2,013 research outputs found

    Neutron diffraction, magnetization and ESR studies of pseudocubic Nd(0.75)Ba(0.25)MnO3 and its unusual critical behavior above Tc

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    Results of structural neutron diffraction study, magnetization and ESR measure-ments are presented for insulating Nd0.75Ba0.25MnO3, Tc = 129 K. The crystal structure is refined in the range 4.2-300 K. The compound is found to exhibit the Jahn-Teller (JT) transition at 250 K. The field cooled (FC) magnetization data are in a reasonable agreement with the predictions for a 3D isotropic ferromagnet above Tc. However, these measurements reveal a difference between the FC and zero FC data in the paramagnetic region. ESR results are also in a correspondence with behavior of a cubic ferromagnet above T* = 143 K. It is shown that an anisotropic exchange coupling of the Mn and Nd magnetic moments can give a substantial contribution in ESR linewidth masking its critical enhan-cement. The different temperature treatments of the sample reveal a temperature hysteresis of the ESR spectra below T* indicating an anomalous response in the paramagnetic region. The study of phase transition in this manganite suggests change in its character from the second to first order at T*. The conventional free energy including the magnetization and magnetic field is not found to describe the first order transition. This suggests that the charge, orbital and JT phonon degrees of freedom, in addition to magnetization, may be the critical variables, the unusual character of the transition being determined by their coupling. Unconventional critical behavior is attributed to orbital liquid metallic phase that coexists with the initial orbital ordered phase below T*.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Low-temperature kinetics of exciton-exciton annihilation of weakly localized one-dimensional Frenkel excitons

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    We present results of numerical simulations of the kinetics of exciton-exciton annihilation of weakly localized one-dimensional Frenkel excitons at low temperatures. We find that the kinetics is represented by two well-distinguished components: a fast short-time decay and a very slow long-time tail. The former arises from excitons that initially reside in states belonging to the same localization segment of the chain, while the slow component is caused by excitons created on different localization segments. We show that the usual bi-molecular theory fails in the description of the behavior found. We also present a qualitative analytical explanation of the non-exponential behavior observed in both the short- and the long-time decay components.Comment: Published in J. Chem. Phys. 114, 1 April (2001


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    The work deals with the model of informatization of medical university on the example of Zaporizhyan State MedicalUniversity, built on the principles of systems analysis of pedagogical system of the medical personnel training.В работе рассматривается модель информатизации медицинс о о ниверситета на примере Запорожс о о ос -дарственно о медицинс о о ниверситета, построенная на принципах системно о анализа педа о ичес ой систе-мы под отов и медицинс их адров.В роботі розглядається модель інформатизації медичного університету на прикладі Запорізького державного медичного університету, яка побудована на принципах системного аналізу педагогічної системи підготовки медичних кадрів

    The influence of Gaussian pinning on the melting scenario of a two-dimensional soft-disk system: First-Order versus Continuous Transition

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    Two-dimensional systems are realized experimentally as thin layers on a substrate. The substrate can have some imperfections (defects of the crystalline structure, chemical impurities, etc.), which demonstrate stronger interaction with the particles of the two-dimensional layer than the rest of the system. Such randomly distributed centers of strong interactions are called "pinning centers". The presence of random pinning can substantially change the behavior of the system. It not only shifts the melting point of the system, but can also change the melting scenario itself. In the present paper the influence of Gaussian pinning on the melting scenario of a two-dimensional system of soft disks is studied by means of molecular dynamics simulation. We randomly introduce into the system of soft disks a set of "pinning centers" which attract the particles via the Gauss potential. We observe that increasing the depth of a Gaussian well leads to a change in the melting scenario of the system. The results demonstrate that simple kind of quenched disorder can significantly affect the melting scenario of two-dimensional systems, offering the possibility of its introduction in complex experiments and studying its influence on the self-assembly and phase diagram of two-dimensional systems in rotating external fields

    Depolarization volume and correlation length in the homogenization of anisotropic dielectric composites

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    In conventional approaches to the homogenization of random particulate composites, both the distribution and size of the component phase particles are often inadequately taken into account. Commonly, the spatial distributions are characterized by volume fraction alone, while the electromagnetic response of each component particle is represented as a vanishingly small depolarization volume. The strong-permittivity-fluctuation theory (SPFT) provides an alternative approach to homogenization wherein a comprehensive description of distributional statistics of the component phases is accommodated. The bilocally-approximated SPFT is presented here for the anisotropic homogenized composite which arises from component phases comprising ellipsoidal particles. The distribution of the component phases is characterized by a two-point correlation function and its associated correlation length. Each component phase particle is represented as an ellipsoidal depolarization region of nonzero volume. The effects of depolarization volume and correlation length are investigated through considering representative numerical examples. It is demonstrated that both the spatial extent of the component phase particles and their spatial distributions are important factors in estimating coherent scattering losses of the macroscopic field.Comment: Typographical error in eqn. 16 in WRM version is corrected in arxiv versio