128 research outputs found

    Управление направлениями повышения эффективности отрасли виноградарства

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    Целью статьи является изучение порядка управления затратами и прибылью с целью повышения экономической эффективности производства винограда и определение важности отрасли виноградарства

    Critical turbulence revisited: The impact of submesoscale vertical mixing on plankton patchiness

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    By supplying nutrients to the ocean surface, submesoscale vertical motions can have a strong impact on phytoplankton growth and phytoplankton distributions. To study this impact, we model a phytoplankton population in a baroclinically unstable submesoscale eddy using a phytoplankton model coupled to a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. In the eddy, strong vertical transports are generated as a consequence of baroclinic instability. The resulting plankton distributions turn out to depend strongly on the light intensity and local vertical transport. To analyze these distributions in detail, we use more idealized coupled hydrodynamic-biological models and we extend the critical turbulence concept to three dimensions

    Probing the Hofmeister Effect with Ultrafast Core Hole Spectroscopy

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    In the current work, X-ray emission spectra of aqueous solutions of different inorganic salts within the Hofmeister series are presented. The results reflect the direct interaction of the ions with the water molecules and therefore, reveal general properties of the salt-water interactions. Within the experimental precision a significant effect of the ions on the water structure has been observed but no ordering according to the structure maker/structure breaker concept could be mirrored in the results indicating that the Hofmeister effect-if existent-may be caused by more complex interactions

    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition: a delayed response to an increasing positive feedback?

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    Abstract Glacial–interglacial cycles constitute large natural variations in Earth’s climate. The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT) marks a shift of the dominant periodicity of these climate cycles from 40\sim 40 ∼ 40 to 100\sim 100 ∼ 100  kyr. Recently, it has been suggested that this shift resulted from a gradual increase in the internal period (or equivalently, a decrease in the natural frequency) of the system. As a result, the system would then have locked to ever higher multiples of the external forcing period. We find that the internal period is sensitive to the strength of positive feedbacks in the climate system. Using a carbon cycle model in which feedbacks between calcifier populations and ocean alkalinity mediate atmospheric CO 2,_2, 2 , we simulate stepwise periodicity changes similar to the MPT through such a mechanism. Due to the internal dynamics of the system, the periodicity shift occurs up to millions of years after the change in the feedback strength is imposed. This suggests that the cause for the MPT may have occurred a significant time before the observed periodicity shift

    PurifyR: an R Package for highly automated reproducible variable extraction and standardization

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    Life science experiments that employ automated technologies, such as high-content screens, frequently produce large datasets that require substantial amounts of preprocessing before analysis can be carried out. Standardization of this preprocessing becomes impossible as the dataset size increases if there are manual steps involved. Virtually no standards for preprocessing currently exist and few user-friendly tools are available that allow the cleaning of data files in a simple and transparent manner while also allowing for reproducibility. We demonstrate in a publicly available R package, PurifyR, how preprocessing steps can be streamlined and automated. PurifyR supports multithreading and the standardization of large-matrix preprocessing. These steps provide transparent and reproducible preprocessing for matrix-oriented datasets. The PurifyR package is open source and can be downloaded from github