45 research outputs found

    Composition of pigment complex in leaves of soybean plants, inoculated by Bradyrhizobium japonicum, subject to metal nanocarboxylates and various-levels of water supply

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    A distinctive feature of legumes is the ability to combine two most important processes: photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. However, the course of those processes, and therefore seed potential of those crops depend on a number of biotic and abiotic factors, the commonest being drought. Therefore, interest in physical-biochemical resistance of the plant organism to abiotic stress factors is increasing, as well as search for optimum ways to increase its adaptability. Success of adaptation of a plant’s organism to unfavourable environmental factors is known to largely depend on optimal functioning of assimilative apparatus. Some indicators of the condition of the apparatus are the content and ratio of photosynthesis pigments. Therefore, we aimed at determining the reaction of the pigment complex of Glycine max (L.) Merr. plants, grown against the background of optimal and insufficient watering, to inoculation of seeds with rhizobia bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum, cultivated using nanocarboxylates of chromium, cobalt, iron, copper and germanium. Research has shown that utilization of germanium nanocarboxylate as a component of inoculative suspension led to the highest content of chlorophylls in leaves of soybean of the studied variants in the blossoming phase during optimal watering, as well as significant increase in the content of carotenoids compared with the control plants regardless of the level of watering. At the same time, this element caused no significant effect on the chlorophyll content in plants grown in drought. It was confirmed that among soybean plants that were in stress conditions (blossoming phase) for two weeks, the highest content of chlorophylls was in leaves of plants grown from seeds inoculated with rhizobial suspension with addition of chromium and copper nanocarboxylates, which caused 25.3% and 22.8% increase in chlorophyll а, 29.4% and 32.3% in chlorophyll b and 26.4%% and 23.8% in them respectively, compared with the control. Furthermore, chromium and copper nanocarboxylates stimulated the content of carotenoids in the same plants, though it was less expressed than after adding germanium nanocarboxylate. The highest content of photosynthetic pigments in plants after the watering was resumed (phase of bean formation) was in cases of applying chromium and germanium nanocarboxylates. It was confirmed that the most efficient way to protect the pigment complex of soybean plants during drought was using chromium and germanium nanocarboxylates as components of inoculation suspension. The results we obtained indicate the possibility of applying chromium nanocarboxylate in the technology of cultivating soybean in the conditions of water deficiency as an effective way to improve biosynthesis of chlorophylls, as well as using germanium nanocarboxyllate as a component that provides a high level of activity of protective mechanisms of the pigment system of soybean, associated with resisting stress caused by water deficiency

    Activity of nitrogen fixation and antioxidant enzymes in symbiotic systems Glycine max – Bradyrhizobium japonicum for complex treatment with lectin and fungicides

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    The dynamics of the nitrogen fixation activity of the root nodules, the growth of the vegetative mass of plants and the change in the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, ascorbate and guaiacol peroxidase) in different soybean organs for treatment of seeds by rhizobia incubated with lectin, in combination with fungicides have been studied. The objects of the study were symbiotic systems formed with the participation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Almaz and Bradyrhizobium japonicum (standard strain 634b) incubated with lectin. As disinfectants of soybean seeds, the following preparations with fungicidal activity were used – Maxim XL 035 PS, Fever, Standak Top according to one rate of active substance consumption of each preparation specified by the manufacturer. One part of the seeds treated with fungicides was inoculated with pure culture of suspension of rhizobia for one hour (titre of suspension concentration was 108 cells/ml). Another part of the seeds treated with fungicides was inoculated with rhizobia suspension, which was previously incubated with a solution of commercial lectin soybean at a concentration of 100 μg/ml. The research was conducted in strictly controlled conditions of a model vegetative experiment using microbiological, physiological, biochemical methods, gas chromatography, spectrophotometry. It was found that processing of soybean seeds with fungicides (Fever and Maxim XL) together with rhizobium inoculation contributed to the preservation of the nitrogen fixation activity of the root nodules and the growth of vegetative mass of plants. Under these conditions, the intensification of the activity of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase was observed, as well as inhibition of the activity of guaiacol peroxidase in soybean root nodules in the phase of three true leaves and increased activity of all investigated enzymes in the phase of mass flowering. It has been established that the use of complex treatment of seeds by soybean rhizobia incubated with lectin and fungicides leads to an increase in the activity of superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase in root nodules in the phase of three true leaves and the growth of the activity of ascorbate peroxidase in the phase of mass flowering. At the same time, the inhibition of the growth of vegetative mass of plants and their symbiotic properties occurred, as evidenced by the decrease in the nitrogen fixation activity of the root nodules for the joint treatment of seeds with fungicides and lectin. A specific reaction of investigated enzymes in the roots and leaves of soybean was shown, which was more pronounced in the phase of three true leaves, indicating the development of a typical antioxidant reaction to a complex treatment, as a kind of stress that is leveled to the phase of mass flowering. The degree of reaction of antioxidant enzymes in the studied symbiotic systems Glycine max – Bradyrhizobium japonicum depends on the nature of the active substance fungicides and the manifestation of their joint effect in a complex with rhizobia incubated with lectin

    Peculiarities of soybean-rhizobial systems subject to different levels of water supply fol-lowing treatment with succinic acid and epibrassinolide

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    All around the world, one of the leading – according to area of cultivated fields – oleic crops is soybean, which has a high demand for moisture. Given the significance of this crop and negative impact of drought on its yield, integrated research of the influence of insufficient water supply on the intensity of physiological-biochemical processes in those plants is necessary for identifying and understanding the drought-tolerance mechanisms of soybean, as well as symbiotic systems created with its participation, and also for search for ways to adapt it to this stressor. Therefore, our objective was determining the specifics of formation and functioning of the symbiotic systems of soybean and Bradyrhizobium japonicum, following treatment with succinic acid (0.01 g/L) and 24-epibrassinolide (0.00001 g/L), subject to different levels of watering. Our studies revealed that pre-sowing treatment of the seeds with a solution of 24-epibrassinolide with their subsequent inoculation with B. japonicum Т21-2 resulted in the most pronounced stimulation of formation and functioning of the symbiotic systems of soybean in the optimal growing conditions. At the same time, during water shortage, the intensity of nitrogen fixation was the highest in the plants grown from seeds that had been successively treated with the acid and the inoculant. We confirmed that water deficit led to significant increase in the overall content of phytohormones of cytokinin nature in the soybean root nodules, depending on the way the seeds were treated. However, the largest pool of cytokinins was seen in the plants that had been treated with succinic acid against the background of both optimal and insufficient water supply. Treatment of the seeds with 24-epibrassinolide caused significant excess of content of zeatin riboside over the content of zeatin during the flowering stage, whereas in the stage of pods formation it led to an opposite effect – excess of zeatin over zeatin riboside. Fourteen days-long water deficit decreased the content of chlorophylls in the leaves and grain productivity of the plants of all variants of the experiment. The use of growth regulators managed to alleviate the negative impact of stress and protect the pigment complex from ruination. Treatment of the seeds with solutions of succinic acid and 24-epibrassinolide provided the growth of soybean grain productivity regardless on water-supply level. The most efficient was 24-epibrassinolide. Therefore, use of 24-epibrassinolide for pre-sowing treatment of the soybean seeds provided formation of effective symbiotic systems with high nitrogen-fixing activity and caused a number of specific changes in the pattern of accumulation of free and complex forms of cytokinins in the root nodules of those plants. At the same time, the treatment provided the highest concentration of photosynthesis pigments in the soybean leaves, and as a result produced the greatest increase in grain productivity of plants of all the variants, regardless of levels of water supply. In turn, use of succinic acid produced the highest level of nitrogen-fixing activity in the case of the lowest number of root nodules in the conditions of insufficient water supply, and also caused significant accumulation of cytokinins in the nodules, compared with other studied variants against the background of both optimal and insufficient water supply. Therefore, it did result in increase in soybean grain productivity, but this was lower than in the plants treated with 24-epibrassinolide

    Вітроенергетична установка із поворотними вітрилами

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    Запропонована конструкція вертикально-осьової вітроенергетичної установки із поворотними вітрилами, а також наведені розрахункові залежності для оцінювання і вибору основних конструктивних параметрів і силових характеристик установки при проектуванні.The design of vertical-axis wind power station with rotating sails, and also shows the calculated for the evaluation and selection of basic design parameters and strength characteristics of the unit in the design

    Epithelial dysregulation in obese severe asthmatics with gastro-oesophageal reflux

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    An optical 3D sound intensity and energy density probe

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    In this paper, an optical sensor capable of measuring pressure and the three orthogonal particle velocities at a point is presented. This sensor can be used to measure three-dimensional sound intensity or energy density in the presence of strong electro-magnetic and radio-frequency fields. The benefits of the sensor compared to traditional p-p intensity probes is discussed, as well as the design, construction and performance of the sensor. It will be seen that this new type of sensor has many advantages compared to traditional sensors.Cazzolato, B. S., Halim, D., Petersen, D., Kahana, Y. and Kots, A.http://www.mecheng.adelaide.edu.au/anvc/abstract.php?abstract=33