407 research outputs found

    The curious nonexistence of Gaussian 2-designs

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    2-designs -- ensembles of quantum pure states whose 2nd moments equal those of the uniform Haar ensemble -- are optimal solutions for several tasks in quantum information science, especially state and process tomography. We show that Gaussian states cannot form a 2-design for the continuous-variable (quantum optical) Hilbert space L2(R). This is surprising because the affine symplectic group HWSp (the natural symmetry group of Gaussian states) is irreducible on the symmetric subspace of two copies. In finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, irreducibility guarantees that HWSp-covariant ensembles (such as mutually unbiased bases in prime dimensions) are always 2-designs. This property is violated by continuous variables, for a subtle reason: the (well-defined) HWSp-invariant ensemble of Gaussian states does not have an average state because the averaging integral does not converge. In fact, no Gaussian ensemble is even close (in a precise sense) to being a 2-design. This surprising difference between discrete and continuous quantum mechanics has important implications for optical state and process tomography.Comment: 9 pages, no pretty figures (sorry!

    A simple example of "Quantum Darwinism": Redundant information storage in many-spin environments

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    As quantum information science approaches the goal of constructing quantum computers, understanding loss of information through decoherence becomes increasingly important. The information about a system that can be obtained from its environment can facilitate quantum control and error correction. Moreover, observers gain most of their information indirectly, by monitoring (primarily photon) environments of the "objects of interest." Exactly how this information is inscribed in the environment is essential for the emergence of "the classical" from the quantum substrate. In this paper, we examine how many-qubit (or many-spin) environments can store information about a single system. The information lost to the environment can be stored redundantly, or it can be encoded in entangled modes of the environment. We go on to show that randomly chosen states of the environment almost always encode the information so that an observer must capture a majority of the environment to deduce the system's state. Conversely, in the states produced by a typical decoherence process, information about a particular observable of the system is stored redundantly. This selective proliferation of "the fittest information" (known as Quantum Darwinism) plays a key role in choosing the preferred, effectively classical observables of macroscopic systems. The developing appreciation that the environment functions not just as a garbage dump, but as a communication channel, is extending our understanding of the environment's role in the quantum-classical transition beyond the traditional paradigm of decoherence.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, RevTex 4. Submitted to Foundations of Physics (Asher Peres Festschrift

    Unitary Fermi gas, epsilon expansion, and nonrelativistic conformal field theories

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    We review theoretical aspects of unitary Fermi gas (UFG), which has been realized in ultracold atom experiments. We first introduce the epsilon expansion technique based on a systematic expansion in terms of the dimensionality of space. We apply this technique to compute the thermodynamic quantities, the quasiparticle spectrum, and the critical temperature of UFG. We then discuss consequences of the scale and conformal invariance of UFG. We prove a correspondence between primary operators in nonrelativistic conformal field theories and energy eigenstates in a harmonic potential. We use this correspondence to compute energies of fermions at unitarity in a harmonic potential. The scale and conformal invariance together with the general coordinate invariance constrains the properties of UFG. We show the vanishing bulk viscosities of UFG and derive the low-energy effective Lagrangian for the superfluid UFG. Finally we propose other systems exhibiting the nonrelativistic scaling and conformal symmetries that can be in principle realized in ultracold atom experiments.Comment: 44 pages, 15 figures, contribution to Lecture Notes in Physics "BCS-BEC crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas" edited by W. Zwerge

    Global persistence exponent of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model

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    The global persistence exponent θg\theta_g is calculated for the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model following a quench to the critical point from both disordered states and such with small initial magnetizations. Estimates are obtained for the nonequilibrium critical dynamics on the critical line and at the tricritical point. Ising-like universality is observed along the critical line and a different value θg=1.080(4)\theta_g =1.080(4) is found at the tricritical point.Comment: 7 pages with 3 figure

    Universality and scaling study of the critical behavior of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model in short-time dynamics

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    In this paper we study the short-time behavior of the Blume-Capel model at the tricritical point as well as along the second order critical line. Dynamic and static exponents are estimated by exploring scaling relations for the magnetization and its moments at early stage of the dynamic evolution. Our estimates for the dynamic exponents, at the tricritical point, are z=2.215(2)z= 2.215(2) and θ=0.53(2)\theta= -0.53(2).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Self-consistent model of ultracold atomic collisions and Feshbach resonances in tight harmonic traps

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    We consider the problem of cold atomic collisions in tight traps, where the absolute scattering length may be larger than the trap size. As long as the size of the trap ground state is larger than a characteristic length of the van der Waals potential, the energy eigenvalues can be computed self-consistently from the scattering amplitude for untrapped atoms. By comparing with the exact numerical eigenvalues of the trapping plus interatomic potentials, we verify that our model gives accurate eigenvalues up to milliKelvin energies for single channel s-wave scattering of 23^{23}Na atoms in an isotropic harmonic trap, even when outside the Wigner threshold regime. Our model works also for multi-channel scattering, where the scattering length can be made large due to a magnetically tunable Feshbach resonance.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures (PostScript), submitted to Physical Review

    Natural Orbitals and BEC in traps, a diffusion Monte Carlo analysis

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    We investigate the properties of hard core Bosons in harmonic traps over a wide range of densities. Bose-Einstein condensation is formulated using the one-body Density Matrix (OBDM) which is equally valid at low and high densities. The OBDM is calculated using diffusion Monte Carlo methods and it is diagonalized to obtain the "natural" single particle orbitals and their occupation, including the condensate fraction. At low Boson density, na3<105na^3 < 10^{-5}, where n=N/Vn = N/V and aa is the hard core diameter, the condensate is localized at the center of the trap. As na3na^3 increases, the condensate moves to the edges of the trap. At high density it is localized at the edges of the trap. At na3104na^3 \leq 10^{-4} the Gross-Pitaevskii theory of the condensate describes the whole system within 1%. At na3103na^3 \approx 10^{-3} corrections are 3% to the GP energy but 30% to the Bogoliubov prediction of the condensate depletion. At na3102na^3 \gtrsim 10^{-2}, mean field theory fails. At na30.1na^3 \gtrsim 0.1, the Bosons behave more like a liquid 4^4He droplet than a trapped Boson gas.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures, submitted Phys. Rev.

    Motion of influential players can support cooperation in Prisoner's Dilemma

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    We study a spatial Prisoner's dilemma game with two types (A and B) of players located on a square lattice. Players following either cooperator or defector strategies play Prisoner's Dilemma games with their 24 nearest neighbors. The players are allowed to adopt one of their neighbor's strategy with a probability dependent on the payoff difference and type of the given neighbor. Players A and B have different efficiency in the transfer of their own strategy therefore the strategy adoption probability is reduced by a multiplicative factor (w < 1) from the players of type B. We report that the motion of the influential payers (type A) can improve remarkably the maintenance of cooperation even for their low densities.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Corrections to Dilute Bose Liquids

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    It was recently shown (A. Bulgac. Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 89}, 050402 (2002)) that an entirely new class of quantum liquids with widely tunable properties could be manufactured from bosons (boselets), fermions (fermilets) and their mixtures (ferbolets) by controlling their interaction properties by the means of a Feshbach resonance. We extend the previous mean--field analysis of these quantum liquids by computing the lowest order quantum corrections to the ground state energy and the depletion of the Bose--Einstein condensate and by estimating higher order corrections as well. We show that the quantum corrections are relatively small and controlled by the diluteness parameter na31\sqrt{n|a|^3} \ll 1, even though strictly speaking in this case there is no low density expansion.Comment: final published version, typos corrected, updated references and added one referenc

    Dynamical properties of the unitary Fermi gas: collective modes and shock waves

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    We discuss the unitary Fermi gas made of dilute and ultracold atoms with an infinite s-wave inter-atomic scattering length. First we introduce an efficient Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsacker density functional which describes accurately various static properties of the unitary Fermi gas trapped by an external potential. Then, the sound velocity and the collective frequencies of oscillations in a harmonic trap are derived from extended superfluid hydrodynamic equations which are the Euler-Lagrange equations of a Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsacker action functional. Finally, we show that this amazing Fermi gas supports supersonic and subsonic shock waves.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, invited talk at the International Workshop "Critical Stability 2011" (Erice, October 2011), to be published in the journal Few Body System