605 research outputs found
Deuteron Photodissociation in Ultraperipheral Relativistic Heavy-Ion on Deuteron Collisions
In ultraperipheral relativistic deuteron on heavy-ion collisions, a photon
emitted from the heavy nucleus may dissociate the deuterium ion. We find
deuterium breakup cross sections of 1.38 barns for deuterium-gold collisions at
a center of mass energy of 200 GeV per nucleon, as studied at the Relativistic
Heavy Ion Collider, and 2.49 barns for deuterium-lead collisions at a center of
mass energy of 6.2 TeV, as proposed for the Large Hadron Collider. This cross
section includes an energy-independent 140 mb contribution from hadronic
diffractive dissociation. At the LHC, the cross section is as large as that of
hadronic interactions. The estimated error is 5%. Deuteron dissociation could
be used as a luminosity monitor and a `tag' for moderate impact parameter
collisions.Comment: Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev. C. Diffractive dissociation
included 10 pages with 3 figure
The curious nonexistence of Gaussian 2-designs
2-designs -- ensembles of quantum pure states whose 2nd moments equal those
of the uniform Haar ensemble -- are optimal solutions for several tasks in
quantum information science, especially state and process tomography. We show
that Gaussian states cannot form a 2-design for the continuous-variable
(quantum optical) Hilbert space L2(R). This is surprising because the affine
symplectic group HWSp (the natural symmetry group of Gaussian states) is
irreducible on the symmetric subspace of two copies. In finite dimensional
Hilbert spaces, irreducibility guarantees that HWSp-covariant ensembles (such
as mutually unbiased bases in prime dimensions) are always 2-designs. This
property is violated by continuous variables, for a subtle reason: the
(well-defined) HWSp-invariant ensemble of Gaussian states does not have an
average state because the averaging integral does not converge. In fact, no
Gaussian ensemble is even close (in a precise sense) to being a 2-design. This
surprising difference between discrete and continuous quantum mechanics has
important implications for optical state and process tomography.Comment: 9 pages, no pretty figures (sorry!
High-precision determination of the critical exponents for the lambda-transition of 4He by improved high-temperature expansion
We determine the critical exponents for the XY universality class in three
dimensions, which is expected to describe the -transition in He.
They are obtained from the analysis of high-temperature series computed for a
two-component model. The parameter is fixed such that
the leading corrections to scaling vanish. We obtain ,
, . These estimates improve previous
theoretical determinations and agree with the more precise experimental results
for liquid Helium.Comment: 8 pages, revte
Generalized contact process on random environments
Spreading from a seed is studied by Monte Carlo simulation on a square
lattice with two types of sites affecting the rates of birth and death. These
systems exhibit a critical transition between survival and extinction. For
time- dependent background, this transition is equivalent to those found in
homogeneous systems (i.e. to directed percolation). For frozen backgrounds, the
appearance of Griffiths phase prevents the accurate analysis of this
transition. For long times in the subcritical region, spreading remains
localized in compact (rather than ramified) patches, and the average number of
occupied sites increases logarithmically in the surviving trials.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure
Connections between epsilon'/epsilon and Rare Kaon Decays in Supersymmetry
We analyze the rare kaon decays , , and in conjunction
with the CP violating ratio in a general class of
supersymmetric models in which - and magnetic-penguin contributions can be
substantially larger than in the Standard Model. We point out that radiative
effects relate the double left-right mass insertion to the single left-left
one, and that the phenomenological constraints on the latter reflect into a
stringent bound on the supersymmetric contribution to the penguin. Using
this bound, and those coming from recent data on we find
{\rm BR}(K_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar \nu)\lsim 1.2\cdot 10^{-10}, {\rm BR}(K^+
\to \pi^+ \nu \bar \nu)\lsim 1.7\cdot 10^{-10}, {\rm BR}(K_L \to \pi^0 e^+
e^-)_{\rm dir}\lsim 2.0\cdot 10^{-11}, assuming the usual determination of the
CKM parameters and neglecting the possibility of cancellations among different
supersymmetric effects in . Larger values are possible, in
principle, but rather unlikely. We stress the importance of a measurement of
these three branching ratios, together with improved data and improved theory
of , in order to shed light on the realization of various
supersymmetric scenarios. We reemphasize that the most natural enhancement of
, within supersymmetric models, comes from chromomagnetic
penguins and show that in this case sizable enhancements of can also be expected.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figure
The effect of spontaneous collapses on neutrino oscillations
We compute the effect of collapse models on neutrino oscillations. The effect
of the collapse is to modify the evolution of the `spatial' part of the wave
function, which indirectly amounts to a change on the flavor components. In
many respects, this phenomenon is similar to neutrino propagation through
matter. For the analysis we use the mass proportional CSL model, and perform
the calculation to second order perturbation theory. As we will show, the CSL
prediction is very small - mainly due to the very small mass of neutrinos - and
practically undetectable.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX. Updated versio
Iso-singlet Down Quark Mixing And CP Violation Experiments
We confront the new physics models with extra iso-singlet down quarks in the
new CP violation experimental era with and
measurements, events, and
limits. The closeness of the new experimental results to the standard
model theory requires us to include full SM amplitudes in the analysis. In
models allowing mixing to a new isosinglet down quark, as in E, flavor
changing neutral currents are induced that allow a mediated contribution
to mixing and which bring in new phases. In ,
, and plots we still find much
larger regions in the four down quark model than in the SM, reaching down to
, , , and down to zero, all at 1. We elucidate
the nature of the cancellation in an order four down quark mixing
matrix element which satisfies the experiments and reduces the number of
independent angles and phases. We also evaluate tests of unitarity for the
CKM submatrix.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures, REVTeX
Hamiltonian mappings and circle packing phase spaces: numerical investigations
In a previous paper we introduced examples of Hamiltonian mappings with phase
space structures resembling circle packings. We now concentrate on one
particular mapping and present numerical evidence which supports the conjecture
that the set of circular resonance islands is dense in phase space.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
Phenomenological Determination of the Beauty Meson Decay Parameter and the CP-Violating Angle
We fit the -matrix to all recent data with the following free
parameters: three mixing angles, the CP-violating angle in the Maiani
parametrisation, the top quark mass , and the product f_B{\cal
B}_{\B}^{1/2}, where is the -meson decay parameter and {\cal
B}_{\B} is the bag parameter. Our fits span a contiguous region in the
(f_B{\cal B}_{\B}^{1/2},\ \cos\delta)--plane, limited by 0.117\lsim f_B{\cal
B}_{\B}^{1/2}/{\rm GeV}\lsim 0.231 and --0.95 \lsim \lsim
0.70. The parameters f_B{\cal B}_{\B}^{1/2} and are strongly
positively correlated.Comment: 9 pages + 1 figure available upon request, HU-TFT-94-3
Waiting for Clear Signals of New Physics in B and K Decays
We classify the extensions of the Standard Model (SM) according to the
structure of local operators in the weak effective Hamiltonian and the presence
or absence of new flavour and CP-violating interactions beyond those
represented by the CKM matrix. In particular we review characteristic
properties of models with minimal flavour violation (MFV), models with
significant contributions from Higgs penguins and models with enhanced Z^0
penguins carrying a large new CP-violating phase. Within the latter models, the
anomalous behaviour of certain B\to\pi K observables implies large departures
from the SM predictions for rare and CP-violating K and B decays. Most
spectacular is the enhancement of Br(K_L->pi^0 nu nubar) by one order of
magnitude and a strong violation of the MFV relation
(\sin2\beta)_{\pi\nu\bar\nu}=(\sin2\beta)_{\psi K_S}. On the other hand our
prediction for (\sin2\beta)_{\phi K_S}\approx 0.9 differs from the Belle result
by the sign but is consistent with the BaBar value. We give a personal shopping
list for the coming years.Comment: Main latex-file, 4 figures, 22 page
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