668 research outputs found

    Aspects of the ontogenesis of the avian columella auris

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    Observations on embryological material from Spheniscus demersus, Acridotheres tristis, Geopelia cuneata and Gallus domesticus strongly suggest that the avian stapes represents part of an infrapharyngohyal while the rest of the pharyngohyal material (supra- plus infrapharyngohyal) together with the epihyal and a secondary laterohyal component form the extracolumella. The latter structure bears three so-called processes: the supracolumellar arcade or process (de Beer's lateral prong) whose inner limb is derived from the suprapharyngohyal and the outer limb (comprising at least part of the intercalary) from the laterohyal blasteme; the tympanic process (extracolumellar process) also derived from laterohyal blasteme; and the infracolumellar process (formed by the distal tip of the epihyal and a composite interhyal) which is continuous with the ceratohyal in most birds. Our investigation suggests that the supposed great variation in the development of the columella among birds is a fallacy.Waarnemings op embriologiese preparate van Spheniscus demersus, Acridotheres tristis, Geopelia cuneata en Gallus domesticus dui sterk daarop dat die stapes by voSIs deel van 'n infrafaringohiale verteenwoordig terwyl die res van die faringohiale materiaal (supra- plus infrafaringohiale) saam met die epihihiale en 'n sekonddre laterohiale komponent die ekstrakolumella vorm. Laasgenoemde struktuur dra drie sogenaamde uitsteeksels: die suprakolumellaar-uitsteeksel of -arkade (‘lateral prong’ van de Beer) waarvan die ‘binnebeen’ van die suprafaringohiale afkomstig is en die ‘buitebeen’ (wat minstens 'n deel van die interkalare insluit) deur die laterohiale blasteem bygedra word; die timpaniese uitsteeksel of ekstrakolumellaar-uitsteeksel wat ook van die laterohiale blasteem afkomstig is; en die infrakolumellaar-uitsteeksel (gevorm deur die distale punt van die epihiale enn saamgestelde interhiale) wat by meeste vo荀is aaneenlopend met die keratohiale voorkom. Ons ondersoek dui daarop dat die vermeende groot variasie wat ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van die kolumella by vofils sou bestaan, 'n dwaling is

    The morphogenesis of the avian Columella auris with special reference to Struthio camelus

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    The columella auris of the ostrich is derived as in the crocodile from three sources; the two upper segments of the hyoid arch (pharyngohyal and epihyal) and a laterohyal component. The latter contributes the homologue of the crocodilian suprastapedial (or lacertilian intercalary) as well as the tympanic process and the material of the lateral limb (which is not lacking as stated in the literature) of the lateral prong (supracolumellar arcade). Conditions in Struthio camelus confirm the views expressed by the authors in their paper on Crocodilus niloticus regarding the homologies of the columellar processes. The avian infracolumellar process represents the crocodilian infrastapedial plus the interhyal which in addition to primary arch material, includes a secondary subepidermal part. The ceratohyal (usually called stylohyal in the literature) remains attached to the columella through the infracolumellar process

    b -> s gamma in the left-right supersymmetric model

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    The rare decay b→sγb \to s \gamma is studied in the left-right supersymmetric model. We give explicit expressions for all the amplitudes associated with the supersymmetric contributions coming from gluinos, charginos and neutralinos in the model to one-loop level. The branching ratio is enhanced significantly compared to the standard model and minimal supersymmetric standard model values by contributions from the right-handed gaugino and squark sector. We give numerical results coming from the leading order contributions. If the only source of flavor violation comes from the CKM matrix, we constrain the scalar fermion-gaugino sector. If intergenerational mixings are allowed in the squark mass matrix, we constrain such supersymmetric sources of flavor violation. The decay b→sγb \to s \gamma sets constraints on the parameters of the model and provides distinguishing signs from other supersymmetric scenarios.Comment: 12 figure

    Effect of gluon-exchange pair-currents on the ratio G(E(P))/G(M(P))

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    The effect of one-gluon-exchange (OGE) pair-currents on the ratio ÎŒpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p for the proton is investigated within a nonrelativistic constituent quark model (CQM) starting from SU(6)×O(3)SU(6) \times O(3) nucleon wave functions, but with relativistic corrections. We found that the OGE pair-currents are important to reproduce well the ratio ÎŒpGEp/GMp\mu_p G_E^p/G_M^p. With the assumption that the OGE pair-currents are the driving mechanism for the violation of the scaling law we give a prediction for the ratio ÎŒnGEn/GMn\mu_n G_E^n/G_M^n of the neutron.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Algebraic volume density property of affine algebraic manifolds

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    We introduce the notion of algebraic volume density property for affine algebraic manifolds and prove some important basic facts about it, in particular that it implies the volume density property. The main results of the paper are producing two big classes of examples of Stein manifolds with volume density property. One class consists of certain affine modifications of \C^n equipped with a canonical volume form, the other is the class of all Linear Algebraic Groups equipped with the left invariant volume form.Comment: 35 page

    Small Corrections to the Tunneling Phase Time Formulation

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    After reexamining the above barrier diffusion problem where we notice that the wave packet collision implies the existence of {\em multiple} reflected and transmitted wave packets, we analyze the way of obtaining phase times for tunneling/reflecting particles in a particular colliding configuration where the idea of multiple peak decomposition is recovered. To partially overcome the analytical incongruities which frequently rise up when the stationary phase method is adopted for computing the (tunneling) phase time expressions, we present a theoretical exercise involving a symmetrical collision between two identical wave packets and a unidimensional squared potential barrier where the scattered wave packets can be recomposed by summing the amplitudes of simultaneously reflected and transmitted wave components so that the conditions for applying the stationary phase principle are totally recovered. Lessons concerning the use of the stationary phase method are drawn.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of neutrino signals with radiopulses in dense media through the LPM effect

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    We discuss the possibilities of detecting radio pulses from high energy showers in ice, such as those produced by PeV and EeV neutrino interactions. It is shown that the rich radiation pattern structure in the 100 MHz to few GHz allows the separation of electromagnetic showers induced by photons or electrons above 100 PeV from those induced by hadrons. This opens up the possibility of measuring the energy fraction transmitted to the electron in a charged current electron neutrino interaction with adequate sampling of the angular distribution of the signal. The radio technique has the potential to complement conventional high energy neutrino detectors with flavor information.Comment: 5 pages, 4 ps figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    An epitaxial model for heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates

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    © The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2012In this article, we present an epitaxial model for heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates. It is proposed that heterogeneous nucleation of the solid phase (S) on a potent substrate (N) occurs by epitaxial growth of a pseudomorphic solid (PS) layer on the substrate surface under a critical undercooling (ΔT ). The PS layer with a coherent PS/N interface mimics the atomic arrangement of the substrate, giving rise to a linear increase of misfit strain energy with layer thickness. At a critical thickness (h ), elastic strain energy reaches a critical level, at which point, misfit dislocations are created to release the elastic strain energy in the PS layer. This converts the strained PS layer to a strainless solid (S), and changes the initial coherent PS/N interface into a semicoherent S/N interface. Beyond this critical thickness, further growth will be strainless, and solidification enters the growth stage. It is shown analytically that the lattice misfit (f) between the solid and the substrate has a strong influence on both h and ΔT ; h decreases; and ΔT increases with increasing lattice misfit. This epitaxial nucleation model will be used to explain qualitatively the generally accepted experimental findings on grain refinement in the literature and to analyze the general approaches to effective grain refinement.EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineerin

    Live cell tracking of symmetry break in actin cytoskeleton triggered by abrupt changes in micromechanical environments

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    With the aid of stimulus-responsive hydrogel substrates composed of ABA triblock copolymer micelles, we monitored the morphological dynamics of myoblast (C2C12) cells in response to an abrupt change in the substrate elasticity by live cell imaging. The remodeling of actin cytoskeletons could be monitored by means of transient transfection with LifeAct-GFP. Dynamic changes in the orientational order of actin filaments were characterized by an order parameter, which enables one to generalize the mechanically induced actin cytoskeletons as a break of symmetry. The critical role that acto-myosin complexes play in the morphological transition was verified by the treatment of cells with myosin II inhibitor (blebbistatin) and the fluorescence localization of focal adhesion contacts. Such dynamically tunable hydrogels can be utilized as in vitro cellular micro-environments that can exert time-dependent stimuli to mechanically regulate target cells

    More Model-Independent Analysis of b->s Processes

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    We study model-independently the implications of non-standard scalar and pseudoscalar interactions for the decays b ->s gamma, b -> s g, b -> s l^+l^- (l=e,mu) and B_s -> mu^+ mu^-. We find sizeable renormalization effects from scalar and pseudoscalar four-quark operators in the radiative decays and at O(alpha_s) in hadronic b decays. Constraints on the Wilson coefficients of an extended operator basis are worked out. Further, the ratios R_H = BR(B -> H mu^+ mu^-)/BR(B -> H e^+ e^-), for H=K^(*), X_s, and their correlations with B_s -> mu^+ mu^- decay are investigated. We show that the Standard Model prediction for these ratios defined with the same cut on the dilepton mass for electron and muon modes, R_H= 1 + O(m^2_mu/m^2_b), has a much smaller theoretical uncertainty (<1%) than the one for the individual branching fractions. The present experimental limit R_K < 1.2 puts constraints on scalar and pseudoscalar couplings, which are similar to the ones from current data on BR(B_s -> mu^+ mu^-). We find that new physics corrections to R_{K*} and R_{X_s} can reach 13% and 10%, respectively.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures; Table 1 updated, two refs added (to appear in PRD
