60 research outputs found

    A simple model of ac hopping surface conductivity in ionic liquids

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    The boundary conditions proposed to discuss the charge exchange taking place in an ionic liquid in contact with non-blocking electrodes are reconsidered in a dynamic situation. Assuming that the variation of the bulk ionic current density depends linearly on the surface value of the ionic current density, the frequency dependence of the phenomenological parameter is determined. The analysis has been performed in the framework where the relaxation times are smaller than a maximum relaxation time τM, and that the response function is independent on the value of the relaxation time. Using simple physical considerations, an expression for the surface conductivity describing the ionic charge exchange at the electrode is obtained. According to our calculations, its frequency dependence is similar to that predicted for the electric conductivity in disordered materials when the mechanism is of the hopping type. From measurements of impedance spectroscopy, by the best fit of the experimental data, the temperature dependence of the hopping time, of the dc surface conductivity, and of the diffusion coefficient are derived. They are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions obtained with the random distribution of surface energy barrier. Keywords: Ionic liquids, Non-blocking electrodes, Electrical impedance spectroscopy, AC hopping surface conductivit

    Independence of the effective dielectric constant of an electrolytic solution on the ionic distribution in the linear Poisson-Nernst-Planck model

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    We consider the influence of the spatial dependence of the ions distribution on the effective dielectric constant of an electrolytic solution. We show that in the linear version of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck model, the effective dielectric constant of the solution has to be considered independent of any ionic distribution induced by the external field. This result follows from the fact that, in the linear approximation of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck model, the redistribution of the ions in the solvent due to the external field gives rise to a variation of the dielectric constant that is of the first order in the effective potential, and therefore it has to be neglected in the Poisson's equation that relates the actual electric potential across the electrolytic cell to the bulk density of ions. The analysis is performed in the case where the electrodes are perfectly blocking and the adsorption at the electrodes is negligible, and in the absence of any ion dissociation- recombination effect. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Cholesteric pitch transitions induced by mechanical strain

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    We investigate thickness and surface anchoring strength influence on pitch transitions in a planar cholesteric liquid crystal layer. The cholesteric-nematic transition is also investigated. We assume planar boundary conditions, with strong anchoring strength at one interface and weak anchoring strength at the other. The surface anchoring energy we consider to describe the deviation of the surface twist angle from the easy axis induced by a bulk deformation is a parabolic potential or Rapini and Papoular periodic potential, respectively. We show that under strain, all pitch transitions take place at a critical thickness that is equal to the quarter of the natural cholesteric pitch. The latter result does not depend on the anchoring strength, the particular surface potential, or material properties. The twist angle on the limiting surface characterized by weak anchoring varies with strain either by slipping and or in a discontinuous manner according to the thickness of the sample. The position of the bifurcation point depends only on the ratio of the extrapolation length over the layer thickness, but its value is model dependent. Multistability and multiplicity of the transition are discussed. © 2013 American Physical Society