосвязь очагового стволового поражения и нарушения слуховой и вестибулярной функции у больных рассеянным склерозом. Патологические изменения тонального слуха, акустических рефлексов и КСВП могут быть субклиническими признаками демиелинизирующего повреждения кохлеовестибулярного анализатора

    Worldwide diversity of endophytic fungi and insects associated with dormant tree twigs

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    International trade in plants and climate change are two of the main factors causing damaging tree pests (i.e. fungi and insects) to spread into new areas. To mitigate these risks, a large-scale assessment of tree-associated fungi and insects is needed. We present records of endophytic fungi and insects in twigs of 17 angiosperm and gymnosperm genera, from 51 locations in 32 countries worldwide. Endophytic fungi were characterized by high-throughput sequencing of 352 samples from 145 tree species in 28 countries. Insects were reared from 227 samples of 109 tree species in 18 countries and sorted into taxonomic orders and feeding guilds. Herbivorous insects were grouped into morphospecies and were identified using molecular and morphological approaches. This dataset reveals the diversity of tree-associated taxa, as it contains 12,721 fungal Amplicon Sequence Variants and 208 herbivorous insect morphospecies, sampled across broad geographic and climatic gradients and for many tree species. This dataset will facilitate applied and fundamental studies on the distribution of fungal endophytes and insects in trees

    Maks Aizikovich Akivis

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    The Study of the Effects of Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge Low Temperature Plasma Products on Spring and Winter Wheat Germination

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    The use of ion-plasma technologies for treatment of seeds of different crop plants is particularly important for regions that exist in environment of risk farming. This is due to the lack of supplies in the treatment, durability, reliability and performance of these technologies. However, the mixed results of studies obtained for different species and varieties of seeds, make it necessary to detail compare the effects of the low-temperature plasma products for different cultures. This paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effects of plasma products of surface dielectric barrier discharge on the germination of spring and winter wheat. It has been shown that irrespective of time and the exposure intensity laboratory germination of spring wheat seeds reduced of 74% in the control group to 52% of the treated seeds, while the germination of wheat seeds is not reduced even at a relatively long exposure (20 min). The modes of treatment (3 min, 2.1-2.4 kV) at which germination of winter wheat seeds increase from 81% in the control group to 87% of the treated seeds have been selected. Resistance of winter wheat seed germination to the product of the discharge plasma can be used to form the conditions for safe suppression of a variety of pathogenic organisms on the surface of seeds

    Analysis of influencing of errors of azimuth exposure of inercial'nikh of navigation systems on exactness of determination of navigation parameters

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    Аналізується вплив похибок азимутального виставлення інерціальних навігаційних систем на точність визначення положення вертикалі, абсолютної швидкості польоту та пройденого шляху, отримання аналітичних та графічних залежностей, що характеризують вплив похибок індукційних датчиків на точність функціонування інерціальних навігаційних систем.Анализируется влияние погрешностей азимутного выставления инерциальных навигационных систем на точность определения положения вертикали, абсолютной скорости полета и пройденного пути, получение аналитических и графических зависимостей, которые характеризуют влияние погрешностей индукционных датчиков на точность функционирования инерциальных навигационных систем.Influence of errors of azimuth exposure of inertial of the navigation systems is analysed on exactness of determination of position of vertical line, to absolute speed of flight and passed way, receipt of analytical and graphic dependences which characterize influence of errors of induction sensors on exactness of functioning of inertial of the navigation systems

    Optimization of base crystals for silicon solar cells of various destinations

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    The spectral dependences of reflection coefficient R(λ) for various light-receiving surface texture types ("inverted pyramids" and "V-grooves") of single crystal silicon wafers are presented as well as output and diode parameters of solar cells (SC) with p- and n-type silicon base crystals (Si-BC). Basing on comparative analysis of R(λ) dependences, the selection of an optimum type of Si-BC light-receiving surface texture is substantiated. Comparing the output and diode parameters of SC with Si-BC of p- and n-type conductivity, the development expediency of high-efficiency Si-SC with the n-type conductivity single crystals is substantiated

    Back surface reflector optimization for thin single crystalline silicon solar cells

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    It has been shown that for single crystalline silicon solar cells (Si-SC) with 180-200 μm thick base crystals, the optimum back surface reflector (BSR) is TiO₂/Al with 0.18 μm thick oxide layer. At such BSR, the reflection coefficient for photoelectric active sunlight reaching the back surface of Si-SC at 0.88-1.11 μm wavelengths attains 81 to 92 % against of 71 to 87 % at direct Al contact with back surface of silicon base crystal