273 research outputs found
CP Violation in the General Two-Higgs-Doublet Model: a Geometric View
We discuss the CP properties of the potential in the general
Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (THDM). This is done in a concise way using real gauge
invariant functions built from the scalar products of the doublet fields. The
space of these invariant functions, parametrising the gauge orbits of the Higgs
fields, is isomorphic to the forward light cone and its interior. CP
transformations are shown to correspond to reflections in the space of the
gauge invariant functions. We consider CP transformations where no mixing of
the Higgs doublets is taken into account as well as the general case where the
Higgs basis is not fixed. We present basis independent conditions for explicit
CP violation which may be checked easily for any THDM potential. Conditions for
spontaneous CP violation, that is CP violation through the vacuum expectation
values of the Higgs fields, are also derived in a basis independent way.Comment: 19 pages, minor additions, minor typos corrected, results unchange
On the phenomenology of a two-Higgs-doublet model with maximal CP symmetry at the LHC - synopsis and addendum
Predictions for LHC physics are given for a two-Higgs-doublet model having
four generalized CP symmetries. In this maximally-CP-symmetric model (MCPM) the
first fermion family is, at tree level, uncoupled to the Higgs fields and thus
massless. The second and third fermion families have a very symmetric coupling
to the Higgs fields. But through the electroweak symmetry breaking a large mass
hierarchy is generated between these fermion families. Thus, the fermion mass
spectrum of the model presents a rough approximation to what is observed in
Nature. In the MCPM the couplings of the Higgs bosons to the fermions are
completely fixed. This allows us to present clear predictions for the
production at the LHC and for the decays of the physical Higgs bosons. As
salient feature we find rather large cross sections for Higgs-boson production
via Drell-Yan type processes. In this paper we present a short outline of the
model and extend a former study by the predictions at LHC for a center-of-mass
energy of 7 TeV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure
Stability and Symmetry Breaking in the General Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
A method is presented for the analysis of the scalar potential in the general
Two-Higgs-Doublet Model. This allows us to give the conditions for the
stability of the potential and for electroweak symmetry breaking in this model
in a very concise way. These results are then applied to two different Higgs
potentials in the literature, namely the MSSM and the Two-Higgs-Doublet
potential proposed by Gunion at al. All known results for these models follow
easily as special cases from the general results. In particular, in the
potential of Gunion et al. we can clarify some interesting aspects of the model
with the help of the proposed method.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, extended version, typos corrected, references
Two-Loop Corrections to Top-Antitop Production at Hadron Colliders
The status of the theoretical predictions for the top-anti top production in
hadronic collisions is shortly reviewed, paying a articular attention to the
analytic calculation of the two-loop QCD corrections to the parton-level matrix
elements.Comment: Talk presented at the 35th International Conference of High Energy
Physics - ICHEP2010, July 22-28, 2010, Paris Franc
A non-planar two-loop three-point function beyond multiple polylogarithms
We consider the analytic calculation of a two-loop non-planar three-point function which contributes to the two-loop amplitudes for tt ¯ production and γγ production in gluon fusion through a massive top-quark loop. All subtopology integrals can be written in terms of multiple polylogarithms over an irrational alphabet and we employ a new method for the integration of the differential equations which does not rely on the rationalization of the latter. The top topology integrals, instead, in spite of the absence of a massive three-particle cut, cannot be evaluated in terms of multiple polylogarithms and require the introduction of integrals over complete elliptic integrals and polylogarithms. We provide one-fold integral representations for the solutions and continue them analytically to all relevant regions of the phase space in terms of real functions, extracting all imaginary parts explicitly. The numerical evaluation of our expressions becomes straightforward in this way
The two-loop helicity amplitudes for gg → V 1 V 2 → 4 leptons
We compute the two-loop massless QCD corrections to the helicity amplitudes for the production of two electroweak gauge bosons in the gluon fusion channel, gg → V 1 V 2, keeping the virtuality of the vector bosons V 1 and V 2 arbitrary and taking their decays into leptons into account. The amplitudes are expressed in terms of master integrals, whose representation has been optimised for fast and reliable numerical evaluation. We provide analytical results and a public C++ code for their numerical evaluation on HepForge at http://vvamp.hepforge.org. © 2015, The Author(s)
The 3-Loop Non-Singlet Heavy Flavor Contributions to the Structure Function g_1(x,Q^2) at Large Momentum Transfer
We calculate the massive flavor non-singlet Wilson coefficient for the heavy
flavor contributions to the polarized structure function in the
asymptotic region to 3-loop order in Quantum Chromodynamics at
general values of the Mellin variable and the momentum fraction , and
derive heavy flavor corrections to the Bjorken sum-rule. Numerical results are
presented for the charm quark contribution. Results on the structure function
in the twist-2 approximation are also given.Comment: 29 pages, 8 Figure
Reduze 2 - Distributed Feynman Integral Reduction
Reduze is a computer program for reducing Feynman integrals to master
integrals employing a variant of Laporta's reduction algorithm. This article
describes version 2 of the program. New features include the distributed
reduction of single topologies on multiple processor cores. The parallel
reduction of different topologies is supported via a modular, load balancing
job system. Fast graph and matroid based algorithms allow for the
identification of equivalent topologies and integrals.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
A non-planar two-loop three-point function beyond multiple polylogarithms
We consider the analytic calculation of a two-loop non-planar three-point function which contributes to the two-loop amplitudes for tt ¯ production and γγ production in gluon fusion through a massive top-quark loop. All subtopology integrals can be written in terms of multiple polylogarithms over an irrational alphabet and we employ a new method for the integration of the differential equations which does not rely on the rationalization of the latter. The top topology integrals, instead, in spite of the absence of a massive three-particle cut, cannot be evaluated in terms of multiple polylogarithms and require the introduction of integrals over complete elliptic integrals and polylogarithms. We provide one-fold integral representations for the solutions and continue them analytically to all relevant regions of the phase space in terms of real functions, extracting all imaginary parts explicitly. The numerical evaluation of our expressions becomes straightforward in this way
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