19 research outputs found

    Quantum States, Thermodynamic Limits and Entropy in M-Theory

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    We discuss the matching of the BPS part of the spectrum for (super)membrane, which gives the possibility of getting membrane's results via string calculations. In the small coupling limit of M--theory the entropy of the system coincides with the standard entropy of type IIB string theory (including the logarithmic correction term). The thermodynamic behavior at large coupling constant is computed by considering M--theory on a manifold with topology T2×R9{\mathbb T}^2\times{\mathbb R}^9. We argue that the finite temperature partition functions (brane Laurent series for p1p \neq 1) associated with BPS pp-brane spectrum can be analytically continued to well--defined functionals. It means that a finite temperature can be introduced in brane theory, which behaves like finite temperature field theory. In the limit p0p \to 0 (point particle limit) it gives rise to the standard behavior of thermodynamic quantities.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, Revtex style. To be published in the Physical Review

    Wightman function and scalar Casimir densities for a wedge with two cylindrical boundaries

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    Wightman function, the vacuum expectation values of the field square and the energy-momentum tensor are investigated for a massive scalar field with general curvature coupling parameter inside a wedge with two coaxial cylindrical boundaries. It is assumed that the field obeys Dirichlet boundary condition on bounding surfaces. The application of a variant of the generalized Abel-Plana formula enables to extract from the expectation values the contribution corresponding to the geometry of a wedge with a single shell and to present the interference part in terms of exponentially convergent integrals. The local properties of the vacuum are investigated in various asymptotic regions of the parameters. The vacuum forces acting on the boundaries are presented as the sum of self-action and interaction terms. It is shown that the interaction forces between the separate parts of the boundary are always attractive. The generalization to the case of a scalar field with Neumann boundary condition is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    Partition Functions for the Rigid String and Membrane at Any Temperature

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    Exact expressions for the partition functions of the rigid string and membrane at any temperature are obtained in terms of hypergeometric functions. By using zeta function regularization methods, the results are analytically continued and written as asymptotic sums of Riemann-Hurwitz zeta functions, which provide very good numerical approximations with just a few first terms. This allows to obtain systematic corrections to the results of Polchinski et al., corresponding to the limits T0T\rightarrow 0 and TT\rightarrow \infty of the rigid string, and to analyze the intermediate range of temperatures. In particular, a way to obtain the Hagedorn temperature for the rigid membrane is thus found.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX file, UB-ECM-PF 93/

    Zeta function method and repulsive Casimir forces for an unusual pair of plates at finite temperature

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    We apply the generalized zeta function method to compute the Casimir energy and pressure between an unusual pair of parallel plates at finite temperature, namely: a perfectly conducting plate and an infinitely permeable one. The high and low temperature limits of these quantities are discussed; relationships between high and low temperature limits are estabkished by means of a modified version of the temperature inversion symmetry.Comment: latex file 9 pages, 3 figure

    Effective potential and stability of the rigid membrane

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    The calculation of the effective potential for fixed-end and toroidal rigid pp-branes is performed in the one-loop as well as in the 1/d1/d approximations. The analysis of the involved zeta-functions (of inhomogeneous Epstein type) which appear in the process of regularization is done in full detail. Assymptotic formulas (allowing only for exponentially decreasing errors of order 103\leq 10^{-3}) are found which carry all the dependences on the basic parameters of the theory explicitly. The behaviour of the effective potential (specified to the membrane case p=2p=2) is investigated, and the extrema of this effective potential are obtained.Comment: 15 PAGE

    Local and Global Casimir Energies: Divergences, Renormalization, and the Coupling to Gravity

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    From the beginning of the subject, calculations of quantum vacuum energies or Casimir energies have been plagued with two types of divergences: The total energy, which may be thought of as some sort of regularization of the zero-point energy, 12ω\sum\frac12\hbar\omega, seems manifestly divergent. And local energy densities, obtained from the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor, T00\langle T_{00}\rangle, typically diverge near boundaries. The energy of interaction between distinct rigid bodies of whatever type is finite, corresponding to observable forces and torques between the bodies, which can be unambiguously calculated. The self-energy of a body is less well-defined, and suffers divergences which may or may not be removable. Some examples where a unique total self-stress may be evaluated include the perfectly conducting spherical shell first considered by Boyer, a perfectly conducting cylindrical shell, and dilute dielectric balls and cylinders. In these cases the finite part is unique, yet there are divergent contributions which may be subsumed in some sort of renormalization of physical parameters. The divergences that occur in the local energy-momentum tensor near surfaces are distinct from the divergences in the total energy, which are often associated with energy located exactly on the surfaces. However, the local energy-momentum tensor couples to gravity, so what is the significance of infinite quantities here? For the classic situation of parallel plates there are indications that the divergences in the local energy density are consistent with divergences in Einstein's equations; correspondingly, it has been shown that divergences in the total Casimir energy serve to precisely renormalize the masses of the plates, in accordance with the equivalence principle.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figure, invited review paper to Lecture Notes in Physics volume in Casimir physics edited by Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, and Felipe da Ros

    Casimir Effect on the Worldline

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    We develop a method to compute the Casimir effect for arbitrary geometries. The method is based on the string-inspired worldline approach to quantum field theory and its numerical realization with Monte-Carlo techniques. Concentrating on Casimir forces between rigid bodies induced by a fluctuating scalar field, we test our method with the parallel-plate configuration. For the experimentally relevant sphere-plate configuration, we study curvature effects quantitatively and perform a comparison with the ``proximity force approximation'', which is the standard approximation technique. Sizable curvature effects are found for a distance-to-curvature-radius ratio of a/R >~ 0.02. Our method is embedded in renormalizable quantum field theory with a controlled treatment of the UV divergencies. As a technical by-product, we develop various efficient algorithms for generating closed-loop ensembles with Gaussian distribution.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, Sect. 2.1 more self-contained, improved data for Fig. 6, minor corrections, new Refs, version to be published in JHE

    Thermal Casimir effect in ideal metal rectangular boxes

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    The thermal Casimir effect in ideal metal rectangular boxes is considered using the method of zeta functional regularization. The renormalization procedure is suggested which provides the finite expression for the Casimir free energy in any restricted quantization volume. This expression satisfies the classical limit at high temperature and leads to zero thermal Casimir force for systems with infinite characteristic dimensions. In the case of two parallel ideal metal planes the results, as derived previously using thermal quantum field theory in Matsubara formulation and other methods, are reproduced starting from the obtained expression. It is shown that for rectangular boxes the temperature-dependent contribution to the electromagnetic Casimir force can be both positive and negative depending on side lengths. The numerical computations of the scalar and electromagnetic Casimir free energy and force are performed for cubesComment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Europ. Phys. J.

    Calculating Casimir Energies in Renormalizable Quantum Field Theory

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    Quantum vacuum energy has been known to have observable consequences since 1948 when Casimir calculated the force of attraction between parallel uncharged plates, a phenomenon confirmed experimentally with ever increasing precision. Casimir himself suggested that a similar attractive self-stress existed for a conducting spherical shell, but Boyer obtained a repulsive stress. Other geometries and higher dimensions have been considered over the years. Local effects, and divergences associated with surfaces and edges have been studied by several authors. Quite recently, Graham et al. have re-examined such calculations, using conventional techniques of perturbative quantum field theory to remove divergences, and have suggested that previous self-stress results may be suspect. Here we show that the examples considered in their work are misleading; in particular, it is well-known that in two dimensions a circular boundary has a divergence in the Casimir energy for massless fields, while for general dimension DD not equal to an even integer the corresponding Casimir energy arising from massless fields interior and exterior to a hyperspherical shell is finite. It has also long been recognized that the Casimir energy for massive fields is divergent for D1D\ne1. These conclusions are reinforced by a calculation of the relevant leading Feynman diagram in DD and three dimensions. There is therefore no doubt of the validity of the conventional finite Casimir calculations.Comment: 25 pages, REVTeX4, 1 ps figure. Revision includes new subsection 4B and Appendix, and other minor correction

    Non-Abelian Vortices in Supersymmetric Gauge Field Theory via Direct Methods

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    Vortices in supersymmetric gauge field theory are important constructs in a basic conceptual phenomenon commonly referred to as the dual Meissner effect which is responsible for color confinement. Based on a direct minimization approach, we present a series of sharp existence and uniqueness theorems for the solutions of some non-Abelian vortex equations governing color-charged multiply distributed flux tubes, which provide an essential mechanism for linear confinement. Over a doubly periodic domain, existence results are obtained under explicitly stated necessary and sufficient conditions that relate the size of the domain, the vortex numbers, and the underlying physical coupling parameters of the models. Over the full plane, existence results are valid for arbitrary vortex numbers and coupling parameters. In all cases, solutions are unique.Comment: 38 pages, late