42 research outputs found

    Comment on "kinetic decoupling of WIMPs: Analytic expressions"

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    Visinelli and Gondolo [Phys. Rev. D 91, 083526 (2015).PRVDAQ1550-799810.1103/PhysRevD.91.083526, hereafter VG15] derived analytic expressions for the evolution of the dark matter temperature in a generic cosmological model. They then calculated the dark matter kinetic decoupling temperature Tkd and compared their results to the Gelmini and Gondolo [J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 10 (2008) 002.JCAPBP1475-751610.1088/1475-7516/2008/10/002, hereafter GG08] calculation of Tkd in an early matter-dominated era (EMDE), which occurs when the Universe is dominated by either a decaying oscillating scalar field or a semistable massive particle before Big Bang nucleosynthesis. VG15 found that dark matter decouples at a lower temperature in an EMDE than it would in a radiation-dominated era, while GG08 found that dark matter decouples at a higher temperature in an EMDE than it would in a radiation-dominated era. VG15 attributed this discrepancy to the presence of a matching constant that ensures that the dark matter temperature is continuous during the transition from the EMDE to the subsequent radiation-dominated era and concluded that the GG08 result is incorrect. We show that the disparity is due to the fact that VG15 compared Tkd in an EMDE to the decoupling temperature in a radiation-dominated universe that would result in the same dark matter temperature at late times. Since decoupling during an EMDE leaves the dark matter colder than it would be if it decoupled during radiation domination, this temperature is much higher than Tkd in a standard thermal history, which is indeed lower than Tkd in an EMDE, as stated by GG08

    Astrometric microlensing by local dark matter subhalos

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    High-resolution N-body simulations of dark matter halos indicate that the Milky Way contains numerous subhalos. When a dark matter subhalo passes in front of a star, the light from that star will be deflected by gravitational lensing, leading to a small change in the star's apparent position. This astrometric microlensing signal depends on the inner density profile of the subhalo and can be greater than a few microarcseconds for an intermediate-mass subhalo (M vir ≳ 104 M ⊙) passing within arcseconds of a star. Current and near-future instruments could detect this signal, and we evaluate the Space Interferometry Mission's (SIM's), Gaia's, and ground-based telescopes' potential as subhalo detectors. We develop a general formalism to calculate a subhalo's astrometric lensing cross section over a wide range of masses and density profiles, and we calculate the lensing event rate by extrapolating the subhalo mass function predicted by simulations down to the subhalo masses potentially detectable with this technique. We find that, although the detectable event rates are predicted to be low on the basis of current simulations, lensing events may be observed if the central regions of dark matter subhalos are more dense than current models predict (≳1 M ⊙ within 0.1 pc of the subhalo center). Furthermore, targeted astrometric observations can be used to confirm the presence of a nearby subhalo detected by gamma-ray emission. We show that, for sufficiently steep density profiles, ground-based adaptive optics astrometric techniques could be capable of detecting intermediate-mass subhalos at distances of hundreds of parsecs, while SIM could detect smaller and more distant subhalos

    Solar system tests do rule out 1/R gravity

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    Shortly after the addition of a 1/R term to the Einstein-Hilbert action was proposed as a solution to the cosmic-acceleration puzzle, Chiba showed that such a theory violates Solar System tests of gravity. A flurry of recent papers have called Chiba's result into question. They argue that the spherically-symmetric vacuum spacetime in this theory is the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution, making this theory consistent with Solar System tests. We point out that although the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution exists in this theory, it is not the unique spherically-symmetric vacuum solution, and it is not the solution that describes the spacetime in the Solar System. The solution that correctly matches onto the stellar-interior solution differs from Schwarzschild-de Sitter in a way consistent with Chiba's claims. Thus, 1/R gravity is ruled out by Solar System tests

    Growth of dark matter perturbations during kination

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    If the Universe's energy density was dominated by a fast-rolling scalar field while the radiation bath was hot enough to thermally produce dark matter, then dark matter with larger-than-canonical annihilation cross sections can generate the observed dark matter relic abundance. To further constrain these scenarios, we investigate the evolution of small-scale density perturbations during such a period of kination. We determine that once a perturbation mode enters the horizon during kination, the gravitational potential drops sharply and begins to oscillate and decay. Nevertheless, dark matter density perturbations that enter the horizon during an era of kination grow linearly with the scale factor prior to the onset of radiation domination. Consequently, kination leaves a distinctive imprint on the matter power spectrum: scales that enter the horizon during kination have enhanced inhomogeneity. We also consider how matter density perturbations evolve when the dominant component of the Universe has a generic equation-of-state parameter w. We find that matter density perturbations do not grow if they enter the horizon when 01/3, their growth is faster than the logarithmic growth experienced during radiation domination. The resulting boost to the small-scale matter power spectrum leads to the formation of enhanced substructure, which effectively increases the dark matter annihilation rate and could make thermal dark matter production during an era of kination incompatible with observations

    Supermassive black hole merger rates: Uncertainties from halo merger theory

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    The merger of two supermassive black holes is expected to produce a gravitational-wave signal detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). The rate of supermassive-black-hole mergers is intimately connected to the halo merger rate, and the extended Press-Schechter (EPS) formalism is often employed when calculating the rate at which these events will be observed by LISA. This merger theory is flawed and provides two rates for the merging of the same pair of haloes. We show that the two predictions for the LISA supermassive-black-hole-merger event rate from EPS merger theory are nearly equal because mergers between haloes of similar masses dominate the event rate. An alternative merger rate may be obtained by inverting the Smoluchowski coagulation equation to find the merger rate that preserves the Press-Schechter halo abundance, but these rates are only available for power-law power spectra. We compare the LISA event rates derived from the EPS merger formalism to those derived from the merger rates obtained from the coagulation equation and find that the EPS LISA event rates are 30 per cent higher for a power spectrum spectral index that approximates the full A cold dark matter result of the EPS theory

    A scale-dependent power asymmetry from isocurvature perturbations

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    If the hemispherical power asymmetry observed in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on large angular scales is attributable to a superhorizon curvaton fluctuation, then the simplest model predicts that the primordial density fluctuations should be similarly asymmetric on all smaller scales. The distribution of high-redshift quasars was recently used to constrain the power asymmetry on scales kâ–¡1.5hMpc-1, and the upper bound on the amplitude of the asymmetry was found to be a factor of 6 smaller than the amplitude of the asymmetry in the CMB. We show that it is not possible to generate an asymmetry with this scale dependence by changing the relative contributions of the inflaton and curvaton to the adiabatic power spectrum. Instead, we consider curvaton scenarios in which the curvaton decays after dark matter freezes out, thus generating isocurvature perturbations. If there is a superhorizon fluctuation in the curvaton field, then the rms amplitude of these perturbations will be asymmetric, and the asymmetry will be most apparent on large angular scales in the CMB. We find that it is only possible to generate the observed asymmetry in the CMB while satisfying the quasar constraint if the curvaton's contribution to the total dark matter density is small, but nonzero. The model also requires that the majority of the primordial power comes from fluctuations in the inflaton field. Future observations and analyses of the CMB will test this model because the power asymmetry generated by this model has a specific spectrum, and the model requires that the current upper bounds on isocurvature power are nearly saturated

    Cannibalism's lingering imprint on the matter power spectrum

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    The early universe may have contained internally thermalized dark sectors that were decoupled from the Standard Model. In such scenarios, the relic dark thermal bath, composed of the lightest particle in the dark sector, can give rise to an epoch of early matter domination prior to Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, which has a potentially observable impact on the smallest dark matter structures. This lightest dark particle can easily and generically have number-changing self-interactions that give rise to "cannibal"behavior. We consider cosmologies where an initially sub-dominant cannibal species comes to temporarily drive the expansion of the universe, and we provide a simple map between the particle properties of the cannibal species and the key features of the enhanced dark matter perturbation growth in such cosmologies. We further demonstrate that cannibal self-interactions can determine the small-scale cutoff in the matter power spectrum even when the cannibal self-interactions freeze out prior to cannibal domination

    Breaking a dark degeneracy: The gamma-ray signature of early matter domination

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    The Universe's early thermal history is poorly constrained, and it is possible that it underwent a period of early matter domination driven by a heavy particle or an oscillating scalar field that decayed into radiation before the onset of big bang nucleosynthesis. The entropy sourced by this particle's decay reduces the cross section required for thermal-relic dark matter to achieve the observed abundance. This degeneracy between dark matter properties and the thermal history vastly widens the field of viable dark matter candidates, undermining efforts to constrain dark matter's identity. Fortunately, an early matter-dominated era also amplifies density fluctuations at small scales and leads to early microhalo formation, boosting the dark matter annihilation rate and bringing smaller cross sections into the view of existing indirect-detection probes. Employing several recently developed models of microhalo formation and evolution, we develop a procedure to derive indirect-detection constraints on dark matter annihilation in cosmologies with early matter domination. This procedure properly accounts for the unique morphology of microhalo-dominated signals. While constraints depend on dark matter's free-streaming scale, the microhalos make it possible to obtain upper bounds as small as âσvâ ©â‰10-32 cm3 s-1 using Fermi-LAT observations of the isotropic gamma-ray background and the Draco dwarf galaxy

    Cannibal domination and the matter power spectrum

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    Decoupled hidden sectors can easily and generically result in a period of cannibal domination, during which the dominant component of the Universe has an equation of state intermediate between radiation and matter due to self-heating by number-changing interactions. We present for the first time the consequences of a cannibal-dominated era prior to big bang nucleosynthesis for structure formation on small scales. We find that an early cannibal-dominated era imprints a characteristic peak on the dark matter power spectrum, with scale and amplitude directly determined by the mass, lifetime, and number-changing interaction strength of the cannibal field. This enhancement to the small-scale matter power spectrum will generate early-forming dark matter microhalos, and we provide a detailed and transparent map between the properties of the cannibal species and the characteristic mass and formation time of these structures. These relations demonstrate how the internal workings of a hidden sector leave a potentially observable imprint on the matter power spectrum even if dark matter has no direct couplings to the Standard Model

    Superhorizon perturbations and the cosmic microwave background

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    Superhorizon perturbations induce large-scale temperature anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) via the Grishchuk-Zel'dovich effect. We analyze the CMB temperature anisotropies generated by a single-mode adiabatic superhorizon perturbation. We show that an adiabatic superhorizon perturbation in a ΛCDM universe does not generate a CMB temperature dipole, and we derive constraints to the amplitude and wavelength of a superhorizon potential perturbation from measurements of the CMB quadrupole and octupole. We also consider constraints to a superhorizon fluctuation in the curvaton field, which was recently proposed as a source of the hemispherical power asymmetry in the CMB