13 research outputs found

    Infinite-dimensional diffusions as limits of random walks on partitions

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    The present paper originated from our previous study of the problem of harmonic analysis on the infinite symmetric group. This problem leads to a family {P_z} of probability measures, the z-measures, which depend on the complex parameter z. The z-measures live on the Thoma simplex, an infinite-dimensional compact space which is a kind of dual object to the infinite symmetric group. The aim of the paper is to introduce stochastic dynamics related to the z-measures. Namely, we construct a family of diffusion processes in the Toma simplex indexed by the same parameter z. Our diffusions are obtained from certain Markov chains on partitions of natural numbers n in a scaling limit as n goes to infinity. These Markov chains arise in a natural way, due to the approximation of the infinite symmetric group by the increasing chain of the finite symmetric groups. Each z-measure P_z serves as a unique invariant distribution for the corresponding diffusion process, and the process is ergodic with respect to P_z. Moreover, P_z is a symmetrizing measure, so that the process is reversible. We describe the spectrum of its generator and compute the associated (pre)Dirichlet form.Comment: AMSTex, 33 pages. Version 2: minor changes, typos corrected, to appear in Prob. Theor. Rel. Field

    The Projection Method for Reaching Consensus and the Regularized Power Limit of a Stochastic Matrix

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    In the coordination/consensus problem for multi-agent systems, a well-known condition of achieving consensus is the presence of a spanning arborescence in the communication digraph. The paper deals with the discrete consensus problem in the case where this condition is not satisfied. A characterization of the subspace TPT_P of initial opinions (where PP is the influence matrix) that \emph{ensure} consensus in the DeGroot model is given. We propose a method of coordination that consists of: (1) the transformation of the vector of initial opinions into a vector belonging to TPT_P by orthogonal projection and (2) subsequent iterations of the transformation P.P. The properties of this method are studied. It is shown that for any non-periodic stochastic matrix P,P, the resulting matrix of the orthogonal projection method can be treated as a regularized power limit of P.P.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Coordination in multiagent systems and Laplacian spectra of digraphs

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    Constructing and studying distributed control systems requires the analysis of the Laplacian spectra and the forest structure of directed graphs. In this paper, we present some basic results of this analysis partially obtained by the present authors. We also discuss the application of these results to decentralized control and touch upon some problems of spectral graph theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 40 references. To appear in Automation and Remote Control, Vol.70, No.3, 200