42 research outputs found

    Potential applications of reproductive and molecular genetic technologies in the selective breeding of aquaculture species

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    The use of reproductive and genetic technologies can increase the efficiency of selective breeding programs for aquaculture species. Four technologies are considered, namely: marker-assisted selection, DNA fingerprinting, in-vitro fertilization, and cryopreservation. Marker-assisted selection can result in greater genetic gain, particularly for traits difficult or expensive to measure, than conventional selection methods, but its application is currently limited by lack of high density linkage maps and by the high cost of genotyping. DNA fingerprinting is most useful for genetic tagging and parentage verification. Both in-vitro fertilization and cryopreservation techniques can increase the accuracy of selection while controlling accumulation of inbreeding in long-term selection programs. Currently, the cost associated with the utilization of reproductive and genetic techniques is possibly the most important factor limiting their use in genetic improvement programs for aquatic species.Biotechnology, Genetics, Food fish, Genetic drift, Genetic diversity, Aquatic animals, DNA, Selective breeding

    Impact of homestead farming system on rural economy: A study in South 24 Pargana district of West Bengal

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    Development of homestead farming system (HFS) has the potential for poverty alleviation in states like West Bengal since irrespective of the land holding size, most of the households in the coastal region of West Bengal, have a small piece of land adjacent to their dwelling where some kind of homestead farming is carried out using the indigenous knowledge. HFS is mainly a need-oriented, self- provisioning, integrated, multi-species, economically sustainable and environmentally safe farming system around the house where the soil is enriched by homemade biological formulations and integrated farming is undertaken. This system allows year round cultivation of different agricultural products (horticulture, aquaculture, timber, etc.)which can provide either a source of additional income to the households or function as an alternative livelihood especailly for the women members of the household. In order to understand the contribution of HFS to household income and to devise ways to maximise returns from HFS, a survey was conducted covering 480 households in three blocks (Kakdwip, Namkhana and Sagar) of South 24 parganas district of West Bengal

    Conservation of the Nilgiri rainbow trout in India

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    Rainbow trout is one of the important exotic species that is well established in the upland waters of India. This paper presents the historical background of its introduction and the present status of the fish in the streams of he Nilgiri peninsula of India. The rainbow trout inhabits natural reservoirs and streams of the region as a self-recruiting population. The growth rate is reported to be relatively low and conflicting views about its taxonomic status have been reported. Successful crossbreeding of the Nilgiri rainbow trout with trout stocks from the Indian State of Himachal Pradesh has indicated the scope for utilizing cryopreserved milt as a mode of introducing new genetic material into the Nilgiri rainbow trout population. This paper outlines the requirement of ecological and genetic data to develop a strategy for management and reintroduction fresh stocks

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    Not AvailableThe nature and extent of women's involvement in aquaculture vary greatly from place to place and, within a place, they vary among castes, religions and positions in the family hierarchy. The present study covers 13 cases of successful women entrepreneurs in Tamilnadu, India who were engaged in production, input supply and export and marketing through shrimp farming, crab culture, crab fattening in cages, pens and concrete tanks, shrimp hatchery management, crab hatchery management, live feed farming and processing, shrimp processing, fish meal formulation and feed developmemnt, aqua by-products management and exports.Analysis of the case studies demonstarted that women can take part in different parts of the aquaculture value chain, especially if it involves a traditional activity they have been carrying out. The presence of organisational structure such as Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs) helped to galvanise women to take up more complex activities. Women with low formal education levels also played a role as workers. However, women with higher education or with family business connections exhibited high entrepreneurship skills, usually with family support, and could manage complex aquaculture activities.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableFish meal and fish oil are the major ingredients used for production of feed for aquaculture. A study was conducted in three coastal states of India viz., Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu in order to assess the functioning of fish meal plants, covering raw material sourcing, production process, marketing and constraints in the operation. Oilsardine is the major fish used for fish meal and fish oil production in the 35 fish meal plants operating in various coastal states of India. The installed capacity of fish meal plants varied from 20 to 350 t of raw material per day. About 65,000 t of fish meal and 34,000 t of fish oil are annually produced in the three states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Fish meal is sold at Rs. 40-50 per kg and fish oil at Rs. 50-55 per kg.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe fine structure of the egg envelope and micropyle of unfertilised spawned eggs of rohu (Labeo rohita) was observed using scanning electron microscope (SEM). The outer surface showed regularly arranged pores (dia. 0.20 - 0.25 μm) but was devoid of any filaments, fibrils or wrinkles. The micropyle was funnel shaped which exibited an outer pit (10 μm dia.) narrowing into a distinct canal (4.5 μm dia.). The larger diameter of the micropylar canal in comparison with the sperm head size of rohu and some other cyprinids make intergeneric and interspecific hybridisation easy in rohu.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSoluble esterases of rohu and mrigal were characterised by electrophoresis using different substrates and inhibitors. Four separable regions of esterolytic activity were observed in liver, brain and white muscle extracts of rohu and in three regions in mrigal, with liver of both species exhibiting maximum number of bands. Species-specific differences were observed in some of the regions. Striking substrate-specific reactions were not observed but based on sensitivity to inhibitors, the liver esterases of both species were classified into aryl, carboxyl, choline, ER and Esdp esterases.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture (CIBA) under Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) was established in 1987 to conduct research and to provide technology support to the country's growing brackishwater aquaculture sector. With capture fishery production both in marine and freshwater sectors having more or less reached a plateau, only aquaculture can meet the increasing demand for fish. Aquaculture is growing at a rate of about 9 % annually and this robust growth in Indian Aquaculture sector is poised for further increase in the coming years with the adoption of technologies developed by the institutions of Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR). One area of technology breakthrough has been the development of feeds with superior nutritional and physical qualities for improved extensive and semi intensive aqua production systems. Feed is the most critical input often accounting for 50-60% of the operating cost, especially for intensive farming systems. Knowledge of nutritional requirement is of paramount importance for formulating aqua feed for sustaining good health, and the best growth with minimum waste output at the least possible cost. Considering the significance of nutrition, CIBA has carried out focused research programme both in basic as well as applied research in the area of feed development for candidate species in brackishwater aquaculture. This contribution brings out the advances made by CIBA in this field.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSuccessful cross-species amplification of microsatellites of a particular locus in Labeo rohita using primers of specific microsatellite loci from Catla catla is reported. This is the first report on amplification of microsatellites in Labeo rohita. The locus was found to be polymorphic (p<0.95) in the samples from the two rivers, Satlej and Rapti belonging to different river systems of Indus and Ganges rivers and a total of 4 alleles were found. This validates the utility of the microsatellite locus for screening genetic variability in wild stocks of L. rohita.Not Availabl