3,509 research outputs found

    Suzaku study of gas properties along filaments of A2744

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    Context: We present the results of Suzaku observations of a massive galaxy cluster A2744, which is an active merger at z=0.308z=0.308. Aims: By using long X-ray observations of A2744, we aim to understand the growth of the cluster and the gas heating process through mass accretion along the surrounding filaments. Methods: We analyzed data from two-pointed Suzaku observations of A2744 to derive the temperature distribution out to the virial radius in three different directions. We also performed a deprojection analysis to study radial profiles of gas temperature, density, and entropy and compared the X-ray results with multi-wavelength data to investigate correlations with the surface density of galaxies and with radio relics. Results: The gas temperature was measured out to the virial radius r200r_{200} in the north-east region and to about 1.5r2001.5r_{200} in the north-west and south regions. The radial profile of the gas temperature is rather flat and the temperature is very high (even near r200r_{200}); it is comparable to the mean temperature of this cluster (kT=9kT=9 keV). These characteristics have not been reported in any other cluster. We find a hint of temperature jump in the northeast region whose location coincides with a large radio relic, indicating that the cluster experienced gas heating because of merger or mass accretion onto the main cluster. The temperature distribution is anisotropic and shows no clear positive correlation with the galaxy density, which suggests an inhomogeneous mass structure and a complex merger history in A2744.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, A&A accepte

    ISTIHSAN (Telaah Sosiologi-Kultural Pemikiran Imam Hanafi)

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    Tulisan ini adalah upaya untuk mengeksplorasi pemikiran fikih Abu Hanifah dengan menggunakan kacamata sosiologis. Pemikiran seorang tokoh tidak lahir dengan sendirinya, tanpa peran serta kondisi social, politik dan budaya yang berkembang pada masa tokoh pemikir tersebut hidup. Karenanya, pemikiran Abu Hanifah tentang Istihsan juga tidak bisa dilepaskan dari kondisi dan struktur masyarakat Kufah, sebagai basis dan tempat tinggal Imam Abu Hanifa

    X-Ray Study of the Outer Region of Abell 2142 with Suzaku

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    We observed outer regions of a bright cluster of galaxies A2142 with Suzaku. Temperature and brightness structures were measured out to the virial radius (r200r_{200}) with good sensitivity. We confirmed the temperature drop from 9 keV around the cluster center to about 3.5 keV at r200r_{200}, with the density profile well approximated by the β\beta model with β=0.85\beta = 0.85. Within 0.4\r_{200}, the entropy profile agrees with r1.1r^{1.1}, as predicted by the accretion shock model. The entropy slope becomes flatter in the outer region and negative around r200r_{200}. These features suggest that the intracluster medium in the outer region is out of thermal equilibrium. Since the relaxation timescale of electron-ion Coulomb collision is expected to be longer than the elapsed time after shock heating at r200r_{200}, one plausible reason of the low entropy is the low electron temperature compared to that of ions. Other possible explanations would be gas clumpiness, turbulence and bulk motions of ICM\@. We also searched for a warm-hot intergalactic medium around r200r_{200} and set an upper limit on the oxygen line intensity. Assuming a line-of-sight depth of 2 Mpc and oxygen abundance of 0.1 solar, the upper limit of an overdensity is calculated to be 280 or 380, depending on the foreground assumption.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    On the spectroscopy of quantum dots in microcavities

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    At the occasion of the OECS conference in Madrid, we give a succinct account of some recent predictions in the spectroscopy of a quantum dot in a microcavity that remain to be observed experimentally, sometimes within the reach of the current state of the art.Comment: OECS11 Conference proceedings, in editor style. 4 pages, 1 figure. Animations provided separatel

    A note on Verhulst's logistic equation and related logistic maps

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    We consider the Verhulst logistic equation and a couple of forms of the corresponding logistic maps. For the case of the logistic equation we show that using the general Riccati solution only changes the initial conditions of the equation. Next, we consider two forms of corresponding logistic maps reporting the following results. For the map x_{n+1} = rx_n(1 - x_n) we propose a new way to write the solution for r = -2 which allows better precision of the iterative terms, while for the map x_{n+1}-x_n = rx_n(1 - x_{n+1}) we show that it behaves identically to the logistic equation from the standpoint of the general Riccati solution, which is also provided herein for any value of the parameter r.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 7 references with title

    Hyperplastic polyps and sessile serrated 'adenomas' of the colon and rectum display gastric pyloric differentiation

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com.”ArticleHistochemistry and Cell Biology. 128(5): 445-455 (2007)journal articl