58 research outputs found

    Educational process organisation in internship of internal diseases

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    The article gives close attention to the experience of Department of Hospital Therapy concerned with the organisation of the first step post-diploma education of interns who are trained at the Clinical Department of Internal Disease

    Simulation of dimensionality effects in thermal transport

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    The discovery of nanostructures and the development of growth and fabrication techniques of one- and two-dimensional materials provide the possibility to probe experimentally heat transport in low-dimensional systems. Nevertheless measuring the thermal conductivity of these systems is extremely challenging and subject to large uncertainties, thus hindering the chance for a direct comparison between experiments and statistical physics models. Atomistic simulations of realistic nanostructures provide the ideal bridge between abstract models and experiments. After briefly introducing the state of the art of heat transport measurement in nanostructures, and numerical techniques to simulate realistic systems at atomistic level, we review the contribution of lattice dynamics and molecular dynamics simulation to understanding nanoscale thermal transport in systems with reduced dimensionality. We focus on the effect of dimensionality in determining the phononic properties of carbon and semiconducting nanostructures, specifically considering the cases of carbon nanotubes, graphene and of silicon nanowires and ultra-thin membranes, underlying analogies and differences with abstract lattice models.Comment: 30 pages, 21 figures. Review paper, to appear in the Springer Lecture Notes in Physics volume "Thermal transport in low dimensions: from statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer" (S. Lepri ed.

    MIGHTEE-HI : discovery of an H I-rich galaxy group at z = 0.044 with MeerKAT

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of a galaxy group in the XMM-LSS field with MIGHTEE Early Science observations. 20 galaxies are detected in H I in this z ∼ 0.044 group, with a 3σ column density sensitivity of NH I = 1.6 × 1020 cm−2. This group has not been previously identified, despite residing in a well-studied extragalactic legacy field. We present spatially resolved H I total intensity and velocity maps for each of the objects which reveal environmental influence through disturbed morphologies. The group has a dynamical mass of log10(Mdyn/M) = 12.32, and is unusually gas-rich, with an H I-to-stellar mass ratio of log10(f ∗ H I ) = −0.2, which is 0.7 dex greater than expected. The group’s high H I content, spatial, velocity, and identified galaxy type distributions strongly suggest that it is in the early stages of its assembly. The discovery of this galaxy group is an example of the importance of mapping spatially resolved H I in a wide range of environments, including galaxy groups. This scientific goal has been dramatically enhanced by the high sensitivity, large field-of-view, and wide instantaneous bandwidth of the MeerKAT telescope.http://mnras.oxfordjournals.orgpm2021Physic

    Prevention of adolescents’ deviant behaviour

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    The article deals with the problems of prevention and correction of adolescents’ deviant behaviour, various scientific approaches to solve the problems, the role of an educational psychologists in the prevention and correction of deviant behaviour of adolescent children

    Effects Of Intelligent Automation for Sustainable Development

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    © 2020. All Rights Reserved. It is crystal clear that automation changes or eliminates jobs, and has an impact on energy use, natural resource use and the environment. Modern production rarely makes its own cutting tools. Self-production requires significant equipment costs. Constantly changing materials and cutting conditions require new research. The science of cutting theory also evolves constantly. All this forces you to purchase a tool from various third-party manufacturers. Each manufacturer has the right to enter its own designations of the main and auxiliary tools. The coding system itself is often a handwritten or printed data archive, in which there is often not enough information and most often this information is presented in the form of a code, for understanding of which additional knowledge and information sources are required. All this significantly increases the time spent on the selection and design of the technological process as a whole. And it is not uncommon for incompatibility errors to occur, because a manufacturer did not specify some parameter. This article proposes an intelligent automated system for an auxiliary tool selection by its type, purpose, equipment on which it is supposed to be used, as well as by other possible criteria. Furthermore, it discusses the effects of this phenomenon on the environment and ecosystem. It is an urgent task for modern production. This allows to increase the speed of environmentally-friendly technological process design and increase their efficiency. The introduction of such a system ensures the improvement of the knowledge base, its expansion by combining several sources into one system. This made it possible to increase the speed of decision making, as well as their efficiency. The proposed system provides the ability to select a tool instantly


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    The work has been performed on the basis of Department of technology of baking, confectionery, macaroni and grain processing productions of Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies. The urgent line of development of the baking industry is the development of new formulations and resource-saving technologies of dry bread products of high nutrition value and functional orientation. The application of flour made of wholemeal wheat instead of high-quality wheat flour is perspective to realize it. An important condition to obtain consistently high-quality products and increase production efficiency is the establishment of optimum technological parameters of preparation of dough. Mathematical methods of planning of experiment are applied to study the interaction of the major technological factors influencing the process of preparation and the quality of dry bread products. The following are chosen as the major factors: the dosage of flour made of wholemeal wheat and the humidity of dough. The main indicator of quality of rusks characterizing their swelling capacity in water - the swelling capacity coefficient - was the output parameter. The optimization of parameters of preparation of dough for rusks was performed using experimental and statistical methods. As a result of the performed experiment a mathematical model in the form of regression equation which adequately describes the studied process has been developed. The statistical processing of experimental data has been performed according to Student, Kokhren and Fischer criteria (with the confidential probability of 0.95). The mathematical and graphic interpretation of regression equation have allowed to determine previously the optimum area of factorial space in which the highest value of output parameter is reached. The optimization of technological parameters of preparation of dough in the value of swelling capacity coefficient of rusks was performed using the method of Lagrange multipliers. Rational values of factors have been determined: the dosage of flour made of wholemeal wheat is 99.82%, the humidity of dough is 40.86%. Their choice has been validated by a series of parallel experiments which has shown sufficient convergence of results with the average square error of no more than 0.67%. On the basis of the obtained data a formulation and a way of production of rusks of high nutrition value "Crackling delicacy" has been developed

    Olympiad in Internal medicine: the significance for professional training of students and residents

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    The article describes the experience of the organization of Olympiad in Internal medicine at the medical university for senior students and clinical residents. The paper presents the possibility of Olympiad in Internal medicine at the medical university is a modern educational technology that increases interest to the disciplines and motivation to professional development and formation of professional competencies. Such type of Olympiad helps future therapeutics to improve in their specialty and to form a personal reserve for the future work in the medical and research team, promotes continuity between students and postgraduate trainers in higher professional medical education


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    Background: In the past decade, significant increase of pediatric morbidity was detected. Frequency of varied functional disorders tends to increase during school years. One in three school leavers has myopia and impaired posture; one in four has cardiovascular disorder. Materials and methods: We examined adolescents at the age of 14, in 5 schools inTyumen city in the period October – November 2012. Patients were examined by multidisciplinary team (ophthalmologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, dentist, pediatrician), functional methods were also used. Results: Of 184 adolescents enrolled, 83 were boys. General examination demonstrated no changes. Functional methods showed sex-associated distribution of refraction disorders: mild and moderate myopia predominated among girls, frequency of spasm of accomodation was significantly higher in boys. Children were divided into two groups: the first group included adolescents without vision disorders (n = 115), the second group involved those who had verified spasm of accomodation or myopia (n = 66). Abnormal abdominal ultrasound data (minor dysembryogenesis anomalies – folded gallbladder) were found in 22.6% of patients in the group 1 and in 50% of patients in the group 2. Endocrine disorders were also more prevalent in the group 2 (40.9% vs. 32% in the group 1). They included underweight (24.3% vs. 20% in the groups 2 and 1, respectively), overweight (in 13.6% vs. 7.6%, respectively). Overweight and underweight predominated in adolescents with myopia. Conclusion: Myopia develops earlier in girls, boys are in the risk group of myopia development. There have to be the constant control for somatic health of adolescents regardless of refraction.Актуальность. За последнее десятилетие среди детей значительно возрос уровень заболеваемости. Отмечается тенденция к росту количества функциональных отклонений различных систем организма учащихся в процессе обучения в школе. Каждый третий выпускник имеет близорукость, нарушение осанки, каждый четвертый – патологию сердечно-сосудистой системы. Материал и методы. Исследование проводилось у подростков 14-летнего возраста в 5 средних общеобразовательных школах г. Тюмени в октябре и ноябре 2012 г. Проведено общеклиническое и функциональное обследование, осмотр специалистов (офтальмолог, невролог, эндокринолог, стоматолог, педиатр). Результаты. Было осмотрено 184 подростка: 83 (45%) мальчика и 101 (55%) девочка. Общеклинические методы обследования не выявили изменений. На основании данных функциональных методов обследования установлен гендерный характер распределения рефракции у детей – слабая и средняя степень тяжести миопии превалирует у девочек, а количество случаев спазма аккомодации достоверно больше среди мальчиков. Дальнейшее сравнение обнаруженных при исследовании изменений проводилось между двумя группами: в 1-ю группу вошли дети без нарушения зрения (n = 115), во 2-ю – с верифицированным спазмом аккомодации и миопией (n = 66). Изменения органов брюшной полости по данным ультразвукового исследования диагностированы в 1-й группе в 22,6%, во 2-й группе – в 50% случаев. Выявлены малые патологии дизэмбриогенеза (перегиб желчного пузыря). Эндокринные нарушения преобладали во 2-й группе (40,9% против 32% в 1-й группе) и распределились следующим образом: дефицит массы тела наблюдался у 20% подростков из 1-й группы и у 24,3% – из 2-й, избыточная масса тела – у 7,6 и 13,6% соответственно. Избыточная масса и дефицит массы тела превалируют при миопии. Заключение. Миопизация у девочек возникает раньше, мальчики находятся в группе риска по развитию миопии. Необходим постоянный контроль за состоянием соматического здоровья детей подросткового возраста вне зависимости от рефракции

    Great explosive eruptions on Kamchatka during the last 10,000 years: Self-similar irregularity of the output of volcanic products

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    Temporal irregularity of the output of volcanic material is studied for the sequence of large (V ≥ 0.5 km3, N = 29) explosive eruptions on Kamchatka during the last 10,000 years. Informally, volcanic productivity looks episodic, and dates of eruptions cluster. To investigate the probable self-similar clustering behavior of eruption times, we determine correlation dimension Dc. For intervals between events 800 and 10,000 years, Dc ≈ 1 (no self-similar clustering). However, for shorter delays, Dc = 0.71, and the significance level for the hypothesis Dc < 1 is 2.5%. For the temporal structure of the output of volcanic products (i.e., for the sequence of variable-weight points), a self-similar “episodic” behavior holds over the entire range of delays 100–10,000 years, with Dc = 0.67 (Dc < 1 at 3.4% significance). This behavior is produced partly by the mentioned common clustering of event dates, and partly by another specific property of the event sequence, that we call “order clustering”. This kind of clustering is a property of a time-ordered list of eruptions, and is manifested as the tendency of the largest eruptions (as opposed to smaller ones) to be close neighbors in this list. Another statistical technique, of “rescaled range” (R/S), confirms these results. Similar but weaker-expressed behavior was also found for two other data sets: historical Kamchatka eruptions and acid layers in Greenland ice column. The episodic multiscaled mode of the output of volcanic material may be a characteristic property of a sequence of eruptions in an island arc, with important consequences for climate forcing by volcanic aerosol, and volcanic hazard