12 research outputs found

    Nilai Kecernaan Riil Protein Dan Asam Amino Yang Didapat Secara Teori Dan Terukur Pada Ransum Ayam Jantan Dewasa.

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetabui pengaruh campuran em pat bahan p,akan (jagung, bungkil kedelai dan dua macam bungkil rapeseed) di dalam ransum terhadap nilai kecernaan riil protein (TOP) dan asam amino (TOAA) yang didapat secara teori dan terukur pada ayam jantan dewasa. Empat ransulU penelitian yang digunakan adalah ransulU I, 2 3, dan 4 yang mengandung berturut-turut 15, 17, 19 dan 22% protein kasar, sedangkan ransum 5 dan 6 dibuat dari ransum 4 dan 1 yang telah dicampur dengan pati sehingga kandungan protein kasarnya menjadi 11 %. Kedua ransum yang terakhir ini digunakan untuk mengetabui pengarub penurunan kadar protein ransum terbadap nilai TOP dan TOAA apabila menggunakan baban pakan yang sama. Untuk mendapatkan nilai TOP dan TI>AA yang ~rukur, tiga pulub enam ekor ayam jantan dewasa strain Isa Brown dipuasakan selama 24 jam, dan kemudian dilolob dengan menggunakan metode pelolohan basab (campuran 50% air dan 50% pakan). Untuk TOP dan TOAA teori didapat dari kalkulasi dari nilai kecernaan individu masing-masing baban pakan yang digunakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang tidak nyata antara nilai TOP teori dan yang terukur untuk 6 macaw ransum perlakuan. Nilai TOAA terukur lebih kecil (

    Effect of particle size of pea (Pisum sativum L) flours on the digestion of their proteins in the digestive tract of broilers

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    International audienc

    Early visual experience of food does not appear to reduce subsequent feed neophobia in turkeys

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     Turkeys may reduce their feed intake because of neophobia toward a new diet; however, their feeding behavior is not well known. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the effects of diet color on behavior and feed intake in turkeys. For 2 wk, 2 groups of 1-day-old turkey chicks were fed diets varying in color but of the same composition: light-colored crumbles (LC group) or dark-colored crumbles (DC group). Both groups (total n = 144) were then fed a novel diet of green crumbles for the next 2 wk. On d 30, the original groups were each divided into 3 groups and received light, dark, or green pellets. We postulated that neophobia on d 30 would be reduced for chicks fed 1) green pellets compared with diets of other colors because of the effect of recent experience, and 2) a diet of a color that was previously encountered over the first 2 wk of life. Behavior and feed intake were measured on the days before and during each feed transition at 5 min after the changeover feed to observe the short-term reaction. On the first transition day, birds in the LC group decreased their feed intake significantly at 5 min, unlike birds in the DC group, which increased their feed intake. Exploratory behavior increased in both groups when they received green crumbles on the transition day, indicating a response to the color. The changeover to pellets induced a reduction in feed intake in all groups at 5 min, but, in line with our first hypothesis, behavioral changes were less pronounced in birds receiving green pellets. However, turkeys in the DC group did not eat more dark-colored pellets than those in the other groups, and turkeys in the LC group did not eat more light-colored pellets. In the present experiment, we conclude that previous visual experience did not reduce subsequent feed neophobia but that color continuity facilitated a diet change from one feed form to another