11,059 research outputs found

    The Noncommutative Quadratic Stark Effect For The H-Atom

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    Using both the second order correction of perturbation theory and the exact computation due to Dalgarno-Lewis, we compute the second order noncommutative Stark effect,i.e., shifts in the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom in the noncommutative space in an external electric field. As a side result we also obtain a sum rule for the mean oscillator strength. The energy shift at the lowest order is quadratic in both the electric field and the noncommutative parameter θ\theta. As a result of noncommutative effects the total polarizability of the ground state is no longer diagonal.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Feasibility Study of Using Liquid Gel in Stabilizing Doogh by Hydrocolloids of Psyllium Husk and Guar Gum

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    Liquid gel technology is a method that applies in stabilizing of suspension and dispersion of solid particles in beverages. Doogh which is an Iranian traditional and functional drink has allocated a unique position among consumers. Precipitation of hydrocolloids in Doogh has been always one of the most important challenge in producing this drink. Base of this fact, this study deals with using liquid gel technology (Guar gum and Hydrocolloids of Psyllium Husk ) .Different hydrocolloids concentration (0.01, 0.03, 0.05 %w/w) in Doogh heated to be hydrated at 80 ËšC resulting in producing Gel. Their flow behavior, particle distribution and microstructure analyzed, phase separation also evaluated by measuring volume of separated phases .Guar remarkably effected on Doogh flow behavior and caused to a high apparent viscosity in low shear rates, changing microstructure therefore changing particles size as well. It also subtracted the volume of separated phase .Xanthan and Psyllium increased stability of Doogh by increasing more repulsive force between particles, however larger particles precipitated. Samples containing Guar Gum indicated more yield stress

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pakaian Berbasis Web pada Toko Uj Outlet

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    Toko Uj Outlet adalah toko yang menjual berbagai jenis pakaian pria bermerek buatan lokal dengan kualitas ekspor. Pakaian bermerek yang dijual di Toko Uj Outlet antara lain celana, kemeja, dan jaket. Promosi yang dilakukan oleh Toko Uj Outlet masih kurang memadai sehingga masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mengetahui keberadaan Toko Uj Outlet. Selain itu, penjualan pada Toko Uj Outlet hanya dilakukan secara konvensional dimana konsumen harus datang langsung ke Toko Uj Outlet untuk membeli pakaian. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merancang sebuah website penjualan pada Toko Uj Outlet agar dapat mempromosikan pakaian yang dijual secara luas dan mempermudah konsumen dalam melakukan pembelian tanpa harus datang langsung ke Toko Uj Outlet

    Telemonitoring after discharge from hospital with heart failure: cost-effectiveness modelling of alternative service designs.

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    Objectives To estimate the cost-effectiveness of remote monitoring strategies versus usual care for adults recently discharged after a heart failure (HF) exacerbation. Design Decision analysis modelling of cost-effectiveness using secondary data sources. Setting Acute hospitals in the UK. Patients Patients recently discharged (within 28 days) after a HF exacerbation. Interventions Structured telephone support (STS) via human to machine (STS HM) interface, (2) STS via human to human (STS HH) contact and (3) home telemonitoring (TM), compared with (4) usual care. Main outcome measures The incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained by each strategy compared to the next most effective alternative and the probability of each strategy being cost-effective at varying willingness to pay per QALY gained. Results TM was the most cost-effective strategy in the scenario using these base case costs. Compared with usual care, TM had an estimated incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £11 873/QALY, whereas STS HH had an ICER of £228 035/QALY against TM. STS HM was dominated by usual care. Threshold analysis suggested that the monthly cost of TM has to be higher than £390 to have an ICER greater than £20 000/QALY against STS HH. Scenario analyses performed using higher costs of usual care, higher costs of STS HH and lower costs of TM do not substantially change the conclusions. Conclusions Cost-effectiveness analyses suggest that TM was an optimal strategy in most scenarios, but there is considerable uncertainty in relation to clear descriptions of the interventions and robust estimation of costs

    Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Masalah Dengan Metode Proyek Dan Eksperimen Ditinjau Dari Kreativitas Dan Keterampilan Menggunakan Alat Laboratorium

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pembelajaran kimia berbasis masalah denganmetode proyek dan eksperimen, kreativitas, dan keterampilan menggunakan alat laboratoriumserta interaksinya terhadap prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 1 Ponorogo kelas XIIPA tahun ajaran 2012/2013. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling.Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan ANAVA tiga jalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) ada pengaruh penerapan pembelajaran kimia berbasis masalah dengan metode proyek daneksperimen terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif siswa, namun tidak ada pengaruh terhadap prestasibelajar afektif; 2) tidak ada pengaruh kreativitas terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif dan afektifsiswa; 3) ada pengaruh keterampilan menggunakan alat laboratorium terhadap prestasi belajarkognitif siswa, namun tidak ada pengaruh pada prestasi belajar afektif; 4) tidak ada interaksi antarapembelajaran kimia berbasis masalah menggunakan metode proyek dan eksperimen dengankreativitas terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif dan afektif siswa; 5) ada interaksi antara pembelajarankimia berbasis masalah menggunakan metode proyek dan eksperimen dengan keterampilanmenggunakan alat laboratorium terhadap prestasi belajar kognitif siswa, namun tidak ada interaksiterhadap prestasi belajar afektif; 6) ada interaksi antara kreativitas dan keterampilan menggunakanalat laboratorium terhadap prestasi kognitif siswa, namun tidak ada interaksi pada prestasi afektif;7) tidak ada interaksi antara pembelajaran kimia berbasis masalah menggunakan metode proyekdan eksperimen, kreativitas dengan keterampilan menggunakan alat laboratorium terhadap prestasikognitif dan afektif siswa

    Glitch subtraction from gravitational wave data using adaptive spline fitting

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    Transient signals of instrumental and environmental origins ( glitches ) in gravitational wave data elevate the false alarm rate of searches for astrophysical signals and reduce their sensitivity. Glitches that directly overlap astrophysical signals hinder their detection and worsen parameter estimation errors. As the fraction of data occupied by detectable astrophysical signals will be higher in next generation detectors, such problematic overlaps could become more frequent. These adverse effects of glitches can be mitigated by estimating and subtracting them out from the data, but their unpredictable waveforms and large morphological diversity pose a challenge. Subtraction of glitches using data from auxiliary sensors as predictors works but not for the majority of cases. Thus, there is a need for nonparametric glitch mitigation methods that do not require auxiliary data, work for a large variety of glitches, and have minimal effect on astrophysical signals in the case of overlaps. In order to cope with the high rate of glitches, it is also desirable that such methods be computationally fast. We show that adaptive spline fitting, in which the placement of free knots is optimized to estimate both smooth and non-smooth curves in noisy data, offers a promising approach to satisfying these requirements for broadband short-duration glitches, the type that appear quite frequently. The method is demonstrated on glitches drawn from three distinct classes in the Gravity Spy database as well as on the glitch that overlapped the double neutron star signal GW170817. The impact of glitch subtraction on the GW170817 signal, or those like it injected into the data, is seen to be negligible
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