63 research outputs found

    The Role of Chemerin in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease:A Literature Review of Its Physiology and Pathology from a Nutritional Perspective

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    Chemerin is a novel adipokine that plays a major role in adipogenesis and lipid metabolism. It also induces inflammation and affects insulin signaling, steroidogenesis and thermogenesis. Consequently, it likely contributes to a variety of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and pre-eclampsia. This review describes its origin and receptors, as well as its role in various diseases, and subsequently summarizes how nutrition affects its levels. It concludes that vitamin A, fat, glucose and alcohol generally upregulate chemerin, while omega-3, salt and vitamin D suppress it. Dietary measures rather than drugs acting as chemerin receptor antagonists might become a novel tool to suppress chemerin effects, thereby potentially improving the aforementioned diseases. However, more detailed studies are required to fully understand chemerin regulation.</p

    Drug mechanisms to help in managing resistant hypertension in obesity

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    Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of hypertension. Because the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, the prevalence of obesity hypertension is also increasing. Importantly, hypertension in obesity is commonly complicated by dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus and hence imposes a high cardiovascular disease risk. Furthermore, obesity is strongly associated with resistant hypertension. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system, leading to renal sodium and water retention, links obesity with hypertension. There is also evidence for the release of factors by visceral adipose tissue promoting excessive aldosterone production, and a more central role of aldosterone in obesity hypertension is emerging. Randomized studies evaluating the effect of different classes of antihypertensive agents in obesity hypertension are scarce, short-lasting, and small. Considering the emerging role of aldosterone in the pathogenesis of obesity hypertension, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism may play a more central role in the pharmacologic treatment of obesity hypertension in the near future

    Hypertension: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Alterations

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    Blockers of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), that is, renin inhibitors, angiotensin (Ang)-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Ang II type 1 receptor antagonists, and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, are a cornerstone in the treatment of hypertension. How exactly they exert their effect, in particular in patients with low circulating RAAS activity, also taking into consideration the so-called Ang II/aldosterone escape that often occurs after initial blockade, is still incompletely understood. Multiple studies have tried to find parameters that predict the response to RAAS blockade, allowing a personalized treatment approach. Consequently, the question should now be answered on what basis (eg, sex, ethnicity, age, salt intake, baseline renin, ACE or aldosterone, and genetic variance) a RAAS blocker can be chosen to treat an individual patient. Are all blockers equal? Does optimal blockade imply maximum RAAS blockade, for example, by combining ≥2 RAAS blockers or by simply increasing the dose of 1 blocker? Exciting recent investigations reveal a range of unanticipated extrarenal effects of aldosterone, as well as a detailed insight in the genetic causes of primary aldosteronism, and mineralocorticoid receptor blockers have now become an important treatment option for resistant hypertension. Finally, apart from the deleterious ACE-Ang II-Ang II type 1 receptor arm, animal studies support the existence of protective aminopeptidase A-Ang III-Ang II type 2 receptor and ACE2-Ang-(1 to 7)-Mas receptor arms, paving the way for multiple new treatment options. This review provides an update about all these aspects, critically discussing the many controversies and allowing the reader to obtain a full understanding of what we currently know about RAAS alterations in hypertension

    Urinary markers of intrarenal renin-angiotensin system activity in vivo

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    Recent interest focuses on urinary renin and angiotensinogen as markers of renal renin-angiotensin system activity. Before concluding that these components are independent markers, we need to exclude that their presence in urine, like that of albumin (a protein of comparable size), is due to (disturbed) glomerular filtration. This review critically discusses their filtration, reabsorption and local release. Given the close correlation between urinary angiotensinogen and albumin in human studies, it concludes that, in humans, urinary angiotensinogen is a filtration barrier damage marker with the same predictive power as urinary albumin. In contrast, in animals, tubular angiotensinogen release may occur, although tubulus-specific knockout studies do not support a functional role for such angiotensinogen. Urinary renin levels, relative to albumin, are >200-fold higher and unrelated to albumin. This may reflect release of renin from the urinary tract, but could also be attributed to activation of filtered, plasma-derived prorenin and/or incomplete tubular reabsorption

    Prorenin periconceptionally and in pregnancy: Does it have a physiological role?

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    Pregnancy demands major cardiovascular, renal and endocrine changes to provide an adequate blood supply for the growing fetus. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system plays a key role in this adaptation process. One of its components, prorenin, is released in significant amounts from the ovary and uteroplacental unit. This review describes the sources of prorenin in the periconception period and in pregnancy, including its modulation by in-vitro fertilization protocols, and discusses its potential effects, among others focusing on preeclampsia. It ends with discussing the long-term consequences, even in later life, of inappropriate renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activity in pregnancy and offers directions for future research. Ultimately, a full understanding of the role of prorenin periconceptionally and during pregnancy will help to develop tools to diagnose and/or prevent reproductive complications

    Phytoestrogen supplementation and body composition in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Phytoestrogen-based medications are commonly used by menopausal women, and especially by obese postmenopausal women, to relieve menopausal symptoms. Substitution of animal with soy protein is often used in weight loss regimens, yet the effect of phytoestrogens, the main constituent of soy foods, on body composition is not completely understood. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the associations between phytoestrogen supplementation and body weight and the main parameters of body composition in postmenopausal women. A literature search was done using 5 electronic databases from inception to April 2018. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with postmenopausal women comparing phytoestrogen supplementation followed by usual diet and placebo were included in the present meta-analysis. From 5932 references, we identified 23 RCTs that met our inclusion criteria, with a total of 1880 postmenopausal women. No association was observed between phytoestrogen supplementation and body weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference, total fat mass or percentage of body fat. However, the use of phytoestrogens supplementation was associated with a slight decrease in waist-hip ratio; the pooled mean difference was −0.01 cm (95%CI: −0.01 to −0.006). In subgroup analysis, we found a modest decrease in body weight with phytoestrogens supplementation compared with placebo in healthy postmenopausal women [pooled mean difference of changes −0.28 kg (95%CI: −0.52 to −0.04)] and in RCTs with a median number of participants of 66 or less [pooled mean difference of changes −0.49 kg (95%CI: −0.87 to −0.11)]. In contrast, phytoestrogen supplementation was associated with increased body weight in postmenopausal women with preexisting metabolic disorders (prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, prehypertension and hyperlipidemia) [pooled mean difference of changes: 0.78 kg(95%CI: 0.53–1.03)]. In addition, there were some indications that some types of phytoestrogens, such as daidzein, but not soy products or isoflavone mix, could lead to modest adverse changes in body composition in menopausal women. Therefore, future studies should investigate the potential adverse effects of phytoestrogen supplementation on body composition among postmenopausal women

    Hypertension and prohypertensive antineoplastic therapies in cancer patients

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    The development of a wide range of novel antineoplastic therapies has improved the prognosis for patients with a wide range of malignancies, which has increased the number of cancer survivors substantially. Despite the oncological benefit, cancer survivors are exposed to short- and long-term adverse cardiovascular toxicities associated with anticancer therapies. Systemic hypertension, the most common comorbidity among cancer patients, is a major contributor to the increased risk for developing these adverse cardiovascular events. Cancer and hypertension have common risk factors, have overlapping pathophysiological mechanisms and hypertension may also be a risk factor for some tumor types. Many cancer therapies have prohypertensive effects. Although some of the mechanisms by which these antineoplastic agents lead to hypertension have been characterized, further preclinical and clinical studies are required to investigate the exact pathophysiology and the optimal management of hypertension associated with anticancer therapy. In this way, monitoring and management of hypertension before, during, and after cancer treatment can be improved to minimize cardiovascular risks. This is vital to optimize cardiovascular health in patients with cancer and survivors, and to ensure that advances in terms of cancer survivorship do not come at the expense of increased cardiovascular toxicities

    Transforming Growth Factor-β and the Renin-Angiotensin System in Syndromic Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms: Implications for Treatment

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    Thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAAs) are permanent pathological dilatations of the thoracic aorta, which can lead to life-threatening complications, such as aortic dissection and rupture. TAAs frequently occur in a syndromic form in individuals with an underlying genetic predisposition, such as Marfan syndrome (MFS) and Loeys-Dietz syndrome (LDS). Increasing evidence supports an important role for transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in TAA pathology. Eventually, most patients with syndromic TAAs require surgical intervention, as the ability of present medical treatment to attenuate aneurysm growth is limited. Therefore, more effective medical treatment options are urgently needed. Numerous clinical trials investigated the therapeutic potential of angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) and β-blockers in patients suffering from syndromic TAAs. This review highlights the contribution of TGF-β signaling, RAS, and impaired mechanosensing abilities of aortic VSMCs in TAA formation. Furthermore, it critically discusses the most recent clinical evidence regarding the possible therapeutic benefit of ARBs and β-blockers in syndromic TAA patients and provides future research perspectives and therapeutic implications

    Angiogenic markers during preeclampsia: Are they associated with hypertension 1 year postpartum?

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    Objectives: Preeclampsia is associated with hypertension in later life, but the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms remain uncertain. We aimed to explore whether the angiogenic markers soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and placental growth factor (PlGF) measured in women with preeclampsia could be associated with hypertension 1 year after delivery. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study, originally aimed to evaluate the use of sFlt-1/PlGF ratio to predict adverse outcome in women with (suspected) preeclampsia. Office blood pressure (BP) was evaluated at 1 year postpartum in women who had a confirmed diagnosis of preeclampsia within one week of biomarker measurement. Results: Eighty women were included with a median (interquartile range) gestational age (GA) at biomarker measurement of 30 (27–33) weeks. Twenty-three (29%) women had hypertension 1 year postpartum. These women showed higher median SBP during their pregnancy and lower GA at PE diagnosis compared to women without hypertension. Median PlGF levels were lower in women with hypertension 1 year postpartum compared to women without hypertension (23 vs. 48 pg/mL, p = 0.017), while no differences in sFlt-1 or sFlt-1/PlGF ratio were observed. Multivariable analysis adjusted for GA did not show significant association between PlGF (nor sFlt-1, sFlt-1/PlGF ratio) and hypertension 1 yea
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