86 research outputs found

    Threshold Laws for the Break-up of Atomic Particles into Several Charged Fragments

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    The processes with three or more charged particles in the final state exhibit particular threshold behavior, as inferred by the famous Wannier law for (2e + ion) system. We formulate a general solution which determines the threshold behavior of the cross section for multiple fragmentation. Applications to several systems of particular importance with three, four and five leptons (electrons and positrons) in the field of charged core; and two pairs of identical particles with opposite charges are presented. New threshold exponents for these systems are predicted, while some previously suggested threshold laws are revised.Comment: 40 pages, Revtex, scheduled for the July issue of Phys.Rev.A (1998

    Post-Collision Interaction with Wannier electrons

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    A theory of the Post-Collision Interaction (PCI) is developed for the case when an electron atom impact results in creation of two low-energy Wannier electrons and an ion excited into an autoionizing state. The following autoionization decay exposes the Wannier pair to the influence of PCI resulting in variation of the shape of the line in the autoionization spectrum. An explicit dependence of the autoionization profile on the wave function of the Wannier pair is found. PCI provides an opportunity to study this wave function for a wide area of distancesComment: 33 pages, Latex, IOP style, and 3 figures fig1.ps, fig2.ps, fig3.p

    Siberia - From Rodinia to Eurasia

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    Куйтунская долина - экзогеодинамический полигон для отработки междисциплинарной методики исследования седиментационных обстановок формирования покровного лессовидного комплекса в позднем плейстоцене Забайкалья

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    An interdisciplinary research in the Late Quaternary loess-like cover deposits in the valley of the Kuytunka River (Western Transbaikalia) was aimed at reconstructing the conditions and dynamics of regional sedimentation. Particular attention is paid to assessing the information capacity of the methods involved therein: lithofacies analysis, grain-size analysis, and petromagnetic and lithochemical analyses. It is shown that the results of each method independently provide additional information on the processes of sedimentation, are not duplicated, and make it possible to obtain a full characterization of the factors and features of sedimentogenesis. It was found that the valley sedimentation was of cyclic character: warm (soil formation) periods changed to the periods of cooling-(accumulation of sandy-loamy strata); all processes occurred predominantly in semi-arid climate with slight fluctuations in humidity. The mode of the normal formation of a blanket of sedimentary material manifests itself in the structure and properties of deposits exposed on the southern slope of the valley (Kuytun-1 section). Intensive slope processes, and reworking and remixing of sediments on the gentle valley north-exposure slope by catastrophic flows (slope mudflows) and cryogenesis are reflected in the structure and properties of the deposits exposed in the Kuytun-2 section. There are shown the advantages of an integrated approach for detailing the structure of the sections, explaining the genesis of sediments, determining the most probable source areas for the sediment and modes of sediment transport, and reconstructing sedimentary environments.Междисциплинарное изучение позднечетвертичных покровных лессовидных отложений в долине р. Куйтунка (Западное Забайкалье) выполнено с целью реконструкции обстановок и динамики регионального осадконакопления. Особое внимание в работе уделено оценке информативности используемых при исследованиях таких образований методами литолого-фациального, гранулометрического, петромагнитного и литохимического анализа. Показано, что результаты каждого метода дают независимую, дополнительную информацию о процессах осадконакопления, не дублируют друг друга и позволяют получить полноценную характеристику условий и особенностей седиментогенеза. Установлено, что осадконакопление в долине носило циклический характер: периоды потеплений (почвообразования) сменялись периодами похолоданий (накопления супесчано-суглинистых толщ), все процессы происходили в преимущественно семиаридном климате с небольшими колебаниями влажности. Режим «нормального» образования покровного осадочного чехла при участии делювиальных процессов зафиксирован в строении и свойствах отложений, вскрытых на склоне южной экспозиции долины (разрез Куйтун-1). Интенсивные склоновые процессы, переработка, перемешивание отложений пологого склона долины северной экспозиции катастрофическими потоками (склоновые сели) и криогенезом отражены в строении и свойствах облессованных отложений, вскрытых разрезом Куйтун-2. Показаны преимущества комплексного подхода для детализации строения разрезов, уточнения генезиса осадков, определения наиболее вероятных источников сноса и способов транспортировки осадочного материала, реконструкций обстановок осадконакопления


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    Background. Wide use of glucocorticoids therapy for neoplasms, autoimmune diseases and allergies is associated with suppression of adaptive immunity that requires profound study of their immunoregulatory properties and immunotoxicity.Results. In this work, using our model of selective activation of mouse CD8+ memory cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) in vitro, we show for the first time that intraperitoneal injection of high dose hydrocortisone (2.5 mg per animal) allows to detect memory cells in the thymus of animals immunized with allogeneic tumor cells. Similar to memory cells from other lymphoid organs, hydrocortisone-resistant thymic lymphocytes from immune animals respond on allogeneic stimulators subjected to severe heat shock and are immunologically specific to immunizing alloantigen. Thus, cortisone-resistant thymocytes are partially or completely represented by memory cells. We also show here that memory responses of heterozygotes on TCR a-chain knock-out (genetically incapable to secondary rearrangement of TCR achains) are significantly enhanced as compared with the ones of wild type mice.Conclusion. These findings allows to suggest the hypothesis according to which memory T cell clones proliferating in primary immune response migrate into thymus providing necessary microenvironment for reexpression of recombinases. After editing of genes encoding TCR achains, such T lymphocytes can return to peripheral repertoire maintaining its wideness.Введение. Широкое применение глюкокортикоидов в терапии онкологических, аутоиммунных и аллергических заболеваний сопряжено с подавлением функций адаптивного иммунитета и ставит задачу углубленного исследования их иммунорегуляторных свойств и иммунотоксичности.Результаты. Используя разработанную нами модель селективной активации мышиных клеток памяти CD8+ в смешанной культуре лимфоцитов (mixedlymphocytereaction, MLR) invitro, в этой работе мы впервые показали, что внутрибрюшинное введение мышам гидрокортизона в высокой дозе (2,5 мг на 1 животное) позволяет обнаружить Т-клетки памяти в тимусе животных, иммунизированных клетками  аллогенной опухоли. Как и клетки  памяти из других лимфоидных органов, лимфоциты тимуса иммунных животных, резистентные к гидрокортизону, отвечают пролиферацией на аллогенные стимуляторы, подвергнутые острому тепловому шоку и иммунологически специфичны к иммунизирующему аллоантигену. Таким образом, кортизонрезистентные тимоциты частично или полностью представлены клетками памяти. Также мы показали, что у гетерозигот по нокауту α-цепи TCR (генетически неспособных ко вторичной реаранжировке α-цепей) ответы клеток памяти значительно усилены по сравнению с ответами клеток памяти мышей дикого типа.Заключение. Полученные данные позволяют выдвинуть гипотезу, согласно которой клоны Т-клеток памяти, размножившиеся в первичном иммунном ответе, мигрируют в тимус, обеспечивающий микроокружение, необходимое для реэкспрессии ими рекомбиназ. После завершения редактирования α-цепей TCR такие Т-лимфоциты могут вернуться в периферический репертуар, поддерживая его широту

    Fast noise in the Landau-Zener theory

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    We study the influence of a fast noise on Landau-Zener transitions. We demonstrate that a fast colored noise much weaker than the conventional white noise can produce transitions itself or can change substantially the Landau-Zener transition probabilities. In the limit of fast colored or strong white noise we derive asymptotically exact formulae for transition probabilities and study the time evolution of a spin coupled to the noise and a sweeping magnetic field.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Adiabatic theory of Wannier threshold laws and ionization cross sections

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    The Wannier threshold law for three-particle fragmentation is reviewed. By integrating the Schroedinger equation along a path where the reaction coordinate R is complex, anharmonic corrections to the simple power law are obtained. These corrections are found to be non-analytic in the energy E, in contrast to the expected analytic dependence upon E

    Transmuting minor actinides with thermal reactor neutrons

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    The closure of uranium-based fuel cycle assumes that Uranium and Plutonium are extracted from the spent fuel. Among remaining heavy nuclides, the most radioactive are minor actinides. One of the concepts to reduce the reprocessed fuel radioactivity is the repeated long-term irradiation of minor actinides (this process is referred to as transmutation). There are works stating the necessity of hard spectrum neutrons for irradiation, for which special reactors-transmuters and accelerator-driven systems are to be included into the fuel cycle. In this work, practicability of minor actinide transmutation in thermal spectrum reactors is considered. The main factor representing the transmutation practicability that is used in this work, is the ratio of radioacitivities with transmutation, and without, ξ(t). This ratio as a function of time can be greater or less than 1, and its values define to the most extent the transmutation practicability. We computed functions ξ(t) for minor actinides. The conclusions are (from the reduction of radioactivity point of view): Neptunium transmutation is hardly necessary, since the order of magnitude reduction in radioactivity is first reached in hundred thousand years; rather small effect (the order of magnitude radioactivity reduction in 500 years) is found for Curium; the Americium radioactivity is reduced by factor of 10–100 in 300 years after irradiation. It is shown that the best values of ξ(t) are reached at 70–08% burnup of minor actinides. The final conclusion about the practicability of Americium and Curium transmutation must be drawn by taking into account in the considered scenarios the difference in probability of the environmental release, the difference of biological effect and the transmutation efficiency of minor actinides continuously fed to spent fuel storages by the operating nuclear energy industry