247 research outputs found

    Gender aspects of print advertising (Гендерний аспект друкованої реклами)

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    In the article gender problems are analysed in the texts of advertising on the pages of mass-media. It describes modern gender roles which are represented in modern Ukrainian newspaper texts (У статті здійснено лінгвістичний аналіз рекламних текстів, опублікованих на сторінках друкованих ЗМІ, через призму гендерної проблематики. Описано сучасні гендерні ролі, образи, які репрезентовано в сучасних українськомовних газетних текстах

    Pragmalinguistic Potential of Instructive Text

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    An instruction is considered as a form of discursive values fixation in the pragmalinguistic aspect, which allows one to analyze the specifics of text formation. The results of a discursive analysis of instructions for cosmetic products, medical preparations, and household appliances are presented. Particular attention is paid to the description of the pragmalinguistic potential of instructive texts, represented by intentional plans of informativeness, prescriptiveness, beneficence. The distinctions of the representation of the indicated values are revealed using grammatical means expressing contextually determined shades of meanings. There is a review of the works in which the discussion of the type of speech influence in the instructions is raised. The novelty of the study consists in the consideration of the instructive text as a result of the discourse deployment, based on the factors of the addressee, addressant, subject area, time and place of resolution of the communicative situation, thereby revealing the specificity of the speech impact. The relevance of the study is due to the authors' appeal to the pragmalinguistic description of the text, which correlates with the anthropocentric approach in modern studies. The authors analyze in details the ways to implement direct and indirect motivation with the help of appropriate verbal forms, the features of the distribution of verbal forms containing important information about the way actions are performed and some syntactic constructions

    Convergence of institutes of functional representation of group interests under transformation of social processes, quality of life, and human capital

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    This article substantiates the influence of mechanisms, methods, and technologies of a functional representation of group interests on the strategic management of socio-economic processes in the context of geopolitical turbulenc

    Features of the Segmental Formation of Ukrainian Politics Under Martial Law

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    The purpose of the study is to determine the format of the state policy of Ukraine in certain segments, considering the challenges of the legal regime of martial law by solving such research tasks as: defining measures of the legal regime of martial law and their praxeological significance for the formation of State Policy; Research Directions for reforming anti- corruption policy and their regulatory and institutional support; research on the state of policy transformation to ensure the rights of persons in places of deprivation of Liberty. The subject of the research is the priority vectors for certain segments of state policy, which are mediated by the action of the legal regime of martial law in Ukraine. The quality of implementation and provision of the declared ideas of national security will be reflected in all spheres of public relations, so it is important not to form, but to implement a policy in the field of national security. It is primarily important to formally reflect it in the approved anti-corruption strategy for the relevant period without reservations about the introduction of martial law in the state for the formation of an anti-corruption policy. As for the tightening of anti-corruption measures, in fact, the introduction of martial law has led to the imposition of tougher sanctions. It is established that in the conditions of the legal regime of martial law, among the rights of persons in places of deprivation of Liberty, a prominent place is given to ensuring the right to evacuation. The article analyzes the institutional mechanism and legal basis for the evacuation of persons in places of deprivation of Liberty

    Correlation induced switching of local spatial charge distribution in two-level system

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    We present theoretical investigation of spatial charge distribution in the two-level system with strong Coulomb correlations by means of Heisenberg equations analysis for localized states total electron filling numbers taking into account pair correlations of local electron density. It was found that tunneling current through nanometer scale structure with strongly coupled localized states causes Coulomb correlations induced spatial redistribution of localized charges. Conditions for inverse occupation of two-level system in particular range of applied bias caused by Coulomb correlations have been revealed. We also discuss possibility of charge manipulation in the proposed system.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Submitted to JETP Letter

    Association of Bone Loss with the Upregulation of Survival-Related Genes and Concomitant Downregulation of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin and Osteoblast Differentiation-Related Genes in the Peripheral Blood of Late Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women

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    We aimed to identify bone related markers in the peripheral blood of osteoporotic (OP) patients that pointed toward molecular mechanisms underlying late postmenopausal bone loss. Whole blood from 22 late postmenopausal OP patients and 26 healthy subjects was examined. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by DXA. Protein levels of p70-S6K, p21, MMP-9, TGFβ1, and caspase-3 were quantified by ELISA. Gene expression was measured using real-time RT-PCR. OP registered by low BMD indices in late postmenopausal patients was associated with a significant upregulation of autophagy protein ULK1, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21, and metalloproteinase MMP-9 gene expression in the blood compared to the healthy controls and in a significant downregulation of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), RUNX2, and ALPL gene expression, while expression of cathepsin K, caspase-3, transforming growth factor (TGF)β1, interleukin- (IL-) 1β, and tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα) was not significantly affected. We also observed a positive correlation between TGFβ1 and RUNX2 expression and BMD at femoral sites in these patients. Therefore, bone loss in late postmenopausal OP patients is associated with a significant upregulation of survival-related genes (ULK1 and p21) and MMP-9, as well as the downregulation of mTOR and osteoblast differentiation-related genes (RUNX2 and ALPL) in the peripheral blood compared to the healthy controls

    Real roots of Random Polynomials: Universality close to accumulation points

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    We identify the scaling region of a width O(n^{-1}) in the vicinity of the accumulation points t=±1t=\pm 1 of the real roots of a random Kac-like polynomial of large degree n. We argue that the density of the real roots in this region tends to a universal form shared by all polynomials with independent, identically distributed coefficients c_i, as long as the second moment \sigma=E(c_i^2) is finite. In particular, we reveal a gradual (in contrast to the previously reported abrupt) and quite nontrivial suppression of the number of real roots for coefficients with a nonzero mean value \mu_n = E(c_i) scaled as \mu_n\sim n^{-1/2}.Comment: Some minor mistakes that crept through into publication have been removed. 10 pages, 12 eps figures. This version contains all updates, clearer pictures and some more thorough explanation

    Hemodynamics at different levels of salt intake in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy of different age groups

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    Aim. To assess the relationship between the level of salt (NaCl) consumption and clinical and hemodynamic parameters in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) of different age groups.Material and methods. We examined 57 patients with HCM (mean age, 59,2±16,2 years). The patients were divided into groups according to the World Health Organization (WHO): I — young age (≤44 years old) — 12,4% of patients; II — middle (45-59 years old) — 37,2%; III — elderly (60–74 years old) — 36%; IV — senile (≥75 years old old) — 14,4%. The clinical status of patients was assessed, during which special attention was paid to syncope not related to cardiac arrhythmias. NaCl intake was assessed by the 24-hour urine sodium (Na+) level.Results. In the general cohort, in Na+ level <50 mmol/day, the lowest left ventricular stroke volume (LVSV) index was observed, which were associated with syncope (r=-0,9, p=0,03). With the urinary sodium level of 50-70 mmol/day, an increase in LVSV index was observed and the absence of syncope. At Na+ level more than 70 mmol/day, no increase in LVSV index was observed. In this regard, a predictive model was created, as a result of which it was found that with an increase in Na+ consumption by 1 mmol/day, an increase in LVSV index by 0,3 ml/m2 should be expected. There were no significant differences in the effect of NaCl intake on the studied parameters in patients with HCM of different ages. At the same time, low NaCl intake in elderly patients was associated with syncope.Conclusion. Minimal values of Na+ intake (<50 mmol/day or NaCl 3 g/day) were found, which are unfavorable for patients with HCM due to the risk syncope. The 24-hour urine sodium level to maintain a hemodynamically safe level of LVSV index in patients with HCM should be more than 70 mmol/day (NaCl 4,1 g/day). Monitoring of Na+ consumption level is especially important in elderly people with HCM

    Аксиологические особенности трансформации библиотечной профессии в аспекте профессионального образования

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    Technological evolution of the civilization have been increasingly define the integrated global landscape and contribute to political, economic, social and ecological changes. Innovative high-speed communication systems and wide access to information consolidate the states, economies and businesses in the more sophisticated way one can envision. This global interdependence bears the risks of increasing social and economic inequity; in particular, due to instability and social unsustainability of the weaker economies. The authors discuss the problems of the library profession digitalization affecting the transformation of library education as the condition for preserving and developing human resources in librarianship. They insist that training librarians should comply with the requirements to modern libraries. They specify the key professional competences for library specialists of a new breed, and suggest prospective vectors of training at library departments.Технологические достижения цивилизации всё больше определяют взаимосвязанный глобальный ландшафт, который активизирует политические, экономические, социальные и экологические изменения. Инновационные, скоростные системы связи и широкий доступ к информации объединяют страны, экономику и бизнес гораздо более сложными способами, чем мы можем себе представить. Эта взаимозависимость в глобальном масштабе представляет такие риски, как растущее социальное и экономическое неравенство, особенно опасные из-за нестабильности и социальной неустойчивости, которые присущи слабым экономикам.В статье представлены основные проблемы цифровизации библиотечной профессии, обусловливающие особенности трансформации библиотечного образования как залога сохранения и развития человеческих ресурсов в библиотечной сфере. Рассмотрены вопросы подготовки библиотечных кадров в соответствии с требованиями современной библиотеки. Перечислены основные профессиональные компетенции специалистов-библиотекарей новой формации, выявлены перспективные направления, которым должны обучать современные библиотечные факультеты

    Рабочее место библиотекаря в контексте материально-технической базы библиотеки: теоретический подход и практика реализации

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    The facilities and resources of the libraries determine their performance, therefore the development and improvements of physical facilities and librarians’ workplace must always be in the focus, along with the library’s functions, structure, and vectors of activities. The efficiently designed, comfortable, organized and technological workplace increases productivity. The latest achievements of science, technology and ergonomics contribute to efficient infrastructure, premises and collection utilization, and employees’ performance. Innovative workplace arrangement stimulates employees to develop interactive and other communications and to meet modern users’ demands to the fullest extent possible. The authors prove the necessity of developing library facilities and resources taking into account the state of modern society, science and technology. For this purpose, the librarians, architects, engineers, furniture manufacturers, designers and local authorities must join their efforts. The authors present the findings of the research based on the librarians’ survey and identify their preferences and ideal workplace image.Состояние материально-технической базы (МТБ) определяет качественный уровень производственной деятельности библиотек, поэтому вопросам развития и укрепления МТБ, в частности оснащению рабочего места библиотекаря, должно уделяться большое внимание. Дальнейшее развитие библиотек определяется функциями, структурой и направленностью их деятельности. Правильно спроектированное, комфортно организованное, оснащённое современными технологиями рабочее место повышает производительность труда. Новейшие достижения науки, техники и эргономики позволяют более рационально развивать инфраструктуру, использовать помещения и фонд библиотеки для эффективной работы сотрудников. Инновационная организация рабочего места побуждает специалистов к созданию интерактивных и иных коммуникаций, которые максимально полно удовлетворяют требования современного читателя.Назрела необходимость решать проблемы МТБ библиотек и рабочего места библиотекаря с учётом современного уровня развития социума, науки и техники. Для этого необходимо объединить усилия библиотекарей, архитекторов, инженеров, изготовителей мебели, дизайнеров и специалистов из структур местного управления. В статье представлено исследование МТБ библиотеки в аспекте рабочего места, проведённое по результатам опроса специалистов: предпочтения и идеальный образ рабочего места