22 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to financial management in modern conditions of limited access to external financial resources, the main features of such a control, the problems encountered and possible solutions


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    The article is devoted to financial management in modern conditions of limited access to external financial resources, the main features of such a control, the problems encountered and possible solutions


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    The problematic issues, associated with the functioning of non-credit financial institutions, have been considered. Particular attention has been paid to their activities, in terms of money circulation to organizations-operators of payment systems, in terms of credit to microfinance organizations. Presently, issues of evaluating the activities of non-credit financial institutions are the least developed in the scientific and methodological аspects. Based on the role and importance for monetary and credit circulation in the Russian Federation, ensuring the continuity of payments within the Russian economy and beyond, an approach to the currently unsolved problem as the definition of criteria for the effectiveness of these economic agents has been offered. According to the results of the study, directions have been proposed for improving the assessment of the activities of non-credit financial organizations

    The implementation of innovative computer learning aids at the classes of visual arts with blind and visually impaired children

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    При финансовой поддержке Российского гуманитарного научного фонда, проект № 07-06-14162

    Green finance and information technology: contradictions and cooperation

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    Changing priorities in understanding the drivers of sustainable growth of the global and national economy has led to the emergence and rapid development of green finance with the active support of new information technologies. The article is devoted to the negative and positive impact of information technology on the need for green finance, their development and growing popularity among investors. The latest indicators on harmful emissions into the atmosphere are quite alarming, even modern artificial intelligence technologies, due to their high energy intensity, negatively affect the health of our planet. The study is based on the use of comparison methods, absolute and relative indicators, deduction and induction, value and physical indicators. One of the conclusions of the work is that information technology helps investors make the right decisions on investing in an innovative green economy, green bonds are considered in detail as the main, reliable tool for green finance

    Background, problems and solutions for introducing Islamic insurance in the United Kingdom

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    The article is devoted to the study of Islamic insurance in the United Kingdom. It has been established that insurance is a major component of the state’s financial system. At the same time, there has been a rapid development of Islamic finance in recent years. The total Muslim population in the UK in 2020 is 4,130,000. Despite its low Muslim population, Great Britain is taking a proactive stance in developing Islamic finance. Despite the low number of Muslims, Great Britain is taking an active position in the development of Islamic finance. The country has established principles for the development of takafuls, and the market is being regulated. In addition, an ambitious target has been set for London to become an Islamic finance centre. There are currently positive trends in the takaful market. Despite this situation, further development in this area is required

    Risks in the energy sector: the analysis of management practices in the electricity market

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    Energy security is today one of the most discussed event in international economic relations. It is being actively discussed by all governments and leading international organizations. There doesn’t exist any universal definition of energy sector. In addition to the lack of such a universal definition, analysis of decisions in this area, one notices the lack of attention to such phenomena as risks in the energy sector, especially in the management of investment projects in the industry. For most industrial countries, energy insecurity means import dependency and aging infrastructure, while many emerging economies have additional vulnerabilities such as insufficient capacity, high energy intensity, and rapid demand growth. In many low-income countries, multiple vulnerabilities overlap, making them especially insecure

    «Просвещение народа в стратегии инновационного развития России». IV Ассамблея Всемирного форума Всемирного форума «Интеллектуальная Россия»

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    The Review of the Internet-published articles on the 4th Assembly of the “Intellectual Russia” World Forum.The Review of the Internet-published articles on the 4th Assembly of the “Intellectual Russia” World Forum.Обзор опубликованных в Интернете материалов, посвященных IV Ассамблее Всемирного форума «Интеллектуальная Россия»

    «Книжная культура. Опыт прошлого и проблемы современности». Международная конференция в НПО «Издательство “Наука”»

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    International conference held on December 18—19, 2008 in Moscow, confined to the 280-th anniversary of the academic book publishing in Russia.О прошедшей 18—19 декабря 2008 г. в Москве Международной конференции, приуроченной к 280-летию академического книгоиздательства в России