1,613 research outputs found
Design of strapdown gyroscopes for a dynamic environment Semiannual report, Dec. 1967 - May 1968
Systems analysis, design, and operating characteristics of strapdown gyroscopes for dynamic environmen
Thermodynamics, Structure, and Dynamics of Water Confined between Hydrophobic Plates
We perform molecular dynamics simulations of 512 water-like molecules that
interact via the TIP5P potential and are confined between two smooth
hydrophobic plates that are separated by 1.10 nm. We find that the anomalous
thermodynamic properties of water are shifted to lower temperatures relative to
the bulk by K. The dynamics and structure of the confined water
resemble bulk water at higher temperatures, consistent with the shift of
thermodynamic anomalies to lower temperature. Due to this shift, our
confined water simulations (down to K) do not reach sufficiently low
temperature to observe a liquid-liquid phase transition found for bulk water at
K using the TIP5P potential. We find that the different
crystalline structures that can form for two different separations of the
plates, 0.7 nm and 1.10 nm, have no counterparts in the bulk system, and
discuss the relevance to experiments on confined water.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure
Lattice model of gas condensation within nanopores
We explore the thermodynamic behavior of gases adsorbed within a nanopore.
The theoretical description employs a simple lattice gas model, with two
species of site, expected to describe various regimes of adsorption and
condensation behavior. The model includes four hypothetical phases: a
cylindrical shell phase (S), in which the sites close to the cylindrical wall
are occupied, an axial phase (A), in which sites along the cylinder's axis are
occupied, a full phase (F), in which all sites are occupied, and an empty phase
(E). We obtain exact results at T=0 for the phase behavior, which is a function
of the interactions present in any specific problem. We obtain the
corresponding results at finite T from mean field theory. Finally, we examine
the model's predicted phase behavior of some real gases adsorbed in nanopores
Adsorption in non interconnected pores open at one or at both ends: A reconsideration of the origin of the hysteresis phenomenon
We report on an experimental study of adsorption isotherme of nitrogen onto
porous silicon with non interconnected pores open at one or at both ends in
order to check for the first time the old (1938) but always current idea based
on Cohan's description which suggests that the adsorption of gaz should occur
reversibly in the first case and irreversibly in the second one. Hysteresis
loops, the shape of which is usually associated to interconnections in porous
media, are observed whether the pores are open at one or at both ends in
contradiction with Cohan's model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 EPS figure
Lattice-gas Monte Carlo study of adsorption in pores
A lattice gas model of adsorption inside cylindrical pores is evaluated with
Monte Carlo simulations. The model incorporates two kinds of site: (a line of)
``axial'' sites and surrounding ``cylindrical shell'' sites, in ratio 1:7. The
adsorption isotherms are calculated in either the grand canonical or canonical
ensembles. At low temperature, there occur quasi-transitions that would be
genuine thermodynamic transitions in mean-field theory. Comparison between the
exact and mean-field theory results for the heat capacity and adsorption
isotherms are provided
Mathematical Constraint on Functions with Continuous Second Partial Derivatives
A new integral identity for functions with continuous second partial
derivatives is derived. It is shown that the value of any function f(r,t) at
position r and time t is completely determined by its previous values at all
other locations r' and retarded times t'<t, provided that the function vanishes
at infinity and has continuous second partial derivatives. Functions of this
kind occur in many areas of physics and it seems somewhat surprising that they
are constrained in this way.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure
Searching for the MSW Enhancement
We point out that the length scale associated with the MSW effect is the
radius of the Earth. Therefore to verify matter enhancement of neutrino
oscillations, it will be necessary to study neutrinos passing through the
Earth. For the parameters of MSW solutions to the solar neutrino problem, the
only detectable effects occur in a narrow band of energies from 5 to 10 MeV. We
propose that serious consideration be given to mounting an experiment at a
location within 9.5 degrees of the equator.Comment: 10 pages, RevTe
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