118 research outputs found

    Mothers' neural responses to infant faces are associated with activation of the maternal care system and observed intrusiveness with their own child.

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    Certain infant facial characteristics, referred to as baby schema, are thought to automatically trigger parenting behavior and affective orientation toward infants. Electroencephalography (EEG) is well suited to assessing the intuitive nature and temporal dynamics of parenting responses, due to its millisecond temporal resolution. Little is known, however, about the relations between neural processing of infant cues and actual parenting behavior in a naturalistic setting. In the present study we examined the event-related potentials (ERPs) of mothers (N = 33) watching infant faces of varying attractiveness, in relation to activation of the maternal care system and the mothers' observed parenting behavior (sensitivity, nonintrusiveness) with their own child (2-6 years old). The results revealed that, irrespective of the cuteness of the infant face, mothers' neural processing of infant faces involved both early P1 and P2 components (related to orienting/detecting processes) and late positive potentials (LPPs; related to more controlled cognitive evaluation/attentional engagement). Increased early detection and processing of infant faces (reflected by P1 and P2 activity) was related to increased activation of the parental care system. In later stages of face processing, increased attentional engagement with infant faces (as reflected by LPP activity) was associated with more intrusiveness of a mother with her own child during interaction. These findings suggest that individual variations in responses to infant stimuli are associated with individual differences in parental care system activation and parenting quality. Furthermore, the parental care system might be activated relatively automatically, but actual parenting and caregiving behavior requires more conscious control.FSW – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Kind en ziekte: onderzoek voor gezondheid

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    Het onderzoek in Nederland dat zich richt op ziekte bij kinderen zou veel meer \ud kunnen opleveren wanneer de betrokkenen in een gezamenlijke inspanning een \ud aantal knelpunten uit de weg zouden ruimen en de aanwezige kansen zouden grijpen. Dat is de centrale boodschap van dit advies van de Raad voor Gezondheidsonderzoek \ud (RGO). Ter voorbereiding van het advies voerde een commissie van de RGO gesprekken met vertegenwoordigers van de disciplines die bij de preventie en behandeling van ziekten bij kinderen betrokken zijn. De commissie zond vragenlijsten naar de onderzoeksgroepen op dit gebied om zich een beeld te vormen van het lopende onderzoek. Om dat te completeren en zicht te krijgen op gehonoreerde voorstellen voor onderzoek bij kinderen, sprak de commissie met vertegenwoordigers van ZonMw, de Centrale Commissie Mensgebonden Onderzoek (CCMO) en de farmaceutische industrie (Nefarma). Zij verdiepte zich in de kwaliteit van het huidige onderzoek op het gebied van jeugdgezondheidszorg en kindergeneeskunde door middel van een bibliometrische analyse. Voorts ging de commissie na welke plaats het thema ‘kind en ziekte’ heeft in het beleid van de ministeries van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS), Jeugd en Gezin (J&G) en Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid (SZW). Op basis van dit voorwerk en bestudering van relevante wetenschappelijke literatuur komt de RGO in dit advies tot een aantal conclusies

    The Dysregulation Profile in middle childhood and adolescence across reporters: factor structure, measurement invariance, and links with self-harm and suicidal ideation

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    Recently, a phenotype of severe dysregulation, the Dysregulation Profile (DP), has been identified. DP consists of elevated scores on the Anxious/Depressed (AD), Aggressive Behavior (AGG) and Attention Problems (AP) scales of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), Teacher Report Form (TRF), or Youth Self Report (YSR). A drawback in current research is that DP has been conceptualized and operationalized in different manners and research on the factor structure of DP is lacking. Therefore, we examined the factor structure of DP across

    Child Posttraumatic Stress after Parental Cancer: Associations with Individual and Family Factors

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    Objective This study aimed to examine the severity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in children of parents with cancer and to identify individual and family factors associated with these symptoms. Methods The sample consisted of 175 children (52% girls, aged M ¼ 11.98, SD ¼ 3.20, range ¼ 6–20 years) from 92 families, of which 90 parents with a current or past cancer diagnosis and 71 healthy co-parents also completed questionnaires. Children reported on PTSD symptoms, trauma-related cognitions, emotion regulation difficulties, general family functioning, and family communication. Both parents reported on their own PTSD symptoms. Associations were investigated using multilevel regression. Results Twenty-seven percentage of the children showed clinically relevant PTSD symptoms. Intraclass correlations indicated that children from the same family showed little overlap in these symptoms. Multilevel analyses showed that child trauma-related cognitions and emotion regulation difficulties were related to higher levels of PTSD symptoms at the individual level. General family functioning was only related to child PTSD symptoms at the family level. Child PTSD severity was unrelated to parental PTSD symptoms and family communication at the family level when taking into account the other factors. Conclusions The current study highlights the psychological impact of parental cancer on children. Individual factors contributed more strongly to child PTSD symptoms than family factors. Trauma-related cognitions and emotion regulation difficulties might be targeted through specific psychoeducation for children and parents, family-oriented support and interventions, and evidence-based treatments for child PTSD
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