37 research outputs found

    D-wave-like nodal superconductivity in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2ClO4

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    We suggest theoretical explanation of the high upper critical magnetic field, perpendicular to conducting chains, Hc2, experimentally observed in the superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4, in terms of singlet superconducting pairing. In particular, we compare the results of d-wave-like nodal, d-wave-like node-less, and s-wave scenarios of superconductivity. We show that, in d-wave-like nodal scenario, superconductivity can naturally exceed both the orbital upper critical magnetic field and Clogston-Shandrasekhar paramagnetic limit as well as reach experimental value, Hc2 = 6T, in contrast to d-wave-like node-less and s-wave scenarios. In our opinion, the obtained results are strongly in favor of d-wave-like nodal superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4, whereas, in a sister compound, (TMTSF)2PF6, we expect either the existence of triplet order parameter or the coexistence of triplet and singlet order parameters.Comment: Talk at the ECRYS-2011 international conferenc

    Universal Field-Induced Charge-Density-Wave Phase Diagram: Theory versus Experiment

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    We suggest a theory of the Field-Induced Charge-Density-Wave (FICDW) phases, generated by high magnetic fields in quasi-low-dimensional conductors. We demonstrate that, in layered quasi-one-dimensional conductors, the corresponding critical magnetic fields ratios are universal and do not depend on any fitting parameter. In particular, we find that $H_1/H_0 = 0.73, \ H_2/H_0 = 0.59, H_3/H_0 = 0.49, H_4/H_0 = 0.42,where, where H_nisacriticalfieldofaphasetransitionbetweentheFICDWphaseswithnumbers is a critical field of a phase transition between the FICDW phases with numbers nand and n+1.Thesuggestedtheoryisinverygoodqualitativeandquantitativeagreementswiththeexistingexperimentaldatain. The suggested theory is in very good qualitative and quantitative agreements with the existing experimental data in \alpha(ET)-(ET)_2KHg(SCN)KHg(SCN)_4$ material.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Orbital quantization in the high magnetic field state of a charge-density-wave system

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    A superposition of the Pauli and orbital coupling of a high magnetic field to charge carriers in a charge-density-wave (CDW) system is proposed to give rise to transitions between subphases with quantized values of the CDW wavevector. By contrast to the purely orbital field-induced density-wave effects which require a strongly imperfect nesting of the Fermi surface, the new transitions can occur even if the Fermi surface is well nested at zero field. We suggest that such transitions are observed in the organic metal α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4 under a strongly tilted magnetic field.Comment: 14 pages including 4 figure

    Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell state in quasi-one-dimensional superconductors

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    The properties of a quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) superconductor with {\it an open Fermi surface} are expected to be unusual in a magnetic field. On the one hand, the quasi-1D structure of the Fermi surface strongly favors the formation of a non-uniform state (Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell (LOFF) state) in the presence of a magnetic field acting on the electron spins. On the other hand, a magnetic field acting on an open Fermi surface induces a dimensional crossover by confining the electronic wave-functions wave-functions along the chains of highest conductivity, which results in a divergence of the orbital critical field and in a stabilization at low temperature of a cascade of superconducting phases separated by first order transistions. In this paper, we study the phase diagram as a function of the anisotropy. We discuss in details the experimental situation in the quasi-1D organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family and argue that they appear as good candidates for the observation of the LOFF state, provided that their anisotropy is large enough. Recent experiments on the organic quasi-1D superconductor (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4 are in agreement with the results obtained in this paper and could be interpreted as a signature of a high-field superconducting phase. We also point out the possibility to observe a LOFF state in some quasi-2D organic superconductors.Comment: 24 pages+17 figures (upon request), RevTex, ORSAY-LPS-24109

    Coexistence or Separation of the Superconducting, Antiferromagnetic, and Paramagnetic Phases in Quasi One-Dimensional (TMTSF)2PF6 ?

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    We report on experimental studies of the character of phase transitions in the quasi-1D organic compound (TMTSF)2PF6 in the close vicinity of the borders between the paramagnetic metal PM, antiferromagnetic insulator AF, and superconducting SC states. In order to drive the system through the phase border P_0(T_0), the sample was maintained at fixed temperature T and pressure P, whereas the critical pressure P_0 was tuned by applying the magnetic field B. In this approach, the magnetic field was used (i) for tuning (P-P_0), and (ii) for identifying the phase composition (due to qualitatively different magnetoresistance behavior in different phases). Experimentally, we measured R(B) and its temperature dependence R(B,T) in the pressure range (0 - 1)GPa. Our studies focus on the features of the magnetoresistance at the phase transition between the PM and AF phases, in the close vicinity to the superconducting transition at T~1K. We found pronounced history effects arising when the AF/PM phase border is crossed by sweeping the magnetic field: the resistance depends on a trajectory which the system arrives at a given point of the P-B-T phase space. In the transition from the PM to AF phase, the features of the PM phase extends well into the AF phase. At the opposite transition from the AF to PM phase, the features of the AF phase are observed in the PM phase. These results evidence for a macroscopically inhomogeneous state, which contains macroscopic inclusions of the minority phase. When the system is driven away from the transition, the homogeneous state is restored; upon a return motion to the phase boundary, no signatures of the minority phase are observed up to the very phase boundary.Comment: 10 figures, 23 page

    Novel Phases in the Field Induced Spin Density Wave State in (TMTSF)_2PF_6

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    Magnetoresistance measurements on the quasi one-dimensional organic conductor (TMTSF)_2PF_6 performed in magnetic fields B up to 16T, temperatures T down to 0.12K and under pressures P up to 14kbar have revealed new phases on its P-B-T phase diagram. We found a new boundary which subdivides the field induced spin density wave (FISDW) phase diagram into two regions. We showed that a low-temperature region of the FISDW diagram is characterized by a hysteresis behavior typical for the first order transitions, as observed in a number of studies. In contrast to the common believe, in high temperature region of the FISDW phase diagram, the hysteresis and, hence, the first order transitions were found to disappear. Nevertheless, sharp changes in the resistivity slope are observed both in the low and high temperature domains indicating that the cascade of transitions between different subphases exists over all range of the FISDW state. We also found that the temperature dependence of the resistance (at a constant B) changes sign at about the same boundary. We compare these results with recent theoretical models.Comment: LaTex, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Tomography of pairing symmetry from magnetotunneling spectroscopy -- a case study for quasi-1D organic superconductors

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    We propose that anisotropic pp-, dd-, or ff-wave pairing symmetries can be distinguished from a tunneling spectroscopy in the presence of magnetic fields, which is exemplified here for a model organic superconductor (TMTSF)2X{(TMTSF)}_{2}X. The shape of the Fermi surface (quasi-one-dimensional in this example) affects sensitively the pairing symmetry, which in turn affects the shape (U or V) of the gap along with the presence/absence of the zero-bias peak in the tunneling in a subtle manner. Yet, an application of a magnetic field enables us to identify the symmetry, which is interpreted as an effect of the Doppler shift in Andreev bound states.Comment: 4 papegs, 4 figure

    Detailed study of the ac susceptibility of Sr2RuO4 in oriented magnetic fields

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    We have investigated the ac susceptibility of the spin triplet superconductor Sr2_2RuO4_4 as a function of magnetic field in various directions at temperatures down to 60 mK. We have focused on the in-plane field configuration (polar angle θ90\theta \simeq 90^{\circ}), which is a prerequisite for inducing multiple superconducting phases in Sr2_2RuO4_4. We have found that the previous attribution of a pronounced feature in the ac susceptibility to the second superconducting transition itself is not in accord with recent measurements of the thermal conductivity or of the specific heat. We propose that the pronounced feature is a consequence of additional involvement of vortex pinning originating from the second superconducting transition.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic field - temperature phase diagram of quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)_2 GaCl_4 studied via thermal conductivity

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    The thermal conductivity kappa of the quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)_2 GaCl_4 was studied in the magnetic field H applied parallel to the Q2D plane. The phase diagram determined from this bulk measurement shows notable dependence on the sample quality. In dirty samples the upper critical field H_{c2} is consistent with the Pauli paramagnetic limiting, and a sharp change is observed in kappa(H) at H_{c2 parallel}. In contrast in clean samples H_{c2}(T) shows no saturation towards low temperatures and the feature in kappa(H) is replaced by two slope changes reminiscent of second-order transitions. The peculiarity was observed below ~ 0.33T_c and disappeared on field inclination to the plane when the orbital suppression of superconductivity became dominant. This behavior is consistent with the formation of a superconducting state with spatially modulated order parameter in clean samples.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, new figure (Fig.5) and references added, title change

    Quantum Hall Effect in Three-dimensional Field-Induced Spin Density Wave Phases with a Tilted Magnetic Field

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    The quantum Hall effect in the three-dimensional anisotropic tight-binding electrons is investigated in the field-induced spin density wave phases with a magnetic field tilted to any direction. The Hall conductivity, σxy\sigma_{xy} and σxz\sigma_{xz}, are shown to be quantized as a function of the wave vector of FISDW, while σyz\sigma_{yz} stays zero, where xx is the most conducting direction and yy and zz are perpendicular to xx.Comment: 18 pages, REVTeX 3.0, 1 figure is available upon request, to be published in Physical Review