110 research outputs found

    Sociocultural Infrastructure of Tatar Rural Settlements of Tobolsk Province at Beginning of 20th Century

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    The article is devoted to the characteristics of the socio-cultural image of the Tatar rural settlements of the Tobolsk province population at the beginning of the 20th century. The dynamics of the population and the number of settlements for the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries are traced (according to the lists of settlements in the Tobolsk province). The authors focus on the consideration of the socio-cultural infrastructure of the Tatar rural settlements. It is understood as a set of objects of the non-productive sphere (religious, educational institutions, healthcare facilities and communications). They reveal regional and ethnic features of the integration of the Tatar population into the all-Russian system in the period under review. The country has undergone reforms aimed at unifying the management system and actively integrating the national outskirts into national processes. There was an acceleration of migration processes. It caused a violation of the former isolation of the rural Tatar-Muslim communities. Settlers arriving in the region contributed to the active development of commodity-money relations. The educational and cultural needs of the Tatar population grew. All-Russian processes have caused the need to adapt to new realities, in connection with which there is a modernization within the confessional education system

    Contribution of Hardening Mechanism to VVER-1000 RPV Welds Flux Effect

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    Systematic differences in the radiation embrittlement kinetics of steels irradiated with different fluxes requires a clear understanding and assessment of the mechanisms responsible for the flux effect. This paper presents results of research of hardening mechanism contribution to flux effect of VVER-1000 reactor pressure vessel (RPV) welds. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and atom probe tomography (APT) investigations were carried out. Studies of hardening phases of RPV-steel (VVER-1000) after accelerated irradiation allowed to estimate the contribution of the hardening mechanism to flux effect. Keywords: reactor pressure vessel, hardening mechanism, flux effec

    The Krushinsky – Molodkina genetic rat strain as a unique experimental model of seizure states

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    The study of genetic mechanisms, which underlie normal and abnormal behavioral traits, are important not only for fundamental knowledge of CNS function, but also for human well-being, as well as in the aspect of treatment of brain diseases. Accumulation of knowledge concerning the functions of genes, which are expressed in the CNS and are involved in the specific brain functions determined now by the success of molecular genetics, but it could not overshadow the importance of phenotype expression investigation of genetically determined traits, especially pathological ones. Epilepsy, as one of CNS diseases, occupies an important place in the row of these studies. In spite of numerous anticonvulsant drugs a significant proportion of epilepsy cases are still resistant to drug treatments. It means that the study of various aspects of epileptogenesis using animal models should be welcomed as it will help to elucidate those aspects of increased seizure proneness that are now out of scope of research attention. The distinct trait of this domain, which is not easy to analyze genetically, is audiogenic epilepsy (the seizure attack in response to loud sound). The important feature of audiogenic epilepsy is that the intense tonic seizures could be induced and analyzed repeatedly which makes it possible to induce the seizures repeatedly in the course of chronical experiments with the same animal, which is not possible in the cases of pharmacologically or electrically induced seizures. The Krushinsky – Molodkina (KM) inbred rat strain, which was the first among strains selected for audiogenic epilepsy, is briefly characterized. The specific seizure pattern, the rodent proneness for audiogenic epilepsy, as well as abnormal postictal states (catalepsy, in particular) illustrate the importance of this phenomenon not only as a model of certain brain pathology, but also as a matter of general biological importance. The importance of genetic background factor (demonstrated in the case of study of comorbidity (audiogenic epilepsy, anxiety and depression)) could be crucial in the studies of other CNS anomalies. The audiogenic seizures as a physiological phenomenon which often accompanies several brain pathologies had been in the scope of research interests for D.K. Belyaev and his colleagues in his Institute

    The Effect of Reducing Irradiation Temperature on the Structure and Radiation Embrittlement Mechanism of RPV Steels

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    A complex research of RPV 15Kh2NMFA class 1 steel in different states was performed: in the initial state and after irradiatiion at different temperatures (50-300∘C). Low temperature (50-140∘C) irradiation was shown to cause the formation of dislocation loops of ultrahigh density. At the same time radiation-induced precipitates, being the main radiation-induced hardening phase at irradiation temperature of VVER reactors (∼300∘C), were absent. This leads to a higher radiation embrittlement rate after low-temperature irradiation as compared with irradiation at operating temperatures of VVER-1000. The radiation embrittlement coefficient values are 8.7 and 1.45 for (120-140)∘C and (290-315)∘C irradiation temperature, respectively

    Kinetics of Redox Reactions on Ti02 and NiO Single Crystals and Oxidized Metal Surfaces

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    Kinetics of Fe(CN) :· /Fe(CN) :- redox reaction couple on oxidized Ti, Ni and on Ti02 and NiO single crystals has been studied by fast methods of polarization and current measurements. From experimental values of the exchange-currents and transfer coefficients a and ~. and knowing the reaction mechanism, the potential distribution in the metal-oxide film - electrolyte system for Ti has been evaluated. It has been shown, that the main difference in properties of passive oxide films on Ni and Ti lies in the character of potential distribution at the oxide-solution interface

    Principles of Design of a Culture-Oriented Russian Language Textbook for Greek Guide-Interpreters

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    В статье рассматривается проблема формирования лингвистической профессиональной компетенции греческих студентов, изучающих русский язык.This article is devoted to one of the problems of formation of the linguistic and professional competence of Greek students who learn Russian in a non-linguistic environment. The linguistic and professional competence of guides-interpreters includes the knowledge about the phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems of the language studied; knowledge of foreign language professional terminology; a set of knowledge that provides communicative interaction in the professional activities of a guide-interpreter; knowledge of the historical and cultural characteristics of the country of the language studied

    Tandem Delivery of Multiple Therapeutic Genes Using Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Improves Symptomatic Outcomes in ALS

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkCurrent treatment options of chronic, progressive degenerative neuropsychiatric conditions offer only marginal efficacy, and there is no therapy which arrests or even reverses these diseases. Interest in genetic engineering and cell-based approaches have constantly been increasing, although most of them so far proved to be fruitless or at best provided very slight clinical benefit. In the light of the highly complex patho-mechanisms of these maladies, the failure of drugs aimed at targeting single molecules is not surprising. In order to improve their effectiveness, the role of a unique triple-combination gene therapy was investigated in this study. Intravenous injection of human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell (hUCBMC) cotransduced with adenoviral vectors expressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) resulted in prominent increase of life span and performance in behavioral tests in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Expression of the recombinant genes in hUCBMCs was confirmed as soon as 5 days after transduction by RT-PCR, and cells were detectable for as long as 1 month after grafting in lumbar spinal cord by immunofluorescent staining. Xenotransplantation of cells into mice blood without any immunosuppression demonstrated a high level of hUCBMCs homing and survivability in the central nervous system (CNS), most conspicuously in the spinal cord, but not in the spleen or liver. This study confirms an increased addressed homing and notable survivability of triple-transfected cells in lumbar spinal cord, yielding a remarkably enhanced therapeutic potential of hUCBMCs overexpressing neurotrophic factors

    Tandem Delivery of Multiple Therapeutic Genes Using Umbilical Cord Blood Cells Improves Symptomatic Outcomes in ALS

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York. Current treatment options of chronic, progressive degenerative neuropsychiatric conditions offer only marginal efficacy, and there is no therapy which arrests or even reverses these diseases. Interest in genetic engineering and cell-based approaches have constantly been increasing, although most of them so far proved to be fruitless or at best provided very slight clinical benefit. In the light of the highly complex patho-mechanisms of these maladies, the failure of drugs aimed at targeting single molecules is not surprising. In order to improve their effectiveness, the role of a unique triple-combination gene therapy was investigated in this study. Intravenous injection of human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cell (hUCBMC) cotransduced with adenoviral vectors expressing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), and neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) resulted in prominent increase of life span and performance in behavioral tests in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Expression of the recombinant genes in hUCBMCs was confirmed as soon as 5 days after transduction by RT-PCR, and cells were detectable for as long as 1 month after grafting in lumbar spinal cord by immunofluorescent staining. Xenotransplantation of cells into mice blood without any immunosuppression demonstrated a high level of hUCBMCs homing and survivability in the central nervous system (CNS), most conspicuously in the spinal cord, but not in the spleen or liver. This study confirms an increased addressed homing and notable survivability of triple-transfected cells in lumbar spinal cord, yielding a remarkably enhanced therapeutic potential of hUCBMCs overexpressing neurotrophic factors

    Информационные потребности учёных и проблемы поиска информации (по материалам анкетирования сотрудников Новосибирского научного центра СО РАН)

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    Researchers’ information needs and information search issues are examined based on polling the researchers ofNovosibirskResearchCenterof theRussianAcademyof Sciences Siberian Branch. The polling was organized by the State Public Library for Science and Technology RAS SB. The answers related to information retrieval and difficulties the researchers are facing, were analyzed. It was found that the researchers regularly search information within their studies subject scope and, as a rule, made advanced users of different level information systems, and used independently the databases like Web of Science, Scopus, Russian Science Citation Index. However, some researchers experience difficulties in choosing resources for information sources or formulating queries. Based on the study findings, the authors propose several services to be demanded by researcher users, among them: analyzing dynamics of the document flow within specific topics and the most productive authors, retrospective subject search and assistance provided by bibliographic managers. Besides, the Library could provide information services for using archives and dealing with intellectual property issues.Освещены информационные потребности научных сотрудников и проблемы поиска информации по результатам анкетирования сотрудников Новосибирского научного центра СО РАН, проведённого сотрудниками ГПНТБ СО РАН. Проанализированы ответы на вопросы, которые возникают у учёных при поиске информации; отмечены сложности, с которыми сталкиваются исследователи. Анализ результатов анкетирования позволил установить, что научные сотрудники регулярно занимаются поиском информации для проведения научно-исследовательской работы и в основном являются уверенными пользователями информационных систем различного уровня, самостоятельно работают с такими базами данных, как Web of Science, Scopus, РИНЦ. Однако отдельные учёные испытывают затруднения как в выборе информационных ресурсов для поиска необходимой информации, так и при формулировании запроса.По результатам исследования предложен ряд услуг, которые могут быть востребованы читателями – научными сотрудниками. Среди них: анализ динамики развития документопотока по определённой теме; выявление организаций, работающих в том или ином направлении, и наиболее продуктивных авторов; ретроспективный тематический поиск, а также помощь в работе с современными библиографическими менеджерами. Кроме того, библиотека могла бы оказывать информационные услуги по работе в архивах и в решении вопросов, связанных с интеллектуальной собственностью