74 research outputs found

    Diamond films grown from fullerene precursors

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    Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) techniques are applied to study the microstructure of diamond films grown from fullerene precursors. Electron diffraction and electron energy loss spectra (EELS) collected from the diamond films correspond to that of bulk diamond. Microdiffraction, high resolution images and EELS help determine that the first diamond grains that nucleate from fullerene precursors generally form on a thin amorphous carbon interlayer and seldom directly on the silicon substrate. Grain size measurements reveal nanocrystalline diamond grains. Cross section TEM images show that the nanocrystalline diamond grains are equiaxed and not columnar nor dendritic. The microstructure of small equiaxed grains throughout the film thickness is believed responsible for the very smooth surfaces of diamond films grown from fullerene precursors

    A taxonomy to assess the interaction between nurses and children:Development and reliability

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    Aims and objectives The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable instrument to assess the nurse-child interaction during medical or nursing interventions. Background Communication is an important competency for the professional practice of nurses and physicians. The nurse-patient relationship is fundamental for high-quality care. It has been suggested that if nurses have more skills to interact with children, care will be less distressing and less painful for the children. Design A qualitative observational psychometric study; the GRRAS checklist was used. Methods In-depth video-analyses, taxonomy development (19 videos) and testing it is psychometric properties (10 videos). Three observers micro-analysed video recordings of experienced nurses changing children's wound dressing in a specialised Burn Centre. Results The nurse-child interaction taxonomy (NCIT) was developed to observe and score the interactional behaviour between nurse and child. The taxonomy has three main patterns: being considerate, attuning oneself, and procedural interventions, subdivided in eight dimensions. These dimensions contain 16 elements that can be observed and scored on a 7-point scale. Intra-rater, inter-rater reliability and agreement were good. Conclusions This study shows that interaction between nurses and children can be assessed reliably with the NCIT by an experienced observer or alternatively, scoring by two observers is recommended. Relevance to clinical practice The development of the taxonomy is an important step to find evidence for the best way for nurses to interact with children during nursing interventions or medical events and as such, ultimately, contributes to providing the best care possible

    Growth of (110) Diamond using pure Dicarbon

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    We use a density-functional based tight-binding method to study diamond growth steps by depositing dicarbon species onto a hydrogen-free diamond (110) surface. Subsequent C_2 molecules are deposited on an initially clean surface, in the vicinity of a growing adsorbate cluster, and finally, near vacancies just before completion of a full new monolayer. The preferred growth stages arise from C_2n clusters in near ideal lattice positions forming zigzag chains running along the [-110] direction parallel to the surface. The adsorption energies are consistently exothermic by 8--10 eV per C_2, depending on the size of the cluster. The deposition barriers for these processes are in the range of 0.0--0.6 eV. For deposition sites above C_2n clusters the adsorption energies are smaller by 3 eV, but diffusion to more stable positions is feasible. We also perform simulations of the diffusion of C_2 molecules on the surface in the vicinity of existing adsorbate clusters using an augmented Lagrangian penalty method. We find migration barriers in excess of 3 eV on the clean surface, and 0.6--1.0 eV on top of graphene-like adsorbates. The barrier heights and pathways indicate that the growth from gaseous dicarbons proceeds either by direct adsorption onto clean sites or after migration on top of the existing C_2n chains.Comment: 8 Pages, 7 figure

    Sputum RNA signature in allergic asthmatics following allergen bronchoprovocation test

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    Background: Inhaled allergen challenge is a validated disease model of allergic asthma offering useful pharmacodynamic assessment of pharmacotherapeutic effects in a limited number of subjects. Objectives: To evaluate whether an RNA signature can be identified from induced sputum following an inhaled allergen challenge, whether a RNA signature could be modulated by limited doses of inhaled fluticasone, and whether these gene expression profiles would correlate with the clinical endpoints measured in this study. Methods: Thirteen non-smoking, allergic subjects with mild-to-moderate asthma participated in a randomised, placebo-controlled, 2-period cross-over study following a single-blind placebo run-in period. Each period consisted of three consecutive days, separated by a wash-out period of at least 3 weeks. Subjects randomly received inhaled fluticasone ((FP) MDI; 500 mcg BID×5 doses in total) or placebo. On day 2, house dust mite extract was inhaled and airway response was measured by FEV1 at predefined time points until 7 h post-allergen. Sputum was induced by NaCl 4.5%, processed and analysed at 24 h pre-allergen and 7 and 24 h post-allergen. RNA was isolated from eligible sputum cell pellets (<80% squamous of 500 cells), amplified according to NuGEN technology, and profiled on Affymetrix arrays. Gene expression changes from baseline and fluticasone treatment effects were evaluated using a mixed effects ANCOVA model at 7 and at 24 h post-allergen challenge. Results: Inhaled allergen-induced statistically significant gene expression changes in sputum, which were effectively blunted by fluticasone (adjusted p<0.025). Forty-seven RNA signatures were selected from these responses for correlation analyses and further validation. This included Th2 mRNA levels for cytokines, chemokines, high-affinity IgE receptor FCER1A, histamine receptor HRH4, and enzymes and receptors in the arachidonic pathway. Individual messengers from the 47 RNA signatures correlated significantly with lung function and sputum eosinophil counts. Conclusion: Our RNA extraction and profiling protocols allowed reproducible assessments of inflammatory signatures in sputum including quantification of drug effects on this response in allergic asthmatics. This approach offers novel possibilities for the development of pharmacodynamic (PD) biomarkers in asthma

    Fit for purpose of on-the-road driving and simulated driving: a randomised crossover study using the effect of sleep deprivation

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    IntroductionDrivers should be aware of possible impairing effects of alcohol, medicinal substance, or fatigue on driving performance. Such effects are assessed in clinical trials, including a driving task or related psychomotor tasks. However, a choice between predicting tasks must be made. Here, we compare driving performance with on-the-road driving, simulator driving, and psychomotor tasks using the effect of sleep deprivation.Method This two-way cross over study included 24 healthy men with a minimum driving experience of 3000km per year. Psychomotor tasks, simulated driving, and on-the-road driving were assessed in the morning and the afternoon after a well-rested night and in the morning after a sleep-deprived night. Driving behaviour was examined by calculating the Standard Deviation of Lateral Position (SDLP).Results SDLP increased after sleep deprivation for simulated (10cm, 95%CI:6.7–13.3) and on-the-road driving (2.8cm, 95%CI:1.9–3.7). The psychomotor test battery detected effects of sleep deprivation in almost all tasks. Correlation between on-the-road tests and simulator SDLP after a well-rested night (0.63, p Discussion The lack of apparent correlations and difference in sensitivity of performance of the psychomotor tasks, simulated driving and, on-the-road driving indicates that the tasks may not be interchangeable and may assess different aspects of driving behaviour.Perioperative Medicine: Efficacy, Safety and Outcome (Anesthesiology/Intensive Care

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a translational biomarker for AMPA receptor modulation

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    TAK-653 is a novel alpha -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR)-positive allosteric modulator being developed as a potential therapeutic for major depressive disorder (MDD). Currently, there are no translational biomarkers that evaluate physiological responses to the activation of glutamatergic brain circuits available. Here, we tested whether noninvasive neurostimulation, specifically single-pulse or paired-pulse motor cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation (spTMS and ppTMS, respectively), coupled with measures of evoked motor response captures the pharmacodynamic effects of TAK-653 in rats and healthy humans. In the rat study, five escalating TAK-653 doses (0.1-50mg/kg) or vehicle were administered to 31 adult male rats, while measures of cortical excitability were obtained by spTMS coupled with mechanomyography. Twenty additional rats were used to measure brain and plasma TAK-653 concentrations. The human study was conducted in 24 healthy volunteers (23 males, 1 female) to assess the impact on cortical excitability of 0.5 and 6mg TAK-653 compared with placebo, measured by spTMS and ppTMS coupled with electromyography in a double-blind crossover design. Plasma TAK-653 levels were also measured. TAK-653 increased both the mechanomyographic response to spTMS in rats and the amplitude of motor-evoked potentials in humans at doses yielding similar plasma concentrations. TAK-653 did not affect resting motor threshold or paired-pulse responses in humans. This is the first report of a translational functional biomarker for AMPA receptor potentiation and indicates that TMS may be a useful translational platform to assess the pharmacodynamic profile of glutamate receptor modulators.Stress-related psychiatric disorders across the life spa
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