74 research outputs found

    Sistemas de produção de pupunheira e palmeira-real-australiana: desafios e valorização da cadeia produtiva

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    Os sistemas de produção da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth. var. gasipaes Henderson) e palmeira-real-australiana (Archontophoenix spp.) apresentam grande importância econômica, social e ambiental. Na região Sul do Brasil, especificamente nos estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina, nos quais os trabalhos aqui apresentados terão seu maior foco, a quantidade de produtores rurais e agroindústrias envolvidas na atividade vêm ganhando, cada vez mais, maior expressão econômica e social, conforme serão apresentados no panorama sobre cada espécie. A conexão entre a pesquisa e a extensão rural, as recomendações técnicas de cultivo e a profissionalização de técnicos e produtores nestas atividades são fatores que contribuem para a evolução do setor e para o aumento de renda e qualidade de vida, nos diferentes pontos da cadeia produtiva

    Near-ultraviolet and optical effects of Debris Disks around White Dwarfs

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    Studies of debris disks around white dwarfs (WDs) have focused on infrared wavelengths because debris disks are much colder than the star and are believed to contribute to the spectrum only at longer wavelengths. Nevertheless, these disks are made of dust grains which absorb and scatter near-UV and optical photons from the WD, leaving a fingerprint that can be used to further constrain disk properties. Our goal is to show that it is possible to detect near-UV and optical effects of debris disks in the star + disk integrated spectrum. We make theoretical calculations and discuss the necessary observational conditions to detect the near-UV and optical effects. We show how these effects can be used to infer the disk mass, composition, optical depth, and inclination relative to the line of sight. If the IR excess is due to a disk, then near-UV and optical effects should be observed in only some systems, not all of them, while for dust shells the effects should be observed in all systems.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity on the extractionof phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of blackberries (Rubusspp.): scale-Up extraction.

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    The phenolic compounds of blackberries extracted with organic solvents cause environmental damage. Therefore, the objective of thepresent study was to verify if microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity obtain a blackberry extract with a high concentration of phenoliccompounds and antioxidant capacity without the addition of any solvent. The results showed that it was possible to reach the objectivewith 500 W and 10 min of extraction by employing a method that meets green chemistry principles. The extract has a lower cost thanthe exhaustive method, is microbiologically safe, and is mainly composed of anthocyanins (85%). The presence of 5 anthocyanins and17 non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds were identified, including hydroxyresveratrol, which was first extracted in blackberries bymicrowave hydrodiffusion and gravity. The phenolic compound content and antioxidant capacity were lower in the last fractions,which reduced the extraction time to 8 min. The coproduct showed phenolic, antioxidant capacity, and microbiological quality. Thisstudy presented a fast, efficient, economical, sustainable, and solvent-free method to extract phenolic compounds from blackberries.Published online: 20 November 2020

    Using Transcription Modules to Identify Expression Clusters Perturbed in Williams-Beuren Syndrome

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    The genetic dissection of the phenotypes associated with Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) is advancing thanks to the study of individuals carrying typical or atypical structural rearrangements, as well as in vitro and animal studies. However, little is known about the global dysregulations caused by the WBS deletion. We profiled the transcriptomes of skin fibroblasts from WBS patients and compared them to matched controls. We identified 868 differentially expressed genes that were significantly enriched in extracellular matrix genes, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, as well as genes in which the products localize to the postsynaptic membrane. We then used public expression datasets from human fibroblasts to establish transcription modules, sets of genes coexpressed in this cell type. We identified those sets in which the average gene expression was altered in WBS samples. Dysregulated modules are often interconnected and share multiple common genes, suggesting that intricate regulatory networks connected by a few central genes are disturbed in WBS. This modular approach increases the power to identify pathways dysregulated in WBS patients, thus providing a testable set of additional candidates for genes and their interactions that modulate the WBS phenotypes

    Application of polymeric nanoparticles in food sector

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    Nanotechnology presents opportunities to create new and better products. Nano technology has huge impact in many applications including food industry. Product of nanotechnology, such as polymeric nanoparticle, can be utilized to improve food quality by extending food shelf life, increase food safety, lower the cost and enhance the nutritional benefits. This chapter provides an overview of the properties of polymeric nanoparticle, preparation techniques, as well as the role polymeric nano-particles in the food industr