30,961 research outputs found

    Density dependence of the pairing interaction and pairing correlation in unstable nuclei

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    This work aims at a global assessment of the effect of the density dependence of the zero-range pairing interaction. Systematic Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations with the volume, surface and mixed pairing forces are carried out to study the pairing gaps in even-even nuclei over the whole nuclear chart. Calculations are also done in coordinate representation for unstable semi-magic even-even nuclei. The calculated pairing gaps are compared with empirical values from four different odd-even staggering formulae. Calculations with the three pairing interactions are comparable for most nuclei close to β\beta-stability line. However, the surface interaction calculations predict neutron pairing gaps in neutron-rich nuclei that are significantly stronger than those given by the mixed and volume pairing. On the other hand, calculations with volume and mixed pairing forces show noticeable reduction of neutron pairing gaps in nuclei far from the stability.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, printer-friendl

    Effective theory of Fermi pockets in fluctuating antiferromagnets

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    We describe fluctuating two-dimensional metallic antiferromagnets by transforming to a rotating reference frame in which the electron spin polarization is measured by its projections along the local antiferromagnetic order. This leads to a gauge-theoretic description of an `algebraic charge liquid' involving spinless fermions and a spin S=1/2 complex scalar. We propose a phenomenological effective lattice Hamiltonian which describes the binding of these particles into gauge-neutral, electron-like excitations, and describe its implications for the electron spectral function across the entire Brillouin zone. We discuss connections of our results to photoemission experiments in the pseudogap regime of the cuprate superconductors.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    Fluctuating spin density waves in metals

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    Recent work has used a U(1) gauge theory to describe the physics of Fermi pockets in the presence of fluctuating spin density wave order. We generalize this theory to an arbitrary band structure and ordering wavevector. The transition to the large Fermi surface state, without pockets induced by local spin density wave order, is described by embedding the U(1) gauge theory in a SU(2) gauge theory. The phase diagram of the SU(2) gauge theory shows that the onset of spin density wave order in the Fermi liquid occurs either directly, in the framework discussed by Hertz, or via intermediate non-Fermi liquid phases with Fermi surfaces of fractionalized excitations. We discuss application of our results to the phase diagram of the cuprates.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; (v2) Improved figure

    Chiral bands for quasi-proton and quasi-neutron coupling with a triaxial rotor

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    A particle rotor model (PRM) with a quasi-proton and a quasi-neutron coupled with a triaxial rotor is developed and applied to study chiral doublet bands with configurations of a h11/2h_{11/2} proton and a h11/2h_{11/2} quasi-neutron. With pairing treated by the BCS approximation, the present quasi-particle PRM is aimed at simulating one proton and many neutron holes coupled with a triaxial rotor. After a detailed analysis of the angular momentum orientations, energy separation between the partner bands, and behavior of electromagnetic transitions, for the first time we find aplanar rotation or equivalently chiral geometry beyond the usual one proton and one neutron hole coupled with a triaxial rotor.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Magnetic field switching in parallel quantum dots

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    We show that the Coulomb blockade in parallel dots pierced by magnetic flux Φ\Phi completely blocks the resonant current for any value of Φ\Phi except for integer multiples of the flux quantum Φ0\Phi_0. This non-analytic (switching) dependence of the current on Φ\Phi arises only when the dot states that carry the current are of the same energy. The time needed to reach the steady state, however, diverges when Φ→nΦ0\Phi\to n\Phi_0.Comment: additional explanations added, Europhysics Letters, in pres

    Remark on Charm Quark Fragmentation to D∗∗D^{**} Mesons

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    The observed D∗∗D^{**} mesons have cqˉc\bar q flavor quantum numbers and spin-parity of the light degrees of freedom sℓπℓ=3/2+s_\ell^{\pi_{\ell}} = 3/2^+. In the mc→∞m_c \rightarrow \infty limit the spin of the charm quark is conserved and the c→D∗∗c \rightarrow D^{**} fragmentation process is characterized by the probability for the charm quark to fragment to a D∗∗D^{**} meson with a given helicity for the light degrees of freedom. We consider the calculated b→Bc∗∗b \rightarrow B_c^{**} fragmentation functions in the limit mc/mb→0m_c/m_b \rightarrow 0 as a qualitative model for the c→D∗∗c \rightarrow D^{**} fragmentation functions. We find that in this model charm quark fragmentation to sℓπℓ=3/2+s_\ell^{\pi_{\ell}} = 3/2^+ light degrees of freedom with helicities ±1/2\pm 1/2 is favored over fragmentation to sℓπℓ=3/2+s_\ell^{\pi_{\ell}} = 3/2^+ light degrees of freedom with helicities ±3/2\pm 3/2.Comment: 6 pages, CALT-68-192
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