656 research outputs found

    Magnetic compressibility and ion-temperature-gradient-driven microinstabilities in magnetically confined plasmas

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    The electromagnetic theory of the strongly driven ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) instability in magnetically confined toroidal plasmas is developed. Stabilizing and destabilizing effects are identified, and a critical βe\beta_{e} (the ratio of the electron to magnetic pressure) for stabilization of the toroidal branch of the mode is calculated for magnetic equilibria independent of the coordinate along the magnetic field. Its scaling is βe∼LTe/R,\beta_{e}\sim L_{Te}/R, where LTeL_{Te} is the characteristic electron temperature gradient length, and RR the major radius of the torus. We conjecture that a fast particle population can cause a similar stabilization due to its contribution to the equilibrium pressure gradient. For sheared equilibria, the boundary of marginal stability of the electromagnetic correction to the electrostatic mode is also given. For a general magnetic equilibrium, we find a critical length (for electromagnetic stabilization) of the extent of the unfavourable curvature along the magnetic field. This is a decreasing function of the local magnetic shear

    Global gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations of internal kink instabilities

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    Fermi Surface of KFe2_2As2_2 from Quantum Oscillations in Magnetostriction

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    We present a study of the Fermi surface of KFe2_2As2_2 single crystals. Quantum oscillations were observed in magnetostriction measured down to 50 mK and in magnetic fields HH up to 14 T. For H∥cH \parallel c, the calculated effective masses are in agreement with recent de Haas-van Alphen and ARPES experiments, showing enhanced values with respect to the ones obtained from previous band calculations. For H∥aH \parallel a, we observed a small orbit at a cyclotron frequency of 64 T, characterized by an effective mass of ∼0.8me\sim 0.8 m_e, supporting the presence of a three-dimensional pocket at the Z-point.Comment: SCES Conference, Tokyo 201

    Viriato: a Fourier-Hermite spectral code for strongly magnetised fluid-kinetic plasma dynamics

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    We report on the algorithms and numerical methods used in Viriato, a novel fluid-kinetic code that solves two distinct sets of equations: (i) the Kinetic Reduced Electron Heating Model (KREHM) equations [Zocco & Schekochihin, Phys. Plasmas 18, 102309 (2011)] (which reduce to the standard Reduced-MHD equations in the appropriate limit) and (ii) the kinetic reduced MHD (KRMHD) equations [Schekochihin et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 182:310 (2009)]. Two main applications of these equations are magnetised (Alfvenic) plasma turbulence and magnetic reconnection. Viriato uses operator splitting (Strang or Godunov) to separate the dynamics parallel and perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field (assumed strong). Along the magnetic field, Viriato allows for either a second-order accurate MacCormack method or, for higher accuracy, a spectral-like scheme composed of the combination of a total variation diminishing (TVD) third order Runge-Kutta method for the time derivative with a 7th order upwind scheme for the fluxes. Perpendicular to the field Viriato is pseudo-spectral, and the time integration is performed by means of an iterative predictor-corrector scheme. In addition, a distinctive feature of Viriato is its spectral representation of the parallel velocity-space dependence, achieved by means of a Hermite representation of the perturbed distribution function. A series of linear and nonlinear benchmarks and tests are presented, including a detailed analysis of 2D and 3D Orszag-Tang-type decaying turbulence, both in fluid and kinetic regimes.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figures, submitted to J. Comp. Phy
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