48 research outputs found

    Immunogenicity and safety of a trivalent subunit immunoadjuvant influenza vaccine in children with type 1 diabetes: Results of a prospective comparative study

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    Background: Children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) are at high risk for severe influenza. Objective: Our aim was to assess immunogenicity and safety of a trivalent subunit immunoadjuvant influenza vaccine in children with T1D. Methods: The prospective study carried out from September to November 2014 included children with T1D at the age from 3 to 17 years vaccinated against influenza by a trivalent subunit immunoadjuvant influenza vaccine and unvaccinated due to parental refusal. Anti-influenza virus antibodies were determined by passive hemagglutination reaction. Vaccine safety was assessed by a number of adverse events occurred within 6 days after its administration. Observation was carried out during 1 year after vaccination (to October-November 2015 inclusive). Results: Of 780 children with T1D followed-up by endocrinologists in Nizhny Novgorod region, the study included 94 children - 44 vaccinated and 50 unvaccinated matched by sex and age. As for influenza A/H1N1/California/07/09 virus strain, the seroprotection rate (antibody titre > 1:40) was 84%, seroconversion rate (4-fold increase in antibody titre) was 66%, seroconversion factor (average increase of the antibody titre and 95% confidence interval) was 20.6 (10.4-30.9); as for influenza A/H3N2/Texas/50/12 virus, it was 98%, 41%, and 9.9 (3.2-16.6), as for influenza B/Massachusetts/2/12 virus, it was 77%, 49%, and 7.7 (4.0-11.4), respectively. After 1 year, the conditionally protective antibody titres (> 1:40) to influenza A/H1N1/California/07/09 virus were in 32/43 (74%), to influenza A/H3N2/Texas/50/12 virus - in 38/43 (88%), to influenza B/Massachusetts/2/12 virus - in 25/43 (58%) vaccinated children, in unvaccinated ones - 23/49 (47%) 37/49 (76%), and 6/49 (12%), respectively. Mild local adverse events were observed in 5/44 (11%), general - in 1/44 (2%), intercurrent diseases - in 8/44 (18%) vaccinated children. Conclusion: Immunogenicity and safety of a trivalent subunit immunoadjuvant influenza vaccine in children with T1D have been confirmed


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    Invasive pneumococcal infection is the most frequent cause of death in patients with immunodeficiences. The antibiotics used previously for prevention purposes are not efficient enough due to the developing antibiotic resistance. Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines create short-lived immunity. The overview summarizes the experience of applying conjugated pneumococcal vaccines in patients with primary immunodeficiences, HIV infection, oncological and rheumatic diseases. Key words: pneumococcal infection, pneumococcal conjugated vaccines, children, immunosuppression. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(5):18-23


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    Invasive pneumococcal infection is the most frequent cause of death in patients with immunodeficiences. The antibiotics used previously for prevention purposes are not efficient enough due to the developing antibiotic resistance. Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines create short-lived immunity. The overview summarizes the experience of applying conjugated pneumococcal vaccines in patients with primary immunodeficiences, HIV infection, oncological and rheumatic diseases. Key words: pneumococcal infection, pneumococcal conjugated vaccines, children, immunosuppression. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(5):18-23

    История становления и развития прокуратуры в Португальской Республике

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    The publication is devoted to studying the history of the formation of the Portuguese prosecutor's office and changes throughout its history. The work discusses the organization and activities of prosecutorial supervision in Portugal. The authors analyse the history of the creation of the institution of the prosecutor's office in the state, special attention is paid to the analysis of the system of prosecution authorities and its functions.Публикация посвящена изучению истории формирования португальской прокуратуры и изменений на протяжении ее истории. В работе рассматриваются вопросы организации и деятельности прокурорского надзора в Португалии. Авторами анализируется история создания института прокуратуры в государстве, особое внимание уделяется анализу системы органов прокуратуры и ее функций


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    Invasive pneumococcal infection is the most frequent cause of death in patients with immunodeficiences. The antibiotics used previously for prevention purposes are not efficient enough due to the developing antibiotic resistance. Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccines create short-lived immunity. The overview summarizes the experience of applying conjugated pneumococcal vaccines in patients with primary immunodeficiences, HIV infection, oncological and rheumatic diseases. Key words: pneumococcal infection, pneumococcal conjugated vaccines, children, immunosuppression. (Pediatric Pharmacology. – 2010; 7(5):18-23)Инвазивная пневмококковая инфекция наиболее часто является причиной смерти у пациентов с иммунодефицитами. Применявшиеся ранее для профилактики антибиотики недостаточно эффективны в связи с развитием антибиотикорезистентности. Полисахаридные пневмококковые вакцины создают непродолжительный иммунитет. В обзоре обобщен опыт применения конъюгированных пневмококковых вакцин у пациентов с первичными иммунодефицитами, ВИЧ-инфекцией, онкологическими и ревматическими болезнями. Ключевые слова: пневмококковая инфекция, пневмококковые конъюгированные вакцины, дети, иммуносупрессия. (Педиатрическая фармакология. – 2010; 7(5): 18-23

    Work with Linguistically Gifted Students During Foreign Language Course at Non-Language University

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    Губайдуллина Альфия Гарайхановна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры иностранных языков, Казанский федеральный университет, Елабужский институт, г. Елабуга, [email protected]. Тарасова Алина Андреевна, студент 2 курса, факультета филологии и истории, Казанский федеральный университет, Елабужский институт, г. Елабуга, [email protected]. A.G. Gubaidullina, [email protected], A.A. Tarasova, [email protected] Kazan Federal University, Elabuga Institute, Elabuga, Russian FederationСтатья посвящена организации индивидуальной работы по иностранному языку с лингвистически одаренными студентами-филологами младших курсов в Елабужском институте Казанского федерального университета. Охарактеризованы образовательные цели и этапы работы одаренных студентов с художественным текстом. В качестве примера представлена совместная работа преподавателя и студента по лингвистическому анализу рассказа О. Генри «The Count and the Wedding Guest» («Черное платье»). В содержание образования включены композиционные элементы короткого рассказа, стилистические средства с их определениями и примерами на языке оригинала и в переводе на русский язык, а также интерпретация текста, помогающая понять психологические и социальные моменты рассказа. The article describes the individual work with the linguistically gifted first year students that are philologists while studying a foreign language at Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University. It provides the educational aims, stages of work with gifted students. The results of teacherstudent cooperative work in linguistic analysis of O. Henry’s short story “The Count and the Wedding Guest” was presented. The main compositional elements of a story (exposition, starting point, rising action, climax, denouement) as well as the main stylistic devices used by the author with their definitions, proved by the examples from the original English text and its Russian translation have been included into the content. Some interpretation helping to understand sociological and psychological aspects of the story can be found

    Influenza Vaccination in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 1

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    This study assessed influenza vaccination coverage in children with diabetes mellitus type 1 in various epidemiological periods. Data were delivered from vaccination histories of 325 patients aged 7–18 years for a period of 2007–2012. Children with type 1 diabetes mellitus (125 patients — the study group) showed a lower influenza vaccination coverage compared with controls (myopia, obesity, short stature) in all seasons. However, the greatest difference was observed in 2007 (10.3 and 22.8 %, respectively; p = 0.028) and in 2009. Vaccination coverage against influenza using trivalent vaccine in children with diabetes mellitus was highest in the pandemic 2009 (21.8 %), while only 3.0 % were immunized against influenza A/H1N1. In the post-pandemic period (2011) in both compared groups vaccination coverage was lowest (7.5 and 11.3 %, respectively; p > 0.05). It should be noted that vaccination coverage using trivalent vaccine in 2009 was significantly higher in patients with diabetic complications compared with diabetic patients without complications (31.7 versus 7.3 %; p = 0.008). Pediatricians and endocrinologists should unite efforts to increase vaccination coverage against influenza

    Study of LiInSe<inf>2</inf> Single Crystals for the Thermal Neutron Detection

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    © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: Lithium–indium diselenide (LiInSe2) is a new semiconductor material, sensitive to the thermal neutrons. LiInSe2 compound was synthesized from Li (99.99%), In (99.999%) and Se (99.999%). The growth of LiInSe2 single crystals was performed using the vertical option of Bridgman–Stockbarger method. The crystals were characterized using the electrical conductivity and optical spectroscopy methods. Stoichiometric composition of the LiInSe2 was confirmed by the high precision chemical analysis, as well as by X-ray diffraction. Compact 252Cf neutron source with the activity 6.3 × 105 n/s allowed measuring amplitude characteristics and defining the optimal operating voltage for neutron detection. Time-of-flight neutron spectra were measured at the fast pulsed research reactor IBR-2 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research