14 research outputs found

    Инновационные цели и стратегии развития национального университета (на примере инженерного факультета РУДН): 2013-2040 гг.

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    The article is oriented to the overall policy of development of the National University of the RF, considering the PFUR as the case-study example; it is based on synergic systems approach, and identifies the aims, and strategy of development at the present level of VI-th technological cycle of the world community, til 2040: (1) the development of the “rating” as the leading University of the World, (2) to increase its income from the Global Market, and to free itself from the Govt,-Financing; (3) to mask structural reorganization as per the needs of the post-industrial societyСтатья ориентирована на общую политику развития национального университета РФ (на примере РУДН), в основе которой лежит синергетическая система, а также на определение его цели и стратегий развития в данном VI техноцикле до 2040 г.: 1) развитие параметров университета для поднятия «ретинга» как у ведующих университетов мира, 2) увеличить доход поступаемый от глобального рынки и освободить университет от государственного бюджета, 3) проведение структурной реорганизации с учетом потребностей постиндустриального общества

    A South African study comparing the effectiveness of computer-based learning materials and face-to-face teaching

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    This paper compares the effectiveness of in-house developed computer-based learning (CBL) materials with face-to-face teaching. Two groups of higher education students were randomly assigned to complete tutorial work in one highly structured topic of introductory accounting using either CBL materials (treatment group) or face-to-face teaching (control group). The effectiveness of both approaches was measured according to the students’ performance in a class test, in relation to their prior accounting knowledge and gender. The results showed that the students with no prior accounting knowledge who completed the CBL materials achieved a significantly higher test mark than the face-to-face teaching group. However, there was no significant difference in the marks of the students with prior accounting knowledge, and there was no difference on the basis of gender. The results of this South African study correspond to results in existing literature in other countries, and contribute to the overall knowledge of the effectiveness of CBL materials with respect to prior accounting knowledge and gender.Accounting education, Computer-based learning (CBL), Face-to-face teaching, Gender, Prior accounting experience, Student performance

    Can functional food security decrease the epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome? A viewpoint

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    The world is still ignorant about the role of functional food security characterized by diversity and adequacy of nutrients that may have been beneficial and abundant in the Paleolithic diet 40,000 years ago because of food diversity. Therefore, the increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the resultant type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease throughout the world, are closely linked to food security via westernized dietary patterns, physical inactivity, and rapid increase in the rate of obesity. There is substantial evidence that increased intake of functional foods can bring about a significant decline in the epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome, resulting in health promotion. We therefore propose that functional food security can maintain the normal physiology and metabolism of our bodies, resulting in prevention of diseases and improvement of world health. © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc

    Can functional food security decrease the epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome? A viewpoint

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    The world is still ignorant about the role of functional food security characterized by diversity and adequacy of nutrients that may have been beneficial and abundant in the Paleolithic diet 40,000 years ago because of food diversity. Therefore, the increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the resultant type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease throughout the world, are closely linked to food security via westernized dietary patterns, physical inactivity, and rapid increase in the rate of obesity. There is substantial evidence that increased intake of functional foods can bring about a significant decline in the epidemic of obesity and metabolic syndrome, resulting in health promotion. We therefore propose that functional food security can maintain the normal physiology and metabolism of our bodies, resulting in prevention of diseases and improvement of world health. © 2016 Nova Science Publishers, Inc

    Can climate, weather, cosmos, and environmental degradation predispose to cardiovascular and other diseases?

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    The internal environment of our body systems interacts with environment in the biosphere and cosmos; the earth rotates around its axis, and around the sun in the cosmos, all living species, including humans, animals and plants, are exposed to storms induced by solar activity, geomagnetic activity, cosmic ray activity and gravitational activity. Magnetic storms may be responsible for changes in climate weather in the biosphere and cosmos as well as on earth which may influence physiology and metabolisms as well as physio-pathogenesis of diseases. Cosmology is the science dealing with knowledge about origin and development of universe, including biology related to the cosmos. Therefore, it is pertinent to call cosmo-biology, when dealing with effects of the cosmos on biological functions. Mental and spiritual health, and also possibly physical and social health, may be under the influence of solar activity, geomagnetic activity and cosmic ray activity that have major effects on space weather and climate in the cosmos. Environmental degradation may disturb magnetic activity in the cosmos, leading to changes in climate with increase in environmental temperatures causing longer summer heat waves that increase mortality, particularly among vulnerable populations such as elderly and poor people, residents of urban heat islands, and people with mental illness. Higher temperatures also increase ozone levels, compromising lung function and exacerbating asthma which may worsen due to earlier and longer pollen seasons, elevating exposure to allergens and increasing allergic sensitization and asthma episodes. Higher temperatures may result in larger and longer forest fires, reducing downwind air quality and increasing hospitalizations for respiratory and cardiovascular conditions like heart attack and sudden death. Increases in temperatures above 40°C may also predispose to heart attack. © 2018, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.. All rights reserved

    Management of Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer: Report of the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2019[Formula presented]

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    At the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2019, 10 important areas of controversy in advanced prostate cancer management were identified and discussed, and experts voted on 123 predefined consensus questions. The full report of the results is summarised here. © 2020 The Authors Background: Innovations in treatments, imaging, and molecular characterisation in advanced prostate cancer have improved outcomes, but there are still many aspects of management that lack high-level evidence to inform clinical practice. The Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2019 addressed some of these topics to supplement guidelines that are based on level 1 evidence. Objective: To present the results from the APCCC 2019. Design, setting, and participants: Similar to prior conferences, experts identified 10 important areas of controversy regarding the management of advanced prostate cancer: locally advanced disease, biochemical recurrence after local therapy, treating the primary tumour in the metastatic setting, metastatic hormone-sensitive/naïve prostate cancer, nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, bone health and bone metastases, molecular characterisation of tissue and blood, inter- and intrapatient heterogeneity, and adverse effects of hormonal therapy and their management. A panel of 72 international prostate cancer experts developed the programme and the consensus questions. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The panel voted publicly but anonymously on 123 predefined questions, which were developed by both voting and nonvoting panel members prior to the conference following a modified Delphi process. Results and limitations: Panellists voted based on their opinions rather than a standard literature review or formal meta-analysis. The answer options for the consensus questions had varying degrees of support by the panel, as reflected in this article and the detailed voting results reported in the Supplementary material. Conclusions: These voting results from a panel of prostate cancer experts can help clinicians and patients navigate controversial areas of advanced prostate management for which high-level evidence is sparse. However, diagnostic and treatment decisions should always be individualised based on patient-specific factors, such as disease extent and location, prior lines of therapy, comorbidities, and treatment preferences, together with current and emerging clinical evidence and logistic and economic constraints. Clinical trial enrolment for men with advanced prostate cancer should be strongly encouraged. Importantly, APCCC 2019 once again identified important questions that merit assessment in specifically designed trials. Patient summary: The Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference provides a forum to discuss and debate current diagnostic and treatment options for patients with advanced prostate cancer. The conference, which has been held three times since 2015, aims to share the knowledge of world experts in prostate cancer management with health care providers worldwide. At the end of the conference, an expert panel discusses and votes on predefined consensus questions that target the most clinically relevant areas of advanced prostate cancer treatment. The results of the voting provide a practical guide to help clinicians discuss therapeutic options with patients as part of shared and multidisciplinary decision making. © 2020 The Author