4,199 research outputs found

    Fifty Years of Quasars: Physical Insights and Potential for Cosmology

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    Last year (2013) was more or less the 50th anniversary of the discovery of quasars. It is an interesting time to review what we know (and don't know) about them both empirically and theoretically. These compact sources involving line emitting plasma show extraordinary luminosities extending to one thousand times that of our Milky Way in emitting volumes of a few solar system diameters (bolometric luminosity log Lbol∼_{bol} \sim 44-48 [erg s−1^{-1}]: D=1-3 light months ∼\sim 10310^3 - 10410^4 gravitational radii). The advent of 8-10 meter class telescopes enables us to study them spectroscopically in ever greater detail. In 2000 we introduced a 4D Eigenvector 1 parameters space involving optical, UV and X-Ray measures designed to serve as a 4D equivalent of the 2D Hertzsprung-Russell diagram so important for depicting the diversity of stellar types and evolutionary states. This diagram has revealed a principal sequence of quasars distinguished by Eddington ratio (proportional to the accretion rate per unit mass). Thus while stellar differences are primarily driven by the mass of a star, quasar differences are apparently driven by the ratio of luminosity-to-mass. Out of this work has emerged the concept of two quasars populations A and B separated at Eddington ratio around 0.2 which maximizes quasar multispectral differences. The mysterious 8% of quasars that are radio-loud belong to population B which are the lowest accretors with the largest black hole masses. Finally we consider the most extreme population A quasars which are the highest accretors and in some cases are among the youngest quasars. We describe how these sources might be exploited as standard candles for cosmology.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics Conference Series (10 pages, 4 figures). Invited Lecture at International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gas (SPIG 2014), Belgrade 26-29 August 201

    The evolution of the number density of compact galaxies

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    We compare the number density of compact (small size) massive galaxies at low and high redshift using our Padova Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue (PM2GC) at z=0.03-0.11 and the CANDELS results from Barro et al. (2013) at z=1-2. The number density of local compact galaxies with luminosity weighted (LW) ages compatible with being already passive at high redshift is compared with the density of compact passive galaxies observed at high-z. Our results place an upper limit of a factor ~2 to the evolution of the number density and are inconsistent with a significant size evolution for most of the compact galaxies observed at high-z. The evolution may be instead significant (up to a factor 5) for the most extreme, ultracompact galaxies. Considering all compact galaxies, regardless of LW age and star formation activity, a minority of local compact galaxies (<=1/3) might have formed at z<1. Finally, we show that the secular decrease of the galaxy stellar mass due to simple stellar evolution may in some cases be a non-negligible factor in the context of the evolution of the mass-size relation, and we caution that passive evolution in mass should be taken into account when comparing samples at different redshifts.Comment: ApJ in pres

    Bimodality in low-luminosity E and S0 galaxies

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    Stellar population characteristics are presented for a sample of low-luminosity early-type galaxies (LLEs) in order to compare them with their more luminous counterparts. Long-slit spectra of a sample of 10 LLEs were taken with the ESO New Technology Telescope, selected for their low luminosities. Line strengths were measured on the Lick standard system. Lick indices for these LLEs were correlated with velocity dispersion (σ), alongside published data for a variety of Hubble types. The LLEs were found to fall below an extrapolation of the correlation for luminous ellipticals and were consistent with the locations of spiral bulges in plots of line strengths versus σ. Luminosity weighted average ages, metallicities and abundance ratios were estimated from χ2 fitting of 19 Lick indices to predictions from simple stellar population models. The LLEs appear younger than luminous ellipticals and of comparable ages to spiral bulges. These LLEs show a bimodal metallicity distribution, consisting of a low-metallicity group (possibly misclassified dwarf spheroidal galaxies) and a high-metallicity group (similar to spiral bulges). Finally, they have low α-element to iron peak abundance ratios indicative of slow, extended star formation

    Current and novel infusion therapies for patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Advanced Parkinson’s disease is characterized by periods of poor mobility, dyskinesia and progressive decline in functional independence of the affected person despite the manipulation of levodopa doses and the introduction of supplemental therapies such as catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitors, monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors and dopamine agonists. The implementation of drug delivery systems allows to bypass problems related to irregular and often unpredictable intestinal absorption of oral levodopa, which significantly affects its bioavailability and contributes to the development and persistence of motor complications. Subcutaneous apomorphine and levodopa/carbidopa jejunal infusion systems have been available for many years and their efficacy is confirmed by randomized studies and long-term experience in many centers worldwide. Recently, a new formulation of levodopa/carbidopa infusion gel that includes the catechol-O-methyl transferase inhibitor Entacapone has been introduced to the market. The use of entacapone allows to reduce total daily dose of administered levodopa. Two different soluble formulations of levodopa/carbidopa (ND0612 and ABBV-951) have completed clinical development, and both can ensure subcutaneous delivery by a portable pump infusion system. ABBV-951 uses a foslevodopa/foscarbidopa formulation, both prodrugs to improve absorption and tolerability. Both systems provide effective improvement of motor complications and are likely to expand the therapeutic options in advanced patients. Future efforts should focus on the earlier detection of patients who are candidates for device-aided therapies, increasing appropriate referral and broadening the availability of these treatments globally

    Analisi dinamiche in tensioni efficaci con il codice "SCOSSA"

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    L’incremento di pressioni interstiziali indotto da azioni sismiche in depositi sabbio-limosi determina la progressiva riduzione delle tensioni efficaci e di conseguenza della rigidezza e della resistenza dei terreni, fino a condurre alla completa liquefazione. Un metodo sviluppato per la stima di tale incremento si basa su un parametro semi-empirico, detto ‘parametro di danno’, che consente di applicare direttamente i risultati di prove cicliche di laboratorio per predire l’incremento di pressione interstiziale generato in sito dall’azione sismica. Tale procedura, implementata all’interno di un codice di calcolo non lineare, consente di effettuare analisi monodimensionali in tensioni efficaci senza adottare sofisticati modelli costitutivi del terreno. L’applicazione ad un argine danneggiato dal terremoto emiliano del 2012 ha consentito di evidenziare fenomeni di degradazione ciclica degli strati sabbiosi profondi che non sarebbe stato possibile osservare con le tradizionali analisi in tensioni totali

    A Fractional Model of Complex Permittivity of Conductor Media with Relaxation: Theory vs. Experiments

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    Moving from the study of plasmonic materials with relaxation, in this work we propose a fractional Abraham-Lorentz-like model of the complex permittivity of conductor media. This model extends the Ciancio-Kluitenberg, based on the Mazur-de Groot non-equilibrium thermodynamics theory (NET). The approach based on NET allows us to link the phenomenological function of internal variables and electrodynamics variables for a large range of frequencies. This allows us to closer reproduce experimental data for some key metals, such as Cu, Au and Ag. Particularly, our fitting significantly improves those obtained by Rakic and coworkers and we were able to operate in a larger range of energy values. Moreover, in this work we also provide a definition of a substantial fractional derivative, and we extend the fractional model proposed by Flora et al

    Assessment of the radiological impact of a decommissioning nuclear power plant in Italy

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    The assessment of the radiological impact of a decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant is presented here through the results of an environmental monitoring survey carried out in the area surrounding the Garigliano Power Plant. The levels of radioactivity in soil, water, air and other environmental matrices are shown, in which {\alpha}, {\beta} and {\gamma} activity and {\gamma} equivalent dose rate are measured. Radioactivity levels of the samples from the Garigliano area are analyzed and then compared to those from a control zone situated more than 100 km away. Moreover, a comparison is made with a previous survey held in 2001. The analyses and comparisons show no significant alteration in the radiological characteristics of the area surroundings the plant, with an overall radioactivity depending mainly from the global fallout and natural sources
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