475 research outputs found

    The Importance of Hydration in Wound Healing: Reinvigorating the clinical perspective

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    Balancing skin hydration levels is important as any disruption in skin integrity will result in disturbance of the dermal water balance. The discovery that a moist wound healing environment actively supports the healing response when compared to a dry environment highlights the importance of water and good hydration levels for optimal wound healing. The benefits of “wet” or “hyper-hydrated” wound healing appears to offer benefits that are similar to those offered by moist wound healing over wounds healing in a dry environment. This suggests that the presence of free water itself during wound healing may not be detrimental to healing but that any adverse effects of wound fluid on tissues is more likely related to the biological components contained within chronic wound exudate (e.g. elevated protease levels). Appropriate dressings applied to wounds must be able to absorb not only the exudate but also retain this excess fluid together with its protease solutes while concurrently preventing desiccation. This is particularly important in the case of chronic wounds where peri-wound skin barrier properties are compromised and there is increased permeation across the injured skin barrier. This review discusses the importance of appropriate levels of hydration in skin with a particular focus on the need for optimal hydration levels for effective healing

    Tight-binding g-Factor Calculations of CdSe Nanostructures

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    The Lande g-factors for CdSe quantum dots and rods are investigated within the framework of the semiempirical tight-binding method. We describe methods for treating both the n-doped and neutral nanostructures, and then apply these to a selection of nanocrystals of variable size and shape, focusing on approximately spherical dots and rods of differing aspect ratio. For the negatively charged n-doped systems, we observe that the g-factors for near-spherical CdSe dots are approximately independent of size, but show strong shape dependence as one axis of the quantum dot is extended to form rod-like structures. In particular, there is a discontinuity in the magnitude of g-factor and a transition from anisotropic to isotropic g-factor tensor at aspect ratio ~1.3. For the neutral systems, we analyze the electron g-factor of both the conduction and valence band electrons. We find that the behavior of the electron g-factor in the neutral nanocrystals is generally similar to that in the n-doped case, showing the same strong shape dependence and discontinuity in magnitude and anisotropy. In smaller systems the g-factor value is dependent on the details of the surface model. Comparison with recent measurements of g-factors for CdSe nanocrystals suggests that the shape dependent transition may be responsible for the observations of anomalous numbers of g-factors at certain nanocrystal sizes.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Fixed typos to match published versio

    Wound healing and hyper-hydration - a counter intuitive model

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    Winters seminal work in the 1960s relating to providing an optimal level of moisture to aid wound healing (granulation and re-epithelialisation) has been the single most effective advance in wound care over many decades. As such the development of advanced wound dressings that manage the fluidic wound environment have provided significant benefits in terms of healing to both patient and clinician. Although moist wound healing provides the guiding management principle confusion may arise between what is deemed to be an adequate level of tissue hydration and the risk of developing maceration. In addition, the counter-intuitive model ‘hyper-hydration’ of tissue appears to frustrate the moist wound healing approach and advocate a course of intervention whereby tissue is hydrated beyond what is a normally acceptable therapeutic level. This paper discusses tissue hydration, the cause and effect of maceration and distinguishes these from hyper-hydration of tissue. The rationale is to provide the clinician with a knowledge base that allows optimisation of treatment and outcomes and explains the reasoning behind wound healing using hyper-hydration

    The dS/CFT Correspondence and the Big Smash

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    Recent observations suggest that the cosmological equation-of-state parameter w is close to -1. To say this is to imply that w could be slightly less than -1, which leads to R.Caldwell's "Phantom cosmologies". These often have the property that they end in a "Big Smash", a final singularity in which the Universe is destroyed in a finite proper time by excessive *expansion*. We show that, classically, this fate is not inevitable: there exist Smash-free Phantom cosmologies, obtained by a suitable perturbation of the deSitter equation of state, in which the spacetime is in fact asymptotically deSitter. [Contrary to popular belief, such cosmologies, which violate the Dominant Energy Condition, do not necessarily violate causality.] We also argue, however, that the physical interpretation of these classically acceptable spacetimes is radically altered by ``holography'', as manifested in the dS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that, if the boundary CFTs have conventional properties, then recent ideas on "time as an inverse renormalization group flow" can be used to rule out these cosmologies. Very recently, however, it has been argued that the CFTs in dS/CFT are of a radically unconventional form, and this opens up the possibility that Smash-free Phantom spacetimes offer a simple model of a "bouncing" cosmology in which the quantum-mechanical entanglement of the field theories in the infinite past and future plays an essential role.Comment: 22 pages, clarification of triple analytic continuation, additional Comments added in the light of hep-th/020724

    Optical properties of the pseudogap state in underdoped cuprates

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    Recent optical measurements of deeply underdoped cuprates have revealed that a coherent Drude response persists well below the end of the superconducting dome. In addition, no large increase in optical effective mass has been observed, even at dopings as low as 1%. We show that this behavior is consistent with the resonating valence bond spin-liquid model proposed by Yang, Rice, and Zhang. In this model, the overall reduction in optical conductivity in the approach to the Mott insulating state is caused not by an increase in effective mass, but by a Gutzwiller factor, which describes decreased coherence due to correlations, and by a shrinking of the Fermi surface, which decreases the number of available charge carriers. We also show that in this model, the pseudogap does not modify the low-temperature, low-frequency behavior, though the magnitude of the conductivity is greatly reduced by the Gutzwiller factor. Similarly, the profile of the temperature dependence of the microwave conductivity is largely unchanged in shape, but the Gutzwiller factor is essential in understanding the observed difference in magnitude between ortho-I and -II YBa2_2Cu3_3Oy_y.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Global QCD Analysis and the CTEQ Parton Distributions

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    The CTEQ program for the determination of parton distributions through a global QCD analysis of data for various hard scattering processes is fully described. A new set of distributions, CTEQ3, incorporating several new types of data is reported and compared to the two previous sets of CTEQ distributions. Comparison with current data is discussed in some detail. The remaining uncertainties in the parton distributions and methods to further reduce them are assessed. Comparisons with the results of other global analyses are also presented.Comment: (Change in Latex style only: 2up style removed since many don't have it.) 35 pages, 23 figures separately submitted as uuencoded compressed ps-file; Michigan State Report # MSU-HEP/41024 and CTEQ 40

    Beyond-Constant-Mass-Approximation Magnetic Catalysis in the Gauge Higgs-Yukawa Model

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    Beyond-constant-mass approximation solutions for magnetically catalyzed fermion and scalar masses are found in a gauge Higgs-Yukawa theory in the presence of a constant magnetic field. The obtained fermion masses are several orders of magnitude larger than those found in the absence of Yukawa interactions. The masses obtained within the beyond-constant-mass approximation exactly reduce to the results within the constant-mass approach when the condition νln(1m^2)1\nu \ln (\frac{1}{\hat{m}^{2}})\ll 1 is satisfied. Possible applications to early universe physics and condensed matter are discussed.Comment: Revised numerical results. New figures. Several sections rewritte

    Determination of the Strange Quark Content of the Nucleon from a Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Analysis of Neutrino Charm Production

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    We present the first next-to-leading-order QCD analysis of neutrino charm production, using a sample of 6090 νμ\nu_\mu- and νˉμ\bar\nu_\mu-induced opposite-sign dimuon events observed in the CCFR detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find that the nucleon strange quark content is suppressed with respect to the non-strange sea quarks by a factor \kappa = 0.477 \: ^{+\:0.063}_{-\:0.053}, where the error includes statistical, systematic and QCD scale uncertainties. In contrast to previous leading order analyses, we find that the strange sea xx-dependence is similar to that of the non-strange sea, and that the measured charm quark mass, mc=1.70±0.19GeV/c2m_c = 1.70 \pm 0.19 \:{\rm GeV/c}^2, is larger and consistent with that determined in other processes. Further analysis finds that the difference in xx-distributions between xs(x)xs(x) and xsˉ(x)x\bar s(x) is small. A measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element Vcd=0.2320.020+0.018|V_{cd}|=0.232 ^{+\:0.018}_{-\:0.020} is also presented. uufile containing compressed postscript files of five Figures is appended at the end of the LaTeX source.Comment: Nevis R#150