874 research outputs found

    Spectral diffusion and 14N quadrupole splittings in absorption detected magnetic resonance hole burning spectra of photosynthetic reaction centers

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    Zero field absorption detected magnetic resonance hole burning measurements were performed on photosynthetic reaction centers of the bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 and Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Extrapolation to zero microwave power yielded pseudohomogeneous linewidths of 2.0 MHz for Rhodopseudomonas viridis, 1.0 and 0.9 MHz for the protonated forms of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 with and without monomer bacteriochlorophyll exchanged, and 0.25 MHz as an upper limit for fully deuterated reaction centers of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26. The measured linewidths were interpreted as being due to unresolved hyperfine interaction between the nuclear spins and the triplet electron spin, the line shape being determined by spectral diffusion among the nuclei. The difference in linewidths between Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26 and Rhodopseudomonas viridis is then explained by triplet delocalization on the special pair in the former, and localization on one dimer half on the latter. In the fully deuterated sample, four quadrupole satellites were observed in the hole spectra arising from the eight 14N nitrogens in the special pair. The quadrupole parameters seem to be very similar for all nitrogens and were determined to =1.25±0.1 MHz and =0.9±0.1 MHz. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics

    Dynamics of an exclusion process with creation and annihilation

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    We examine the dynamical properties of an exclusion process with creation and annihilation of particles in the framework of a phenomenological domain-wall theory, by scaling arguments and by numerical simulation. We find that the length- and time scale are finite in the maximum current phase for finite creation- and annihilation rates as opposed to the algebraically decaying correlations of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP). Critical exponents of the transition to the TASEP are determined. The case where bulk creation- and annihilation rates vanish faster than the inverse of the system size N is also analyzed. We point out that shock localization is possible even for rates proportional to 1/N^a, 1<a<2.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, references added, section 4 revise

    Discrete stochastic models for traffic flow

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    We investigate a probabilistic cellular automaton model which has been introduced recently. This model describes single-lane traffic flow on a ring and generalizes the asymmetric exclusion process models. We study the equilibrium properties and calculate the so-called fundamental diagrams (flow vs.\ density) for parallel dynamics. This is done numerically by computer simulations of the model and by means of an improved mean-field approximation which takes into account short-range correlations. For cars with maximum velocity 1 the simplest non-trivial approximation gives the exact result. For higher velocities the analytical results, obtained by iterated application of the approximation scheme, are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations.Comment: Revtex, 30 pages, full postscript version (including figures) available by anonymous ftp from "fileserv1.mi.uni-koeln.de" in the directory "pub/incoming/" paper accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    A prototype liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber for the study of UV laser multi-photonic ionization

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    This paper describes the design, realization and operation of a prototype liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LAr TPC) detector dedicated to the development of a novel online monitoring and calibration system exploiting UV laser beams. In particular, the system is intended to measure the lifetime of the primary ionization in LAr, in turn related to the LAr purity level. This technique could be exploited by present and next generation large mass LAr TPCs for which monitoring of the performance and calibration plays an important role. Results from the first measurements are presented together with some considerations and outlook.Comment: 26 pages, 27 figure

    The asymmetric simple exclusion process: an integrable model for non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

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    The asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) plays the role of a paradigm in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. We review exact results for the ASEP obtained by Bethe ansatz and put emphasis on the algebraic properties of this model. The Bethe equations for the eigenvalues of the Markov matrix of the ASEP are derived from the algebraic Bethe ansatz. Using these equations we explain how to calculate the spectral gap of the model and how global spectral properties such as the existence of multiplets can be predicted. An extension of the Bethe ansatz leads to an analytic expression for the large deviation function of the current in the ASEP that satisfies the Gallavotti-Cohen relation. Finally, we describe some variants of the ASEP that are also solvable by Bethe ansatz. Keywords: ASEP, integrable models, Bethe ansatz, large deviations.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, published in the "special issue on recent advances in low-dimensional quantum field theories", P. Dorey, G. Dunne and J. Feinberg editor

    Exact dynamics of a reaction-diffusion model with spatially alternating rates

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    We present the exact solution for the full dynamics of a nonequilibrium spin chain and its dual reaction-diffusion model, for arbitrary initial conditions. The spin chain is driven out of equilibrium by coupling alternating spins to two thermal baths at different temperatures. In the reaction-diffusion model, this translates into spatially alternating rates for particle creation and annihilation, and even negative ``temperatures'' have a perfectly natural interpretation. Observables of interest include the magnetization, the particle density, and all correlation functions for both models. Two generic types of time-dependence are found: if both temperatures are positive, the magnetization, density and correlation functions decay exponentially to their steady-state values. In contrast, if one of the temperatures is negative, damped oscillations are observed in all quantities. They can be traced to a subtle competition of pair creation and annihilation on the two sublattices. We comment on the limitations of mean-field theory and propose an experimental realization of our model in certain conjugated polymers and linear chain compounds.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, revtex4 format (few minor typos fixed). Published in Physical Review

    An exactly solvable dissipative transport model

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    We introduce a class of one-dimensional lattice models in which a quantity, that may be thought of as an energy, is either transported from one site to a neighbouring one, or locally dissipated. Transport is controlled by a continuous bias parameter q, which allows us to study symmetric as well as asymmetric cases. We derive sufficient conditions for the factorization of the N-body stationary distribution and give an explicit solution for the latter, before briefly discussing physically relevant situations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to J. Phys.

    The stochastic pump current and the non-adiabatic geometrical phase

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    We calculate a pump current in a classical two-state stochastic chemical kinetics by means of the non-adiabatic geometrical phase interpretation. The two-state system is attached to two particle reservoirs, and under a periodic perturbation of the kinetic rates, it gives rise to a pump current between the two-state system and the absorbing states. In order to calculate the pump current, the Floquet theory for the non-adiabatic geometrical phase is extended from a Hermitian case to a non-Hermitian case. The dependence of the pump current on the frequency of the perturbative kinetic rates is explicitly derived, and a stochastic resonance-like behavior is obtained.Comment: 11 page

    Minimal Unitary Models and The Closed SU(2)-q Invariant Spin Chain

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    We consider the Hamiltonian of the closed SU(2)qSU(2)_{q} invariant chain. We project a particular class of statistical models belonging to the unitary minimal series. A particular model corresponds to a particular value of the coupling constant. The operator content is derived. This class of models has charge-dependent boundary conditions. In simple cases (Ising, 3-state Potts) corresponding Hamiltonians are constructed. These are non-local as the original spin chain.Comment: 19 pages, latex, no figure

    Single-Bottleneck Approximation for Driven Lattice Gases with Disorder and Open Boundary Conditions

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    We investigate the effects of disorder on driven lattice gases with open boundaries using the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process as a paradigmatic example. Disorder is realized by randomly distributed defect sites with reduced hopping rate. In contrast to equilibrium, even macroscopic quantities in disordered non-equilibrium systems depend sensitively on the defect sample. We study the current as function of the entry and exit rates and the realization of disorder and find that it is, in leading order, determined by the longest stretch of consecutive defect sites (single-bottleneck approximation, SBA). Using results from extreme value statistics the SBA allows to study ensembles with fixed defect density which gives accurate results, e.g. for the expectation value of the current. Corrections to SBA come from effective interactions of bottlenecks close to the longest one. Defects close to the boundaries can be described by effective boundary rates and lead to shifts of the phase transitions. Finally it is shown that the SBA also works for more complex models. As an example we discuss a model with internal states that has been proposed to describe transport of the kinesin KIF1A.Comment: submitted to J. Stat. Mec