27 research outputs found

    Оценка рисков в аудите

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    Основным требованием к качеству аудиторской проверки является достоверность аудиторского заключения. Препятствием в достижении достоверности является наличие аудиторского риска. В статье апробирована методика снижения аудиторских рисков

    Spurious states in the Faddeev formalism for few-body systems

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    We discuss the appearance of spurious solutions of few-body equations for Faddeev amplitudes. The identification of spurious states, i.e., states that lack the symmetry required for solutions of the Schroedinger equation, as well as the symmetrization of the Faddeev equations is investigated. As an example, systems of three and four electrons, bound in a harmonic-oscillator potential and interacting by the Coulomb potential, are presented.Comment: 11 pages. REVTE

    Medium corrections in the formation of light charged particles in heavy ion reactions

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    Within a microscopic statistical description of heavy ion collisions, we investigate the effect of the medium on the formation of light clusters. The dominant medium effects are self-energy corrections and Pauli blocking that produce the Mott effect for composite particles and enhanced reaction rates in the collision integrals. Microscopic description of composites in the medium follows the Dyson equation approach combined with the cluster mean-field expansion. The resulting effective few-body problem is solved within a properly modified Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas formalism. The results are incorporated in a Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck simulation for heavy ion collisions. The number and spectra of light charged particles emerging from a heavy ion collision changes in a significant manner in effect of the medium modification of production and absorption processes.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Enhancement of fusion rates due to quantum effects in the particles momentum distribution in nonideal media

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    This study concerns a situation when measurements of the nonresonant cross-section of nuclear reactions appear highly dependent on the environment in which the particles interact. An appealing example discussed in the paper is the interaction of a deuteron beam with a target of deuterated metal Ta. In these experiments, the reaction cross section for d(d,p)t was shown to be orders of magnitude greater than what the conventional model predicts for the low-energy particles. In this paper we take into account the influence of quantum effects due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for particles in a non-ideal medium elastically interacting with the medium particles. In order to calculate the nuclear reaction rate in the non-ideal environment we apply both the Monte Carlo technique and approximate analytical calculation of the Feynman diagram using nonrelativistic kinetic Green's functions in the medium which correspond to the generalized energy and momentum distribution functions of interacting particles. We show a possibility to reduce the 12-fold integral corresponding to this diagram to a fivefold integral. This can significantly speed up the computation and control accuracy. Our calculations show that quantum effects significantly influence reaction rates such as p +7Be, 3He +4He, p +7Li, and 12C +12C. The new reaction rates may be much higher than the classical ones for the interior of the Sun and supernova stars. The possibility to observe the theoretical predictions under laboratory conditions is discussed

    Statistical Theory of Spin Relaxation and Diffusion in Solids

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    A comprehensive theoretical description is given for the spin relaxation and diffusion in solids. The formulation is made in a general statistical-mechanical way. The method of the nonequilibrium statistical operator (NSO) developed by D. N. Zubarev is employed to analyze a relaxation dynamics of a spin subsystem. Perturbation of this subsystem in solids may produce a nonequilibrium state which is then relaxed to an equilibrium state due to the interaction between the particles or with a thermal bath (lattice). The generalized kinetic equations were derived previously for a system weakly coupled to a thermal bath to elucidate the nature of transport and relaxation processes. In this paper, these results are used to describe the relaxation and diffusion of nuclear spins in solids. The aim is to formulate a successive and coherent microscopic description of the nuclear magnetic relaxation and diffusion in solids. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation is considered and the Gorter relation is derived. As an example, a theory of spin diffusion of the nuclear magnetic moment in dilute alloys (like Cu-Mn) is developed. It is shown that due to the dipolar interaction between host nuclear spins and impurity spins, a nonuniform distribution in the host nuclear spin system will occur and consequently the macroscopic relaxation time will be strongly determined by the spin diffusion. The explicit expressions for the relaxation time in certain physically relevant cases are given.Comment: 41 pages, 119 Refs. Corrected typos, added reference

    Thermodynamic Properties of Methanol in the Critical and Supercritical Regions

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