133 research outputs found

    Компьютерная оценка формы графита в высокопрочном чугуне

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    Разработана методика индивидуальной и групповой оценки фактора формы графита в высокопрочном чугуне на основе некоммерческой программы ImageJ. Установлены графические и аналитические зависимости для перехода от значений фактора формы графита к соответствующим эталонным структурам, и наоборот, – от эталонных структур к фактору формы.Розроблена методика індивідуальної та групової оцінки фактора форми графіту у високоміцному чавуні на основі некомерційної програми ImageJ. Встановлено графічні та аналітичні залежності для переходу від значень фактора форми графіту до відповідних еталонних структур, і навпаки, – від еталонних структур до фактора форми.The technique of individual and group assessment form factor of graphite in ductile iron, based on a non-profit program ImageJ. Established graphic and analytic expressions for the transition from the values of the form factor of graphite to the corresponding reference structures and vice versa - from the reference structures to the form factor

    Partners in crime? De invloed van crimineel gedrag op huwelijkskansen en partnerselectie

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    Summary: Partners in crime? The impact of criminal behaviour on marriage formation and partner selection. Although it is well established that marriage has the potential to foster desistance from crime, little attention has been paid to offenders’ marital chances. The few studies examining the effects of criminal behaviour on marriage formation, have not taken into account the criminal behaviour of spouses. We employ data from the Criminal Career and Life-Course Study (N = 4,615) to examine the marital and criminal careers of both offenders and their marriage partners far into adulthood. The results show that a criminal history is strongly related to outcomes in the marriage market. The higher the number of offenses, the lower the odds of marrying and the higher the odds of marrying a criminal partner

    The transition to parenthood and well-being: The impact of partner status and work hour transitions

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    Abstract Using data from the first two waves of the Netherlands Kinship Panel Study for 338 women and 262 men, we examine the consequences of making the transition to parenthood for life satisfaction, loneliness, positive affect, negative affect, and partnership satisfaction. We extend previous work by taking transitions in partner status and work hours into account. Results show a moderate impact of becoming a parent on well-being. In so far as effects of making the transition to parenthood emerge, they are attributable to changes in partner status and work hours. First, the decrease in negative affect upon making the transition to motherhood is attributable to the group of women who increase their working hours. Second, the detrimental impact of making the transition to motherhood on partnership satisfaction is attributable to the group of new mothers who quit their job. Third, the detrimental impact of making the transition to fatherhood on loneliness is attributable to the group of new fathers who become married. There is one exception to this pattern of partner status and work hours as mechanisms for changes in well-being. Men who become fathers remain less satisfied with their partnership, even when transitions in partner status and work hours have been taken into account. In the discussion-section, we consider the possible underestimation of negative effects because of the focus on the continuously partnered. We also reflect on our results in the light of the high incidence of part-time work in the Netherlands and Dutch policies aimed at supporting new parents