20 research outputs found

    Applications of p-deficiency and p-largeness

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    We use Schlage-Puchta's concept of p-deficiency and Lackenby's property of p-largeness to show that a group having a finite presentation with p-deficiency greater than 1 is large, which implies that Schlage-Puchta's infinite finitely generated p-groups are not finitely presented. We also show that for all primes p at least 7, any group having a presentation of p-deficiency greater than 1 is Golod-Shafarevich, and has a finite index subgroup which is Golod-Shafarevich for the remaining primes. We also generalise a result of Grigorchuk on Coxeter groups to odd primes.Comment: 23 page

    Стеноз трахеи и релаксация диафрагмы постковидной этиологии

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    Pandemic of the new coronavirus infection has presented the medical community with challenges that call for immediate action. An increase in the number of severe cases of COVID-19 requiring mechanical ventilation inevitably leads not only to an increase in the complication rates, but also to combined complications. A clinical case of a combined tracheal stenosis and diaphragm after severe COVID-19 is presented here. The aim of this publication was to improve treatment outcomes of patients with multiorgan complications of post-COVID origin. Conclusion. Combined complications of a severe coronavirus infection worsen the rehabilitation prognosis, and require surgical treatment.При пандемии новой коронавирусной инфекции (НКИ) перед медицинским сообществом ставятся задачи, для решения которых требуются безотлагательные меры. Наблюдается рост числа тяжелых случаев COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019), вызванных коронавирусом SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related CoronaVirus 2), при которых требуется искусственная вентиляция легких; при этом неминуемо не только увеличивается число осложнений, но и отмечается сочетание нескольких осложнений у одного пациента. Представлено клиническое наблюдение сочетания стеноза трахеи и релаксации диафрагмы постковидной этиологии у пациентки, перенесшей COVID-19 тяжелого течения. Целью работы явилось улучшение результатов лечения у пациентов с мультиорганными осложнениями постковидной этиологии. Заключение. При сочетании осложнений у пациентов после НКИ тяжелого течения ухудшается прогноз реабилитации, при лечении таких пациентов следует применять активную хирургическую тактику

    Анестезиологическое обеспечение торакоскопических операций на легких и органах средостения

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    The objective of the review: analysis of innovations in the conceptual justification and methodological support of anesthetic protection of thoracic surgical interventions.Results: optimization of methods of anesthetic protection should be aimed at solving both surgical requirements such as creating conditions for surgical comfort and at the same time, ensuring the maximum achievable level of protection efficiency and patient safety. When solving the problems of patient protection in thoracic surgery in general and thoracoscopic surgery in particular, the special attention is paid to ensuring effective gas exchange and optimal anesthesia methods corresponding to them within the framework of the multi-component concept. It is important to consider that weaning from mechanical ventilation and the careful collapse of the operated lung are absolute indications for thoracoscopic surgery. This approach is used due to the need to provide space in the pleural cavity for instrumental manipulations during surgery.Цель обзора: анализ инноваций в концептуальное обоснование и методическое обеспечение анестезиологической защиты торакальных хирургических вмешательств.Результаты: оптимизация методов анестезиологической защиты должна быть направлена на решение как хирургических требований, таких как создание условий хирургического комфорта, так и одновременное обеспечение максимально достижимого уровня эффективности защиты и безопасности пациентов. Основное внимание при решении проблем защиты пациента в торакальной хирургии вообще и в торакоскопической в частности принадлежит возможностям обеспечения эффективного газообмена и оптимально соответствующих им методов анестезии в рамках концепции многокомпонентности. Важно учитывать, что выключение из вентиляции и тщательное коллабирование оперируемого легкого имеют абсолютные показания для торакоскопической хирургии. Такой подход продиктован потребностью в обеспечении пространства в плевральной полости для инструментального выполнения хирургических действий

    Anesthesiological management of thoracoscopic operations on lungs and mediastinum

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    The objective of the review: analysis of innovations in the conceptual justification and methodological support of anesthetic protection of thoracic surgical interventions.Results: optimization of methods of anesthetic protection should be aimed at solving both surgical requirements such as creating conditions for surgical comfort and at the same time, ensuring the maximum achievable level of protection efficiency and patient safety. When solving the problems of patient protection in thoracic surgery in general and thoracoscopic surgery in particular, the special attention is paid to ensuring effective gas exchange and optimal anesthesia methods corresponding to them within the framework of the multi-component concept. It is important to consider that weaning from mechanical ventilation and the careful collapse of the operated lung are absolute indications for thoracoscopic surgery. This approach is used due to the need to provide space in the pleural cavity for instrumental manipulations during surgery

    Fibroblasts and polymer composition are essential for bioengineering of airway epithelium on nonwoven scaffolds

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    To make tissue engineering a truly effective tool, it is necessary to understand how the patterns of specific tissue development are modulated by and depend on the artificial environment. Even the most advanced approaches still do not fully meet the requirements of practical engineering of tracheobronchial epithelium. This study aimed to test the ability of the synthetic and natural nonwoven scaffolds to support the formation of morphological sound airway epithelium including the basement membrane (BM). We also sought to identify the potential role of fibroblasts in this process. Our results showed that nonwoven scaffolds are generally suitable for producing well-differentiated tracheobronchial epithelium (with cilia and goblet cells), while the structure and functionality of the equivalents appeared to be highly dependent on the composition of the scaffolds. Unlike natural scaffolds, synthetic ones supported the formation of the epithelium only when epithelial cells were cocultured with fibroblasts. Fibroblasts also appeared to be obligatory for basal lamina formation, regardless of the type of the nonwoven material used. However, even in the presence of fibroblasts, the synthetic scaffolds were unable to support the formation of the epithelium and of the BM (in particular, basal lamina) as effectively as the natural scaffolds did.</p