57 research outputs found

    Effect of ion flux parameters on the rate of austenitic stainless steel nitriding in electron beam generated plasma

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    Nitriding of metals in electron beam generated plasma provides change of ion current density j and ion energy E over a wide range, the constant temperature of a sample being sustained by change of electron beam parameters. Broad (100 cm2) electron beam (5-20 A, 60-500 eV) was generated by electron source with a plasma cathode. 12X18 10 stainless steel was nitrided at 500 during 1 h. Dependences of nitriding layer thickness on j (1,6-6,2 m/cm2), E (100-300 eV), pressure of Ar-N2 gas mixture (1-10 Pa) were obtained. Nitrided layer thickness was measured in cross-sections with the use of microhardness meter and SEM micropictures. The layer thickness decreases with the rate 4-5 microns per 100 eV with E growth and rises from 19 up to 33 microns with j increase. Character of nitriding rate dependence on j contradicts conclusions of the theory concerning restriction of the layer thickness by ion sputtering with j growth. The value of effective diffusion coefficient is an order of magnitude higher than the one known from literary data. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2084

    Комплексирование технологий управления в интеллектуальных системах высокой точности и надежности

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    Main problems, associated with the design of intelligent systems for information processing and control, which are operating at the conditions of uncertainties are considered. Main sources of uncertainties are analyzed, the classification of uncertainties is proposed and considered. Furthermore, some approaches, based on using of modern integrated technologies for information processing and control, to solve problems of the design of complex control systems, which are operating at the conditions of uncertainties, are also considered and discussed.В статье рассматриваются основные проблемы, связанные с проектированием интеллектуальных систем обработки информации и управления, функционирующих в условиях неопределенностей. Анализируются основные источники неопределенностей, приводится их классификация. Предлагаются и обсуждаются некоторые подходы к проектированию сложных систем управления, функционирующих в условиях неопределенностей, основанные на использовании современных интегрированных технологий обработки информации и управления

    Vacuum instability in external fields

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    We study particles creation in arbitrary space-time dimensions by external electric fields, in particular, by fields, which are acting for a finite time. The time and dimensional analysis of the vacuum instability is presented. It is shown that the distributions of particles created by quasiconstant electric fields can be written in a form which has a thermal character and seems to be universal. Its application, for example, to the particles creation in external constant gravitational field reproduces the Hawking temperature exactly.Comment: 36 pages, LaTe

    An integrable discretization of the rational su(2) Gaudin model and related systems

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    The first part of the present paper is devoted to a systematic construction of continuous-time finite-dimensional integrable systems arising from the rational su(2) Gaudin model through certain contraction procedures. In the second part, we derive an explicit integrable Poisson map discretizing a particular Hamiltonian flow of the rational su(2) Gaudin model. Then, the contraction procedures enable us to construct explicit integrable discretizations of the continuous systems derived in the first part of the paper.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Systems of Hess-Appel'rot type

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    We construct higher-dimensional generalizations of the classical Hess-Appel'rot rigid body system. We give a Lax pair with a spectral parameter leading to an algebro-geometric integration of this new class of systems, which is closely related to the integration of the Lagrange bitop performed by us recently and uses Mumford relation for theta divisors of double unramified coverings. Based on the basic properties satisfied by such a class of systems related to bi-Poisson structure, quasi-homogeneity, and conditions on the Kowalevski exponents, we suggest an axiomatic approach leading to what we call the "class of systems of Hess-Appel'rot type".Comment: 40 pages. Comm. Math. Phys. (to appear

    First experimental results obtained using the highpower free electron laser at the siberian center for photochemical research

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    The first lasing near the wavelength of 140 µm was achieved in April 2003 using a high-power free electron laser (FEL) constructed at the Siberian Center for Photochemical Research. In this paper we briefly describe the design of the FEL driven by an accelerator–recuperator. Characteristics of the electron beam and terahertz laser radiation, obtained in the first experiments, are also presented in the paper.У Сибірському центрі фотохімічних досліджень навесні 2003 року отримана генерація випромінювання з довжиною хвилі 140 мкм на потужному лазері на вільних електронах (ЛВЕ). У роботі коротко описана конструкція ЛВЕ на базі прискорювача рекуператора і представлені результати вимірювання деяких параметрів електронного пучка і терагерцового випромінювання.В Сибирском центре фотохимических исследований весной 2003 года получена генерация излучения с длиной волны 140 мкм на мощном лазере на свободных электронах (ЛСЭ). В работе кратко описана конструкция ЛСЭ на базе ускорителя рекуператора и представлены результаты измерения некоторых параметров электронного пучка и терагерцового излучения

    ATLAS detector and physics performance: Technical Design Report, 1

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    Is Aging a Disease?

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    The existing patented technologies of the production of lactulose were analyzed, and leading producers were defined. Crystalline lactulose was produced via the spray drying of lactulose solutions with various mass fractions of solids. The principal dependences of the finished product output on the drying temperature, the solution flow rate, the air flow rate generated by an aspirator, and the gas spray rate were studied. The results of analyzing the presented dependences allowed us to determine the optimal mass fraction of solids in a solution for spray drying. The results of studying the quantitative parameters of dry lactulose, including hygroscopicity, particle size, moisture content, and finished product solubility index, were presented