487 research outputs found

    El programa de Ciencias de la UNESCO para 1980 (y avance del programa para el trienio 1981-1983)

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    The pi-ogramme, main trends and budget of the actívities of the Natural Sciences sector of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for 1980, and the general Unes of the scientific programme for the triennium 1981-1983

    UNISIST. Un sistema mundial de información científica en marcha

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    The incepfion, development and present state of the World Science Information System (UNISIST), launched by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council of Scientif Unions (ICSU)

    Vector cross product differential and difference equations in R^3 and in R^7

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    Through a matrix approach of the 2-fold vector cross product in R^3 and in R^7, some vector cross product di erential and di erence equations are studied. Either the classical theory or convenient Drazin inverses, of elements belonging to the class of index 1 matrices, are applied.MTM2017-83506-C2-2-P (Spain)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Humoral immune response against allogeneic equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) mediated by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC): an issue to take into account for the safety and efficacy of treatment with MSCs

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    Allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) present several advantages, but recipient immune response needs to be further elucidated. Proinflammatory priming of MSCs activated their in vivo regulatory capacity, but repeated administrations led to slight inflammatory reaction in an osteoarthritis equine model. This may be associated with higher major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression, which would increase MSC immunogenicity potentially inducing humoral mediated immune memory. This study aimed at assessing allo-antibody production against donor’s equine MHC (equine leukocyte antigen, ELA) in animals that received intra-articular repeated administration of allogeneic MSC-primed. For this purpose, we used stored samples from a previous study. Donor and recipients ELA-haplotypes were stablished by microsatellite typing and complementmediated microcytoxicity assays were carried out by exposing target cells from the donor (unstimulated MSCs [MSC-nai¨ve], MSC-primed or lymphocytes [control]) to sera collected at different time-points from 10 recipients: ELA-mismatched MSCnai ¨ve recipients, ELA-mismatched MSC-primed recipients or ELA-partially matched MSC-primed recipients. All animals receiving allogeneic MSCs produced allo-antibodies after the first injection, regardless of the matching degree. However, antibody peak production after second administration was only observed in ELA-mismatched recipients, both of MSC-nai¨ve and MSCprimed. Horses injected with MSC-primed produced fewer antibodies but MSC-primed were more targeted in the microcytoxicity assay. Thus, activated immunomodulatory profile of MSC-primed could have led to slighter humoral response after ..

    Flat ring epimorphisms and universal localizations of commutative rings

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    We study different types of localizations of a commutative noetherian ring. More precisely, we provide criteria to decide: (a) if a given flat ring epimorphism is a universal localization in the sense of Cohn and Schofield; and (b) when such universal localizations are classical rings of fractions. In order to find such criteria, we use the theory of support and we analyse the specialization closed subset associated to a flat ring epimorphism. In case the underlying ring is locally factorial or of Krull dimension one, we show that all flat ring epimorphisms are universal localizations. Moreover, it turns out that an answer to the question of when universal localizations are classical depends on the structure of the Picard group. We furthermore discuss the case of normal rings, for which the divisor class group plays an essential role to decide if a given flat ring epimorphism is a universal localization. Finally, we explore several (counter)examples which highlight the necessity of our assumptions

    Assessment of the effect of a new technique for laparoscopic partial closure of the inguinal canal on sperm production and testicular perfusion in stallions

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    In order to simplify other laparoscopic techniques, a new standing laparoscopic technique for partial closure of inguinal canal (PCIC) has been developed. This technique uses a new anchoring device and can be performed without advanced laparoscopic skills. The aim of this study was to develop a prior evaluation of the effects of this new technique on the stallion reproductive capacity, assessing the sperm production and testicular perfusion. Standing laparoscopic PCIC was performed unilaterally in 8 experimental stallions without evidence of inguinal hernia, using the contralateral canal and testicle as control

    Caracterização morfológica e molecular de acessos de nim indiano.

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    Anais do 1º Simpósio da Rede de Recursos Genéticos Vegetais do Nordeste (I RGVNE), Cruz das Almas, nov. 2013

    Diversidade genética de indivíduos de mangabeira oriundos do povoado Abaís, em Sergipe.

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a diversidade genética de indivíduos de mangabeira, provenientes do povoado de Abaís, no Município de Estância, Estado de Sergipe, por meio da técnica de marcadores de Intersequências Simples Repetidas (ISSR). Foram utilizados 14 iniciadores, que geraram 51 fragmentos, dos quais 44 (86%) eram polimórficos. A partir da análise do dendrograma gerado pelo software NTSYS-PC, foi possível constatar que o par de indivíduos AB8/ AB9 são os mais similares (91%), e a amostra AB6 a mais divergente (46%). Com base nos resultados obtidos, depreende-se que a os indivíduos avaliados apresentam alto polimorfismo e divergência genética. Esses resultados reforçam a ideia que a caracterização de populações nativas de mangabeira é importante e necessária; pois, além de assegurar informações sobre fontes de genes para utilização futuras no melhoramento da mangabeira, são fundamentais para se estabelecer estratégias de conservação do germoplasma e de preservação da espécie